one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


雨の御茶ノ水 l'eau du thè

2011-05-29 05:33:25 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)
Escaping from the hard rain to under the roof of the old platform of the Ochanomizu (= tea water )Station, we watch up the people walking to the station in the silent rain.

(御茶ノ水駅、Ochonomizu station, Chiyoda ward)
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総武線丸の内線湯島聖堂 l'école ancienne

2011-05-29 05:32:39 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In the rain, I and coworkers are walking in the railroad with watching the fresh green trees of the Yushima holly school (which is the highest school of the Tokugawa government in the Edo era).

(御茶ノ水駅、Ochonomizu station, Chiyoda ward)
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仕事帰りの釣り pêcheurs

2011-05-29 05:31:54 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Young workers enjoy fishing after their work in the evening sun.
I watch them for a while with no fish being fished.

(京浜運河、港南五丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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鮭赤味噌焼き saumon grillé

2011-05-29 05:31:11 | Foods(食)
I find a rare menu. The grilled sermon with a red miso sauce.
A little sweetness rests after the biting. A good work.

(かあちゃん、港南五丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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片隅の記憶 au coin

2011-05-29 05:30:27 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Once upon a time, there lived somebody with the family. Now a hand pomp without its arm is blown with a breeze.

(西品川二丁目、 Nishishinagawa , Shinagawa ward)
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チョコドーナツ doughnut

2011-05-29 05:29:45 | cake(ケーキ)

Sometimes I can't stop eating the very sweet chocolate pastry in a holiday morning.

(@Saint-German, 阿佐谷南一丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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うま煮そば nouille chinois

2011-05-29 05:28:13 | Foods(食)

The boiled after grilling Chinese cabbage is very sweet and good. The very small portion of pork meat is very healthy. They name this bowl “Delicious boiled vegetables noodle.”

(東興飯店@芝、Shiba, Minato ward)
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赤い集団 vetements rouges

2011-05-29 05:27:21 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

What is the group of red wears on the plat form of the Tohoku Shinkansen Line.

They are cleaning stuff of the Shinkansen. As soon as the train stops at the platform, they dash into the cargo to clean in a few minutes. After finishing the cleaning, the passenger should get it on.

(東京駅、Tokyo central station)
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緊急支援東京仙台号 l'autobus pour Sendai

2011-05-29 05:26:14 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

After the Big Earthquake, buses for the rescue people run every day from the Tokyo station.
In Tokyo the transportation systems are all usual, but in March by only cars can the people get to the earthquake damaged areas.
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Port Redondo

2011-05-29 05:25:27 | LA

The water of California beaches is very clear.
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