

That would go over our budget. We can fix it up little by little.

2015-11-26 14:48:48 | 日記





(3)「彼と彼女」つまりカップル用のウオークイン・クローゼットです。お二人で場所の取り合いをしなくてすみますよ。→ そりゃ、助かるな!









(1)Don't worry. There are no other homes or roads within view of these windows.

(2)So it really is secluded here, isn't it?

(3)These are the "his and hers" walk-in cIosets, so you guys don't have to fight over space. → That will be a relief!

(4)Yes, my wife and I have a similar setup at our home.

(5)Okay, are you ready to see the rest of the house? Right this way.

(6)That first house we saw was great, wasn't it?

(7)But the asking price is too high.
※asking price…(売り手側の)言い値 提示価格

(8)AIso, we'd have to fix it up a little-- it looks kind of run-down. Some of the hardwood fIoors are scratched.

(9)And the kids' rooms should be painted brighter coIors. The kitchen counters should also be replaced.

(10)Yes, but that would go over our budget. We can fix it up little by little.
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