

They would accept our price, but they are selling it as is.

2015-11-30 15:50:28 | 日記



(1)わかりました。 じゃ、二時間以内にお参ります。

(2) トムソンさん曰く、彼等はうちの言い値を承諾するらしい。ただ修理はしない条件でね。


(4)すでにローンの事前承認はもらっ ているよ。だから、問題ないはずさ。 ローン会社に連絡していくらで利率を固められるか聞いておく必要があるね。。もし利子が高くても、あとでいつでもリファイナンスできるよ。



(7)クロージングって? → 双方の弁護士、不動産会社、貸し付けをする銀行、それに、買い手と売り手、皆が集まって契約にサインし、頭金を支払うときのことだよ。そこで晴れてオーナーとなるわけだ。


(9)いいわね。いくつかの引っ越し業者から見積もりを出してもらいましょう。 → そうだね。そのことは君に任せるよ。

(10) 小さな丘の上にあっていい立地ね、校庭も広いし。


(1)Sure. I'll see you in a couple of hours. → See you then.

(2)Mr. Thomson said that they would accept our price, but they are selling it as is.
※as Is…((米略式))((修飾する語のあとに置いて))(中古品などについて) (修理・改良などをせず/不良個所なども含む)そのままで, 現物のままで, 現状有姿で, 現況有姿で.

(3)Of course. How could we pass this up?
※pass A up…((略式))〈要求・招待などを〉拒む,辞退する; 〈機会・取引などを〉のがす; 〈食べ物を〉断る

(4)We are already pre-approved for a mortgage, so there shouldn't be any problem. We need to contact our mortgage broker and see what interest rate we can lock in. If we have to pay high interest, then we can always refinance it later.

(5)In Japan, the real estate agents would usually take care of all these formalities.

(6)Right, but there isn't the kind of flexibility that we have here. We also need to find a lawyer who specializes in real estate transactions. The lawyer makes sure that everything is in order, then we wait for the deal to cIose

(7)To cIose? → That's when the lawyers, realestate agents, lending banks, and buyer and seller get together to sign a contract and make the down payment. Then the house will be ours.

(8)I hope that we'll be moving in the summer. I'm so excited.

(9)Good. Let's get some estimates from some moving companies. → Okay, I'll leave that up to you.

(10)Isn't it a nice setting, up on a little hill, with a big play ground?
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