

I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

2015-12-16 07:40:52 | 日記



(1)ねぇ、何時かわかる? → 9時10分だよ。

(2)僕は君に夢中なんだ。→ まぁ私もよ。すごく愛しているわ。


(4)貴方何時だと思っているの? 鍵をなくすの初めてじゃないわよね。よそに行って。睡眠の邪魔をしないで。


(6)僕の指でブラッシングするのもカウントされる?→ ダメ。





(11)君のスピーチは素晴らしかったよ。君はすごくプレッシャーに強いね。→ どうもありがとう。それを聞けてすごく嬉しいよ。


(1)Hey, do you have the time? → It's ten after 9.

(2)I'm in love with you. → Aw, me too. I love you so much.

(3)It is three o'clock in the morning.
Your roommate has forgotten her house keys again.
When she rings the doorbell and bangs on the door, tell her to find somewhere else to sleep and to leave you alone.

(4)What time do you think it is?
This is not the first time you forgot your key.
Go somewhere else. Don't disturb my sleep!

(5)Can you please remember to brush the cat every once in a while?

(6)Does brushing with my fingers count? → Nope
※every once in a while … たまに、時々 Nope…Noのカジュアルな言い方

(7)Things are getting complicated. I might need a lawyer, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

(8)I hope things will work out well with you.

(9)Your friend, who is visiting you from another country, has bought you dinner and has left no tip for the waiter.
You don't know if your friend is unaware of this custom or intentionally wants to "stiff" the waiter for a reason.
Talk to your friend.
※unaware…気づかない intentionally…故意に stiff…チップの出し'l昔しみをする人, けちんぼう. for a reason…訳あって

(10)I am just wondering why you are not leaving a tip for him.
Is there a tipping custom in your country?
If not, I just want to let you know that it is normal to tip for servers.

(11)Your speech was great. You are so good under pressure.
→ Thank you so much. I am so glad to hear that.
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