

If he doesn't obey so well at first, then use a doggie snack as a reward when he does obey.

2015-12-26 21:05:29 | 日記




(2)マックスが誰かに飛びつくときは、親しみからですが、厳しく 「マックス、降りて!」 と言っていいんです。それから、侵しく押して四つん這いにさせてください、 こんなふうにね。







(9)犬のビスケットを彼の鼻の前に持っていきます。「止まれ」 と言うとき、侵しく綱を引きます。

(10)「止まれ」の命令と同じよう に、座った後すぐ「オーケー」と言ってください。


(1)He jumps and barks all the time, and makes a mess every where.

(2)When Max jumps on someone he's being friendly, but you can sternly say "down Max!" and gently push him back on all fours, like this.

(3)If he obeys, as he is now, then you can reward him with prais, "good boy, Max!'', and be affectionate with him.
※reward…褒美をやる praise…褒める

(4)Okay, what do I need to do?

(5)Crouch down and call Max over. He'll probably jump on you, then do what I did.

(6)If he doesn't obey so well at first, then use a doggie snack as a reward when he does obey.

(7)Once he stops jumping up on family members, then you'll need to train him to stop jumping on other people in your home and in public.

(8)That's probably going to take awhile.

(9)I hold a doggie biscuit just in front of his nose. When I say "stay", I pull up gently on his leash.

(10)Just like with the "stay" command, you need to say "okay" shortly after he sits.
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