

Oh, great! You sounded like you didn't want a dog, but you're kind of interested, aren't you?

2015-12-21 21:30:35 | 日記
oO☆゜.。+o●☆.。+oO☆.○。o∞○。○o' ●oO☆゜.。+o●☆.。+oO☆.○。o∞○。○o'●




(2)番犬になるよ。僕たちが飼うんだから、自分たちで世話するから、ねっ、いいでしょ、 お母さん?





(7)いいねぇ! 君は、犬が欲しくないんだと思ってたけど、関心あるんだね。





(1)But look at this one -- isn't he cute?They have a good, friendly temperament, you know? They just love kids.

(2)He could be our guard dog. It's gonna be ours, so we will take care of him, okay, Mom?

(3)Ju...just wait. Let me think about it for a while.

(4)Can you do a little errand for me?

(5)Welcome home, dear. Did you stop by a bookstore or something?

(6)No, a pet shop. They said that St.Bernards are a pretty rare breed.
※rare breed…変わった飼育

(7)Oh, great! You sounded like you didn't want a dog, but you're kind of interested, aren't you?

(8)Yes, I must admit, we'd never ba able to have a big dog like that in Tokyo. It'll be a challenge. But I think we will enjoy it.Take a look at this. There's a St.Bernard breeder in Danbury, Connecticut.

(9)It's only about a thirty-minute drive from here. I'll call them.

(10)He's going to call a breeder to find out about St. Bernard puppies.
※findは「ふと(偶然)見つける」場合に, find outは「答えのあるものに関してそれを見つけ出す」場合に用いる。
◇find out about…の存在[あること] に気づく
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