スズメ見なくね?31 we haven't seen many sparrows

2017年11月10日 | 日記

I went to the suburb
Like a day trip
I met a group of sparrow

よーく見ると、ガードレールに一列に並んでいます。一つのグループに十数羽いるようでした。昔はこういうグループを、ちょくちょく見てたよ〜な気がするんだけど…。と思いつつ、急いで撮影! 逃げないでイテくれました。

If you look at the photo carefully, you will find several sparrows that are in the line on the crash carrier horizontally. The group has over 10 sparrows. I remembered that I used to see like this groups more often. During thinking about that, I quickly photographed them! They didn't fly away.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 霜月、秋の蝙蝠 bats in November in autumn

2017年11月10日 | 日記

In the autumn evening
Some bats are flying
But cannot reach them


In a few years, I can see some bats during autumn at the evening. But I cannot photograph them. They might know I'm trying to do that, they often come close to me as they tease me? Let's have it a try! But... When I saw this photo, I noticed that they sky was clear and good to see. So, how did I find that? Because of bats? I follow their movements that make me to look up sky. Good? isn't it?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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