ミニ三昧 : イワコー消しゴム :並べてみる / love miniature - IWAKO erasers, set out

2017年09月28日 | 日記

IWAKO's erasers
I set up them
Off the top of my head


なんかこんな風にただ並べただけなのに、いつもと違って見えませんか〜? きちんとしてみる、ってやっぱ案外大事なのかも知れません。

このブログを始めるキッカケの一つが「断捨離」でした。(当時は"断捨離本"わんさかの「断捨離」ブームでした…) そんなブームにあらよっと乗って始めた「断捨離」も道半ば…。「断捨離」でスッキリして「きちんと」したい、と思いつつ道半ば。よし。ようやっと涼しくなって来たし、また「断捨離」始めて色々なことにスッキリ!しよう!(今度こそ…)

I think that they are just set up, but look better than usual. Don't you think so? "Tidy" would be quite important.

I've got a few of reasons to start this blog. One of them is "Danshari". (= Let's throw away things that you don't need anymore) At that time, "Danshari" was a movement. There were many books about it, they strongly recommended doing "Danshari". I got on with it, did a bit but not completed. Now I'm thinking I have to start doing it again! Yes, I will do!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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