オサンポ walk - 謎の小さい通行止め (?)2 the closure (small)

2017年09月24日 | 日記

The small wall has been changed
But it's already broken
Something(or someone??)passed through??

上の写真は今週始めに撮ったもので、石も相変わらず置いてありますがほとんど効果がないのか、向かって左側のフチの辺りに既にカベの長さの1/4程の破れが横に走っているのが見えますね? 場所は中途半端な下部分ですね? これは何を意味するのか…。


横一線だった破れがそこから方向を変えて、地面まで届いてしまっていますね? よって扉型の穴が開いてしまっている。うーむ…。ここを何が誰が通っているのか…? 一体何が? 誰が? 何をどうしているのか?!

Since I found this mysterious small wall, I never stop thinking about that, what's happening.
Whenever I see it, it changes little by little. I guess, it seems a battle of a human vs a small animal(?). I upped this on the 18th July 2017, it's the first time. Next photo is the first one at the top of the page. You can find the differences between today and the 18th July. The cardboard wall is bigger than the 18th, the packing tapes were changed from silver to green. There is still a small stone...is it useful?
In the first one, the wall has a tear on horizontal. (I photographed it at the beginning of last week)

The next one, I photographed it at the last weekend. It had nearly one week.
The tear is now going to the ground, vertically. The hole seems like a door. Who passes through this door? What's happening? I'd like to know that!!!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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