オサンポ walk - つばくらめ swallow 4 (pipe)

2018年06月15日 | 日記

Oh, I'm happy
To see you, a swallow nest
On the drain pipe

またまたすぅいーーっと、字の上手いヒトが引く線のように空間を横切るツバメを見つけて、その空跡(なんてコトバあります?)を目で追って行くと、とある建物の入り口に消えていくので、ん? っと思ってそこへ行き、どこだどこだとクビを振り回していると、あらまっとパイプの上に、ツバメの巣を発見しました。ここもいいね。このツバメの巣は昨日のブログのハナシとは別物です。まだ他に知らない巣があったりするのね、案外? と嬉しくなりました。ヒナたち無事に育てよ〜。

I found a swallow that was beautifully flying in the sky, it's like a good-writing drew the clear line. I followed her movement where she(he?) went to, she went into the small building. I also went there, looked for her nest, I got it on the pipe. I believe that it's one of good place to make a nest. It's the different story from yesterday. There would be nests more than I have found yet in the neighbourhood? I'm happy with that. I hope the baby birds will grow up safely.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct
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