日乗 diary : 紅いカーネーション rouge carnation

2018年04月29日 | 日記

Red and pink
There are many colours
Carnation, also thinking deeply

アメリカの風習が日本に…だったよな、 と思いウィキってみましたら、実は「母の日」なるものは世界中にあるとか。ふむふむ。ウチでは「花より団子が断然いい」になったのは、いつの頃からだったか…。なので「花」は買わずに街中で眺めるもの、になりました。

It's one of American customs? It is, then now it became one of Japanese customs, too. About Mother's Day, any countries in the world also have got it. I see. My mum definitely prefers sweets to flowers, so I haven't presented any carnation for her. Around the season, I can enjoy seeing many carnations anywhere at the shops and in the cities, but I never buy them.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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