オサンポ walk - 桜と宵と街灯と the Sakura flowers, the early evening and the street lamp

2018年04月05日 | 日記

Sakura flowers
And the street lamp
It's the time to get mixed

夕刻の桜と街灯は、相性が良い…という気がしています。なんででしょう〜? 何故か桜に感じる霊的なものと、たそがれ時の曖昧さと、点いたもののくっきりした明るさを持たない電燈、それらが一緒に醸し出す…間合いについて、なんとも言えずにいて、そういうはっきりしない微妙なものが好きなんでしょうか…ね。

I think that evening, Sakura flowers and a street lamp are good friends. Why...? I feel something spiritual from Sakura flowers, and the time of evening, it's between day and night, evening is not the same as day and night. A street lamp lights when it's evening but its light is not clear yet because there is not properly dark. I love to see the three things that exist in the same time. I might like "blur" ...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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