オサンポ walk - ヒーヨ鳥 Brown-eared Bulbul(?)

2018年03月11日 | 日記

A Brown-eared Bulbul
Is saying by singing
Morning has come

ヒヨドリだと思うのです。結構近い? っと、アイホンで慌てて撮っていたら当然のようにすぐに気付かれ、慌てた様子ですぐに飛んで行ってしまいました。その飛んでいるときに、ヒーヨヒーヨと鳴いていたので、ヒヨドリかと。

I think the bird would be Brown-eared Bulbul. Oh my, it seemed, we were close, tried to photograph him/her as quick as I could, but he took off over to another tree. During flying, he sang like Brown-eared Bulbul dose, I thought he is (kind of) Brown-eared Bulbul.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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