Here are also
Two types of Sukima-soh
Growing up together
種類の違う植物が仲良く(? 一見した限り)共生しています。妥協の末なのか、それとも相手より先にもっと成長して、この場所を独占しよう…としている、という風に見ることも出来るかもですね、この平和な感じの眺めから、事実はこうだという穿った見方をすれば…。
It seems that two different types of plant(I call it Sukima-soh that live in a narrow gap) live together, friendly. Or, they would have compromised? Or, they are competing which of them will be growing up faster? Then, one of them will try to be occupied in the area. If we think about the truth, it would be included that meanings, not only, it seems they are in peace...
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
Here are also
Two types of Sukima-soh
Growing up together
種類の違う植物が仲良く(? 一見した限り)共生しています。妥協の末なのか、それとも相手より先にもっと成長して、この場所を独占しよう…としている、という風に見ることも出来るかもですね、この平和な感じの眺めから、事実はこうだという穿った見方をすれば…。
It seems that two different types of plant(I call it Sukima-soh that live in a narrow gap) live together, friendly. Or, they would have compromised? Or, they are competing which of them will be growing up faster? Then, one of them will try to be occupied in the area. If we think about the truth, it would be included that meanings, not only, it seems they are in peace...
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.