オサンポ walk - 野鳥 wild bird: ツグミ Dusky thrush(?)

2018年02月25日 | 日記

One Dusky thrush
Has stayed here
During winter

なに鳥さん? 見つめ合うことしばし…で、ドキドキしました。その時はお名前が分からず、家に帰ってから検索して…恐らくツグミさん、かと。日本へは越冬にいらっしゃっているとか。冬の間だけ会えるトリのようです。

What bird is she(?) ? We saw each other for a little while. My hear beat faster. I was not sure about her name. Checking it out on the internet when I got home, I found it she might have been Dusky thrush. She visits in Japan only during winter, make it through the season. We see her just in winter.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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