オサンポ take a walk - なに虫 some insect

2015年04月21日 | 日記

What kind of insect is it?
Many children nowadays
They are afraid of insects

新聞か何かで読んだのですが、「ジャポニカ学習帳」あるじゃないですか。あのノートを特徴付けている表紙にでかく載る自然界の写真、あるじゃないですか。最近は虫の写真は子供が怖がるから載せないでくれー~という要望が届くとか、とか。なんですのん? そんなんでどーすんねん。とか言ってますけど、虫はなー怖いなー。この写真もギリギリ。常に何故か恐怖心より好奇心が勝つのでこないなことになってますけど。背中の下の方にある、羽を横にしたよーな模様が気になりましてな。なんでしょーね?
I wouldn't like insects, just a few kinds, I'm ok with them. This insect, anyway ok, so that I took the photos of it. I'm interested in the pattern of its back, around in the low position. There is something like a wing, looking it from the side. What is it? What purpose does it have? I read about a news, it told me children nowadays, they don't like insects. Oh my god. It's less opportunities to play outside for children than it used to be. Oh, not good. Children, play and don't afraid of insects!
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