Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

The ideal subject of Trumpism

2018年09月03日 22時13分30秒 | Weblog

Postmodernism didn’t cause Trump. It explains him.

By Aaron Hanlon
Aaron Hanlon is an assistant professor of English at Colby College.
August 31

Postmodern theory may be the most loathed concept ever to have emerged from academia. Developed within literature and philosophy departments in the 1970s, it supposedly told us that facts were debatable, that individual perspectives mattered most, that shared meaning was an illusion and that universal truth was a myth.

Michiko Kakutani, the cultural critic and author of “The Death of Truth,” blames the relativism that facilitated Trump’s rise on “academics promoting the gospel of postmodernism.” Lamenting the state of American politics under Trump, philosopher Daniel Dennett said in an interview last year, “I think what the postmodernists did was truly evil.” And when Rudy Giuliani recently told NBC’s Chuck Todd that “truth isn’t truth,” Vox claimed that it wasn’t “the first time Trump’s legal team has played postmodernist and hinted that it might be too hard to discern the truth because it’s all relative anyway.”

These challenges to postmodern theory did identify an important crisis: Losing a shared vocabulary for the world’s problems, for the way we relate to one another and for current events may be the greatest threat to American society. What did it mean that the pro-life movement could fashion itself as an avatar of women’s empowerment or that a white woman like Rachel Dolezal could simply declare that she is black?

Yet these problems were exactly what worried postmodern theorists. Their project was an attempt to understand why people had begun to interpret material facts so differently. And while their answers may not have been the final word, we might still learn from them , if we weren’t so attached to a misunderstanding of what they had to say.

Subsequently, “postmodernism” would come to describe a range of theories about the character of language and of knowledge in the world. Drawing on developments in fields from linguistics to cybernetics, Jacques Derrida’s concept of “deconstruction” sought to understand language as a system capable of constantly hiding and deferring meaning, rather than a simple conduit for conveying it. Another thinker, Jean Baudrillard, developed the concept of the “simulacrum,” a copy without an original, that leads to the “hyperreal,” a collection of signs or images purporting to represent something that actually exists (such as photos of wartime combat) but ultimately portraying a wild distortion not drawn from reality. Each of these concepts was an attempt to identify trends that, according to postmodern theorists, were changing our understanding of language, truth and knowledge.

Kakutani recently wrote in the Guardian: “Relativism has been ascendant since the culture wars began in the 1960s. Back then, it was embraced by the New Left, who were eager to expose the biases of western, bourgeois, male-dominated thinking; and by academics promoting the gospel of postmodernism, which argued that there are no universal truths, only smaller personal truths — perceptions shaped by the cultural and social forces of one’s day. Since then, relativistic arguments have been hijacked by the populist right.”

If you’re going to claim that Trumpism and alt-right relativism are consequences of the academic left’s supposition about what was happening, you must demonstrate a causal link. But commentators looking to trace these roots play so fast and loose with causality that they could easily be called postmodernist themselves.

It is certainly correct that today’s populist right employs relativistic arguments: For example, “identity politics” is bad when embraced by people of color, but “identitarianism” — white-nationalist identity politics — is good and necessary for white “survival.” But simply because this happens after postmodernism doesn’t mean it happens because of postmodernism, as Kakutani suggests.

It’s clear that current trends long predate our theories of postmodernism. Kakutani opens her Guardian essay with a quote from Hannah Arendt’s 1951 “The Origins of Totalitarianism”: “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction . . . and the distinction between true and false . . . no longer exist.” But Arendt herself thought political dissimulation was much older. “The deliberate falsehood and the outright lie used as legitimate means to achieve political ends,” writes Arendt in her 1971 essay “Lying in Politics ,” “have been with us since the beginning of recorded history.”

It’s one thing to help people understand that facts don’t emerge in a vacuum or that grand narratives aren’t always accurate explanations for the way things are. But it’s another thing to suggest that such ideas have encouraged society at large to reject scientific fact as “just another opinion.”

It’s easy to scoff at, for example, Baudrillard’s book “The Gulf War Did Not Take Place,” writing it off as just another instance of postmodernist claptrap, the denial of an objective truth so obvious as “the Gulf War happened.” But if we bother to understand Baudrillard’s thesis — that our impressions of the conflict have been warped by media framing and agitprop — it’s clear that the real enemy of truth is not postmodernism but propaganda, the active distortion of truth for political purposes. Trumpism practices this form of distortion on a daily basis. The postmodernist theorists we vilify did not cause this; they’ve actually given us a framework to understand precisely how falsehood can masquerade as truth



 ポストモダニズム ≒ 相対主義 →
トランプ主義 ≒ 真実は真実ではない、俺様のいうことが真実だ、主義









Was Julia Kristeva communist secret agent?

2018年04月01日 13時55分39秒 | Weblog

The renowned Bulgarian psychoanalyst and philosopher Julia Kristeva worked as an agent and collaborator with the Balkan country’s secret services during the communist era, a state commission has claimed.

In its heyday, Bulgaria’s state security, working closely with the Soviet KGB, operated a network of about 100,000 agents and informers. It was dissolved in 1989 following the collapse of the communist regime

クリステヴァが かつて共産圏の秘密情報機関に協力、スパイ活動をしていたと、ブルガリア政府委員

Kristeva, who is the author of more than 30 books and worked alongside other leading French intellectuals such as Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan and Roland Barthes, said the claim constituted “an attack on my honour and reputation”.

In separate comments to French online weekly L’Obs, Kristeva said: “Someone wants to harm me. We don’t know what is in our files.”



Is Reality negotiable?

2017年02月21日 19時39分55秒 | Weblog

トランプ誕生の原因についての議論は活発だけど、デリダの脱構築のせいにした議論は初めて読んだw https://www.wsj.com/articles/do-we-still-want-the-west-1487635725 …

The United States has elected as president a man who has repeatedly voiced his disdain for NATO, the World Trade Organization and other institutions of the Western-led world order. He publicly calls the press “an enemy of the American people” and conjures conspiracy theories about voter fraud whose only purpose is to lend credence to his claim that the system is rigged. He is our first post-rational president, whose approach to questions of fact recalls the deconstructionism of the late Jacques Derrida: There are no truths; reality is negotiable.


トランプの手法は、recalls the deconstructionism デリダの脱構築を彷彿とさせる、ということだろうーーそれはその通りだと思うし、以前、私も指摘したことがある。

デリダは真実はない、と言っているわけではないが、ポストモダンが、実用性や有意義な物語のほうを重視して、真実や実在の概念をどうでもいいか、少なくとも、乗り越えようとしていたのはたしかで、post modern, post-truth, reality well lostは一蓮托生のものだろう。


There was a time when the West knew what it was about. It did so because it thought about itself—often in freshman Western Civ classes. It understood that its moral foundations had been laid in Jerusalem; its philosophical ones in Athens; its legal ones in Rome. It treated with reverence concepts of reason and revelation, freedom and responsibility, whose contradictions it learned to harmonize and harness over time. It believed in the excellence of its music and literature, and in the superiority of its political ideals. It was not ashamed of its prosperity. If it was arrogant and sinful, as all civilizations are, it also had a tradition of remorse and doubt to temper its edges and broaden its horizons. It cultivated the virtue of skepticism while avoiding the temptation of cynicism.

And it believed all of this was worth defending—in classrooms and newspapers and statehouses and battlefields.

We’ve since raised generations to believe none of this, only to be shocked by the rise of anti-Western politics. If you want children to learn the values of a civilization that can immunize them from a Trump, a Le Pen or a Lavrov, you can start by teaching it.


”French Philosophy has a bad reputation among Anglophone ‘analytic’ philosophers”

2017年02月10日 03時02分38秒 | Weblog

via mozu

French Philosophy has a bad reputation among Anglophone ‘analytic’ philosophers. The mere mention of Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Louis Althusser or Alain Badiou is enough to elicit scorn and derision. They have become a by-word for imprecise, sloppy argument, combined with fanciful, showman-like rhetoric. The fairness of this judgement is uncertain, especially since it is made often on the basis of mere hearsay



Manent’s argument is relatively straightforward: the EU has become a mode of rule (kratos) that has become detached from, and increasingly disdainful of, its component peoples (demoi).

これは、イギリスの保守なんかが、言っていたのに近いのか? EUというの各国のエリートが集まって、ちょっこっと話し合って決めたことを、地元に押し付けられてもたまんないよなああ、それって、一種の民主主義かもしれんけど、俺達の意見はなんですくいとってくれないの? 俺達に関係ねえよ、曲がったバナナはだめ?ーーーざけんじゃなねえよ、みたいな。

More to the point, if social democrats do not rise to this challenge, they will be completely ousted by the likes of Wilders, Le Pen, Salvini and Åkesson. The latter’s conception of the nation as centred on ethnicity, and on traditions that are largely impenetrable to newcomers, already hold immediate appeal for those who feel disaffected and bewildered by the disembodied political and economic rationalism of the EU.






2013年12月08日 23時03分03秒 | Weblog
SATURDAY, DEC 7, 2013 09:30 PM +0900
What Hitchens got wrong: Abolishing religion won’t fix anything
Hitchens believed atheism would end world conflict. But the world's wars are about politics, not religion

The fundamental error in the “New Atheist” dogma is one of logic. The basic premise is something like this:

1. The cause of all human suffering is irrationality

2. Religion is irrational

3. Religion is the cause of all human suffering

But then Hitchens decided that, in fact, bombing children was no longer so abhorrent, because these wars were no longer neocolonial wars dictated by economics and geopolitics but rather a final Armageddon between the forces of rationality and the forces of religion.

Religion has a tendency to reflect political and economic realities.

Might it be better to see jihad as a response to Western colonialism and the upending of Islamic society, rather than the product of religious extremism?

If religion motivated 9/11, what motivated Bill Clinton to bomb the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory and leave millions of Sudanese people without access to medicine?

I’m entirely aware of the problems in modern American Christianity. I have written an essay excoriating what I see as the false Christianity. But any critique of religion that can be made from the outside (by atheists) can be made more persuasively from within religion. For instance, it would hardly be the theologian’s job to point out that, according to The Economist, “Too many of the findings that fill the academic ether are the result of shoddy experiments or poor analysis. A rule of thumb among biotechnology venture-capitalists is that half of published research cannot be replicated.” I’m sure scientists are well aware of the problem and working to rectify it. Similarly, within the church there are modernizers and reformers working to quash the Church’s excesses, no Hitchens, Dawkins or Harris needed.

The impulse to destroy religion will ultimately fail. Religion is little different from Continental philosophy or literature (which may explain the hatred of Lacan and Derrida among Analytic philosophers). It is an attempt to explain the deprivations of being human and what it means to live a good life. Banish Christ and Muhammad and you may end up with religions surrounding the works of Zizek and Sloterdijk (there is already a Journal of Zizek Studies, maybe soon a seminary?). Humans will always try to find meaning and purpose in their lives, and science will never be able to tell them what it is. This, ultimately is the meaning of religion, and “secular religions” like philosophy and literature are little different in this sense than theology. Certainly German philosophy was distorted by madmen just as Christianity has been in the past, but atheists fool themselves if they try to differentiate the two.

To quote the greatest American reformer, “Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals.”

“New Atheists” believe that religion threatens progress and breeds conflict and that were religion eliminated, we would begin to solve the world’s problems. But abolishing religion is not only unfeasible, it would ultimately leave us no closer to truth, love or peace. Rather, we need to embrace the deep philosophical and spiritual questions that arise from our shared existence and work toward a world without deprivation. That will require empathy and multiculturalism, not demagoguery. 


 ヒッチンにとって、9.11以降のイラク侵攻は、経済や地政学的な理由によるネオ植民地主義な構図で捉えるべきではなく、理性 対 宗教 の対立であり、子供たちを爆撃することさえも忌まわしいことではなくなってしまったようだ、が、しかし、むしろ、宗教というものは、そのとき、その土地の、政治、経済を反映しており、ジハード・聖戦などというものも、宗教の過激派同士の紛争とみるよりも、西洋の植民地主義とイスラム社会の混乱から生じた反応とみたほうがいいのではないか、と。







 逢佛殺佛。逢祖殺祖(臨済録)ーーー 仏に逢うては仏を殺し、祖に逢うては祖を殺して、なおもまた、仏教徒でいられるわけですから、無神論的キリスト教徒や無神論的イスラム教徒がいてもいいわけでしょうけど、既存の宗教家からは、ちゃう だろう、と言われるのではないかな。




2009年11月14日 11時48分42秒 | Weblog

Japanese men are no 'peril'
Western coverage of the murder of Lindsay Hawker has peddled an ugly strand of uninformed stereotyping

Jenny Holt
guardian.co.uk, Friday 13 November 2009


 つ、ついに、日本人男性は 普通の人達だ、と欧米出身の女性が寄稿してくれている。



Japan in the U.S. Press: Bias and Stereotypes(←外国人の方にお勧め)
Understanding Postcolonialism
How to read Derrida
Yellow cab (イエローキャブ Ierō Kyabu)

偏見→妄想→日本人女性 強姦 など


Tokyo Hostess


Has international media coverage of Hawker murder peddled an ugly strand of uninformed stereotyping?

November 14th, 2009 by Jame


2009年11月10日 04時29分14秒 | Weblog
Predators in Tokyo
Watch Predators in Tokyo [PG, 6:37min.] (Help):
RealPlayer hifi video RealPlayer lofi video
First screened 21 March 2005 Presented by Liz Jackson

According to 60 Minutes the risks of Northern Iraq are nothing compared to the streets of Tokyo.

マックニール氏やshir さんが紹介しているCBS60 Miutes
 この番組 CBSドキュメント として、日本でも放映され、ピーター・バラカンさんが解説などしたりして、好きだったんだけど。





 性的強欲・逸脱 攻撃的、暴力的、幼稚、未成熟、遅れた



 性的強欲・逸脱 従順、幼稚







Yellow cab (イエローキャブ Ierō Kyabu)
Japan in the U.S. Press: Bias and Stereotypes

Understanding Postcolonialism
How to read Derrida

偏見→妄想→日本人女性 強姦 など


Tokyo Hostess

Understanding Postcolonialism

2009年07月28日 14時54分00秒 | Weblog
Understanding Post colonialism



ポストコロニアリズム とは



講演会企画プレゼン 991029 犬飼太介






Marx was ambivalent about the colonial project. He criticized economic exploitation in brought with it but also saw the benefits of wiping out the hierarchies of caste system in India


 で、そこで強調されるのが、自分に絶対に同化されない他者の存在と、それに対する尊敬、また、自己を全体性、同一性として、あるいは、普遍としてとらえがちな西洋哲学の陥穽。要するに、自己を全体性にあるいは、普遍に埋没させてしまえば、「全体性」とやら、あるいは普遍からはみ出し、すり抜ける他者が抹殺されることになり、そのような試みからは戦争は必然である、と。で、自分に同化されない他者を歓迎する出会いの場所として面ー接(face to face)があり、言語はそうした不可知で無限な他者を、他者との共通性・同一性の前提なしに自己に開示する、という。で、対話(discourse)においては、語られたことを単一で限定されたものを把握する側面(The said)と、それにおさまらない側面(The saying)があり、哲学は前者ばかりに注目してきたが、むしろ後者に注目すべきである、と。で、倫理的には、こうして他者に直接的に開かれた他者との出会いがあり、そこにおける、倫理的な責任とは他者の差異に耳を傾け、その要求に応答することであるが、政治的には、第三者が、共同体、社会という形で、その関係を規制・介入してしまい、自分と他者との直接性・非媒介性が汚されるが、倫理性を優先すべきである、という。

「黒い皮膚・白い仮面」 フランツ・ファノン
「地に呪われたる者」 フランツ・ファノン


 もっとも、そうした解放の過程で、現地のエリートと大衆、都市と地方での分裂がある。例えば、 植民地にいる現地エリートは、植民地主義的制度を自国の内部に踏襲しながら、自国を整序していこうとする傾向がが、大衆はそんなものを欲していない。そこで、そうした分裂を回避し人々をまとめるのがナショナリズムであり、国の文化である。ここでも。ある伝統に回帰しようとするものもあるが、そうした儀式や習慣などもすでに激変してしまっているのである、むしろ、植民地から自由になる将来を見据えて、その抵抗の進展の中で醸成されていくものである。

、対自的存在者である我々はつねに自己創造していくのであるから、人種にこだわらない理想社会、あるいは、人種という概念が眠りこけたような弁証法の最終段階のような社会(society without race)をサルトルは設定するのもの、それは固定した到達点ではなく、つねにより高い目標を目指す到達されることがない(deffered)到達点である、と言える。

ガンディー ナンディAshis NandySubaltern Studies 省略









post colonalism 2
Edward Said: A Critical Introduction1

Barthes and the Empire of Signs

Identity as Diversity

 キムチの誇りと本質主義 オリエンタル、日本人に対する固定観念(オリエンタリズム定義など)



2009年07月18日 00時42分29秒 | Weblog
neojapanismeで、東 浩紀氏の「動物化するポストモダン―オタクから見た日本社会 (講談社現代新書) (新書)」を紹介している。




―― 東浩紀氏の「動物化」論を読む――



M-Bone Says:
July 14, 2009 at 10:00 pm
Ah, postmodernism. It is what you want it to be. I like “incredulity toward metanarratives”.

I don’t think that this book is going to go over big outside of a select crew of Japanese culture watches, I read it in Japanese and thought that it has more to do with Azuma’s 2000s’ narcissism than proper theoretical conclusions.


M-Bone Says:
July 14, 2009 at 10:38 pm
“they seem to basically believe that coming up with incredibly simple and binary theories is somehow is the highest level of social theory”

Yeah, the same thing happened in the States with the generation of “Derrida’s Children”. People on the outside have a hard time telling when the French are joking.

I actually like the Database thing, but the 動物化 idea as a whole is more of an “otaku studies” innovation than the way that the book has been pitched - a radical rethinking of pomo. On the whole, I think that Otsuka Eiji has been consistently more insightful on otaku.

Another problem that I have with Azuma is that he is trying to solve the “riddle” of otaku, which means forming a metanarrative, which means that he’s falling into the same thing that, say, Said got bashed for (trying to break down a homogenizing view by creating one of the “offending” group) trying to get all pomo from a pretty much modernist telology (Japanese popular culture tripping on its roots - his use of Edo was pretty off putting - and people returning to instinct).

He’s also telling us all about otaku without actually asking any of them what they think (Azuma likes box cramming too). We know Azuma watches anime, but did he 動物化? Like most of these meta-theories 動物化 is what happened to those other people.





2009年02月03日 00時53分43秒 | Weblog


Orentalism refers to a specific gaze which views the East as exotic, mysterious, unintelligent, underdevelped other.

In the nineteenth century, white Eruropeas nourished their self image through justaposition with the uncivilized, native, other, for example, as in depictions of Africa and India during the era of European colonalism
how to read Derrida

But they were widely believed to possess profound flaws in their collective character, being congenitally dissolute,idle , dishonest, cruel and so on.

The late-Victorian propaganda of empire did not only stress modernization but standardly depicted its pioneers ---explorers, soldiers , missionaries , frontiersmen---as paragons of rationality maturity, and self-control, in stark contrast to the wild ,unruly, often childlike people they met and dominated.Empire

Stereotypes of East and Southeast Asians in the United States(wiki)




Yellow cab (イエローキャブ Ierō Kyabu?) is a term referring to an ethnic stereotype of Japanese women, and by extension other Asians, suggesting that they are sexually available to foreign men.Yellow Cab/blockquote>


Another stereotype of Asian men is that they are misogynistic, insensitive and disrespectful towards women. They are commonly referred as male chauvinists. [41] [42] [43] This stereotype originated from Asian media that portray Asian men as sexist. [43]







Barthes and the Empire of Signs

2009年01月31日 03時49分25秒 | Weblog
Barthes and the Empire of Signs


記号の帝国に関するレビューはトム・ギル、「ジャパノロジー入門」資料 第16回:「ロラン・バルト、『表徴の帝国』」


What does a "space" or "clearing" mean in this regard? Originating with Heidegger but taking on numerous other(yet related meanings, the idea is essentially this;reality is not a pregiven monological entity lying around for all to see; rather, various social practices and cultural contexts create an opening or clearing in which various types of subjects and objects can appear. For example, as I would put it, the magic wonder space creates a clearing in which animistic objects can appear;the mythic world space creates a space in with a caring God can appear; ・・・・None of those are simply lying around out there and hitting eyeballs of everybody. There is no single "pregiven world"(the essential insight of postmodernism)
cw 6:Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, 775 in the simple feeling of being 199)




page 39
What does 'reality' look like outside of discourse? How would we access it independently of language?

page 41
Because ideology influences perception and therefore the reading and writing of history, instability characterizes the signified-signifier relations posed within its textural representation of culture. Access to the real is deferred

page 19
What Barthes knows about Japan is always already filtered through an 'emptiness of language which constitutes writing.' Meaning is delayed, access to truth prevented .


As an outsider to Japanese cultures, Barthes must locate himself within the ethnocentrism and cultural blindness of a narrow range of meanings that the image of Japan stimulates in the Western reader.

page 20
Barthes' knowledge of Japan is limited to what has read of its history and seen of its images,either through experience or in the media. The exposure to a Western Archive of texts and images that are call ed 'Japan' establishes myth of Japan as part of Oriental culture as opposed to an Occidental culture. ・・・

page 21
This image of of 'Japan'---its myth is consequently an invention of the West. It bears no resemblance to the real Japan. ・・・・・So in one respect, nothing stands behind the empire of signs that Barthes call Japan.
・・・・He therefore chooses to invent Japan、to write a fictional representation which does not have the pretensions of Truth and History as its grounding .


page 50
This conceptual opposition repeats what Derrida has called the binary logic of Western metaphysics, in which two items are set in opposition so as to enable their conceptualization ,and thus a gauge their values, though the identification of differences between them.

Barthes acknowledges the limitations of his own perspective. Empire of Sings thereby leaves open the possibility for reassessment.

page 52
Empires of Signs is record of personal experience, a journal of the short trip that Barthes took to a country called Japan. Its significance is in the process of writing as a moment of reflection on the substance of experience, rather than in the truth of the message.




How to read Derrida

2009年01月17日 02時56分19秒 | Weblog
How to Read Derrida
how to read Heideggerもよかったが、これもわりにいい。
 おいらは、サールのスタイルが一番好きだが、ローティなどの反形而上学の流れに同調するところも大、といったところか? しかし、いずれによ、おれの身体というか、感覚のなかの日本が、そのどちらでもない、と言っている。


the people who fight for their identity must pay attention to the fact that identity....implies a difference within identity.・・・・・the 'I" in question is my differentiation from (and relation to) my sister. That difference and rationality constitutes identity. page 22
・・・・A culture gains its self-definition through its differentiation from and relation to other people.

It is a kind of differenciation that produces the effect of identity and of difference between those identitities.



Derrida defines deconstruction as a way of dislodging hierarchical opposition by idealization and debasement


In the nineteenth century, white Eruropeas nourished their self image through justaposition with the uncivilized, native, other, for example, as in depictions of Africa and India during the era of European colonalism. page 25






2007年11月04日 17時34分42秒 | Weblog
the work I had been doing in philosophy was the critique of the "metaphysics of identity."By dismantling the logic of identity that had been foundational in the history of metaphysics―including contemporary phenomenology as well as analytic philosophy―I had thought that a path could be opened up to reveal the key to new forms of cognition and ethics, including diversity, difference, otherness, and relationality. For me, the greatest hint as to how to proceed in this endeavor came from Jacques Derrida's deconstruction.

When I started thinking about the reality of Japan, about postwar society, from this point of view, the first problem that became evident was that as a result of the failure to rupture the continuity between the pre- and post-war periods, there was a totalitarian tendency in this country and in this society

Concretely, the target of opposition was statism or nationalism, and we were always focused on trying to dismantle the forces that were trying to unify and integrate and totalize the state and the nation.

The westernization of the world encountered opposing forces at several stages and was momentarily arrested, but in the end, it has overcome those forces and is now on the verge of swallowing up the world.

each person comes to the start with uneven access to "capital." An unequal race is launched in order to produce "winners" and "losers," and the results are justified by the assertion that "they entered the race on their personal responsibility [4], and the losers lost

When this situation gets a little more twisted, the people who have been made "losers" turn their frustration against those who are in an even weaker position than they.


And it's these people who turn to "strong"-seeming politicians like Ishihara Shintaro and Koizumi Jun'ichiro in order to have their frustrations articulated by them.

For Japanese conservatives, the only national symbols available for unifying the nation are the Rising Sun flag and the anthem that carry with them memories of the old empire along with the emperor system, so these are being newly recycled and have begun to function to conceal the splits and contradictions entailed by the division of society into winners and losers.

it was dramatically foregrounded from September 17, 2002 (the Japan-Democratic Republic of Korea summit and the emergence of the "abduction" issue) on. Those who are not nationals have been distinguished from those who are, and the former have been excluded and externalized. Those who are not nationals by law have been marked as such and are subconsciously seen as the enemy, the other. That's one thing.

. As soon as the people who were held hostage in Iraq sought the withdrawal of the Self-Defense Force troops, they were subjected to concerted attack, and even referred to as "anti-Japanese elements" in the Diet. I thought that was a decisive moment.

precisely because of this, there's a desperate desire to recycle and revive the notion of the nation and to cover over the real situation. There's a national campaign on to get those who are exploited to cheer themselves up by thinking, "At least I'm a citizen, part of the group that's supposed to be protected." They identify with the politicians who speak the language of the powerful, and direct their hatred and frustrations at those who are non-nationals or deemed to be traitors.

Lee In such periods, it matters whether a point of reference is available or not. By point of reference I mean historical experience or memory. If there exists a collective memory of resistance or a government-in-exile, then I think that makes a decisive difference for subsequent subject formation. The history of anti-Japanese struggle holds a considerable meaning within the history of Korea, Taiwan and China. Is there no comparable point of reference in Japan?

Takahashi Unfortunately, there isn't anything that looks like a large-scale popular movement.

Takahashi Philosophically speaking, I think all responsibility is "responsibility toward the other."

In the present case, those who insist that [the Iraq hostages] exercise "personal responsibility" are only saying, "You brought your troubles on your own head, what happens to you is of no concern to us." It's the same as when people say "you lost out in an open competition so it's your personal responsibility that you ended up with the losers and you just have to take it." It's only a rhetorical device to discard whoever's in the weaker position at any given moment.

Lee And I suppose that those individuals who are able to resist hold certain principles regarding humanity or justice.

Takahashi It's the sort of principle that is confirmed through experience, isn't it.

This is a very large historical problem. We can see that the modern nation-state created huge national communities, and it demanded general recognition of the principle that dying for the nation was one of the single most important conditions of being a citizen

With these cases, what's important is to figure out how we can redeem their possibilities for popular resistance and liberation without having them usurped by state power. We can see this in Korea and China. Confined though they are by President Park Chunghee's ideology of commemorating the fallen spirits in a cemetery inspired by anticommunist ideology, there are still the graves of volunteer fighters for liberation from Japan. In China, in the Patriotic Education Cemetery, we can also find such graves. Can we find anything like that in Yasukuni in Japan? No. If we cast our minds on the two million five hundred thousand "heroic spirits" enshrined in Yasukuni, not a single one invoking the memory of resistance or liberation comes to mind.

The Japanese judiciary is really terrible and seems to be incapable of producing reasonable decisions.
