Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Sex slaves in Germany

2021年03月27日 10時42分42秒 | Weblog







■ドイツでもタブー…強制性労働「沈黙の歴史」ザクセンハウゼン強制収容所で日本人ガイドに聞く《歴史に向き合う独の「タブー》  ドイツの首都ベルリン近郊にあるザクセンハウゼン強制収容所記念館でガイドを務める日本人がいる。ベルリンのフンボルト大学...

やまなか けんじさんの投稿 2021年3月26日金曜日

Prostitution exists before, during, and after Japanese administration of Korea

2021年03月05日 00時50分14秒 | Weblog








If you can read Japanese, please read HATA Ikuhiko's "Ianfu to Senjo no Sei". This book is written two decades ago, but still is the most comprehensive explanation of Comfort woman system. You will find most of English narratives of Comfort woman are false.



さんThere is no way to estimate how many prostitutes worked in the sex industry. Everyone used stage names, and there is no list of any kind. Virtually there is no corroborating contemporary written evidence of testimonies of comfort women. Their testimonies change frequently.



Prostitution exists before, during, and after Japanese administration of Korea. There were literal sex slaves in feudal Korea. The half of Koreans were slaves any way before Japan came.  The sex industry was and is a major industry in South Korea, having 300k workers.


There was no need for forceful recruitment of prostitutes. Some comfort women were recruited by advertisements in newspapers. Korean agency advertised in Korean, Japanese in Japanese. Korean brothels were run by Koreans, Japanese by Japanese, because of the language barrier.


The military provided logistics, security, health service, regulations on the battlefields. Prostitutes were highly paid. We know this because Moon Oku Ju sued to recover 20k yen in her postal savings, which was equivalent to 20 houses in Korea at the time.


I also know there are individual war crimes as in the case of O'Herne. War crimes should be punished according to evidence and law. In O'Herne's case, one officer was executed. Those individual crimes are different from the Comfort woman system.


The military provided logistics and security for brothels is exactly as the US did in Viet Nam. Before US, the French brought African prostitutes to Viet Nam. The point is controlling the information leak and spread of venereal disease. Not so great minds think alike.


The forced recruitment of comfort woman cited by the Coomaraswamy report is a lie created by YOSHIDA Seiji. This was settled more than two decades ago, and the left wing newspaper apologized for the fabricated story years ago.

Today, South Korea has 300k sex workers. Prostitution was legal in SK until 2004. After that, they work in SK illegally or come to the US or Japan to work. Japan has been having a very hard time kicking out those Korean prostitutes. This is the opposite of forced recruitment.


Knowing all these, do you honestly think that the Japanese military abducted Korean girls for sex, paid nothing, and killed 75% of them? When there is no way of knowing even exactly how many prostitutes worked?


As far as I know, there is only one comfort woman who has something like a written record. That is recently deceased Kim Bok Dong. We know her name was on the list of a military hospital in Indonesia in August 1945 as "hired". At least she was in Indonesia when the war ended.


I checked the military movement she told in her testimony, which does not match any movement of military divisions. Besides she says she ended up in Singapore when the war ended, which is obviously false.


If the movement does not coincide with military divisions, then most likely she moved independently of the military with the manager of brothels. She returned to SK in 1948, three years later. Nobody asks what she was doing after the war for three years.


She was supposed to be " a slave" of the military, correct? After the military lost the war, what was she doing in Indonesia? There is no explanation whatsoever. There is no explanation of what she ate, who provided food, clothing, and necessities.


Who did she talk with and in what language? This is no trivial matter because she does not seem to speak Japanese. The most reasonable assumption is she does not want to talk about Korean brothel managers because that undermines her narrative.


Was her story verified by her family members? No. You are supposed to be a historian. Why can you say what Kim Bok Dong told is correct when there is hardly any corroborating evidence, let alone generalize the story to "200k estimated comfort women"?


I don't think Kim Bok Dong was lying. This is exactly what "repressed memory therapy" did. Those who "remembered" childhood abuse in America believed what did not happen happened. It was true to them but factually false. Human memory is that fragile.


So tell me why you can believe the gigantic abuse narrative when there is little actual evidence. I sincerely recommend reading the book by HATA Ikuhiko. If you cannot read it, perhaps you don't have enough means to collect and evaluate evidence of this issue at all.





What Justin Muccury's report lacks

2020年10月17日 10時54分21秒 | Weblog


What this report lacks is any mention of comparisons with contaminated water released on a regular basis from nuclear power plants elsewhere in Japan... and the rest of the world, including South Korea.

justin mccurry
Japan to release 1m tonnes of contaminated Fukushima water into the sea – reports https://theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/16/japan-to-release-1m-tonnes-of-contaminated-fukushima-water-into-the-sea


2019年09月30日 02時29分29秒 | Weblog










2019年09月30日 02時10分40秒 | Weblog









2019年09月29日 14時00分25秒 | Weblog

Journalism 101 tells us that if someone says it’s drizzling outside, and another that it’s dry, the job of the journalist is not to quote both but to find out which is true.








2019年09月29日 06時46分26秒 | Weblog

2019年09月27日 11時33分 JST
谷中銀座、高円寺… 中国から「聖地巡礼」のツアーが組まれる理由とは?
高橋史弥(Fumiya Takahashi)






2019年09月29日 06時33分59秒 | Weblog
福島 みずほ

「健康被害が無いなんて、大ウソですよ !! 」「風評被害じゃない!実害が出る !! 」反対論が圧倒~トリチウムを含む処理水の取扱いに関する説明、公聴会(東京会場) 2018.8.31
IWJ Webサイトでの全編動画ご視聴はこちら→ https://iwj.co.jp/wj/open/archives/430531 ※IWJのこうした取材活動は、みなさまのご支援により直接支えられています。ぜひIWJ会員にご登録いただき、今後の安定的な取材をお支えください....


Whitewashing & Double-Tongued- Very British ?

2019年09月29日 03時32分39秒 | Weblog

Racist ‘The Times of London’ Article Hits UK Military Rugby Team and RWC2019 Host Country Japan
Earl Kinmonth September 22, 2019

Whitewashing is Very British

Just as the Yushukan skates around or ignores issues such as the “comfort women” and Unit 731, the British Imperial War Museums are not the place to go for the nasty bits in British history.

Unless you are explicitly interested in it, you are unlikely to note the tiny presentation on the extremely nasty war that Britain waged against indigenous people in colonial Kenya between 1945 and 1989. It was a war that was essentially whitewashed out of British history until 2016.

Similarly, in Ireland, there are numerous memorials to those who died fighting against brutal British colonial rule. One of the better known is the Cork County Gaol in County Cork, the departure point for my paternal ancestor who took the Kinmonth name to North America.

Despite the Irish War of Independence (1919-1922) involving British actions that would now be considered atrocities, the Imperial War Museum treatment is minimal at best.

(靖国 イギリス、二枚舌)


2019年09月29日 02時55分35秒 | Weblog
櫻田 淳
7時間前 ·
‥ 日本人とラグビーの関りでいえば、このドラマを忘れる

