Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Socialistic Ideas may be making their ways to the mainstream

2018年07月31日 14時14分44秒 | Weblog






"I'm lighting out for the territories" で、
「(だから) 私は未開の地 (アラスカ) へ逃げ出すところだ」 となるはずです。

「light out for~(場所)」 は、「~へ急いで去る/さっさと逃げ出す」 という意味です。

この言い回しは、じつは 「ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険」 の一番最後に出てきます。コラムの筆者ガリソン・ケイラー氏は、明らかにそれを踏まえています。


2018年07月31日 12時27分09秒 | Weblog
(社説)猛暑再び 「災害級」に備えるため



2018年07月31日 09時55分27秒 | Weblog




2018年07月31日 09時48分30秒 | Weblog
「日大が総力を挙げて潰す」職員が口封じ 悪質タックル







North Korea is working on new missiles

2018年07月31日 08時57分31秒 | Weblog

U.S. spy agencies: North Korea is working on new missiles

U.S. spy agencies are seeing signs that North Korea is constructing new missiles at a factory that produced the country’s first intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States, according to officials familiar with the intelligence.

Newly obtained evidence, including satellite photos taken in recent weeks, indicates that work is underway on at least one and possibly two liquid-fueled ICBMs at a large research facility in Sanumdong, on the outskirts of Pyongyang, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe classified intelligence.

The reports about new missile construction come after recent revelations about a suspected uranium enrichment facility, called Kangson, that North Korea is operating in secret. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo acknowledged during Senate testimony last week that North Korean factories “continue to produce fissile material” used in making nuclear weapons. He declined to say whether Pyongyang is building new missiles.


2018年07月31日 04時14分37秒 | Weblog


2018年07月31日 04時12分42秒 | Weblog




2018年07月31日 03時16分03秒 | Weblog

歓迎 同性婚 別姓婚

2018年07月31日 02時42分56秒 | Weblog




2018年07月31日 02時34分18秒 | Weblog




The ancient Roman Republic’s embrace of diversity, inclusion, and immigrants was the essential x-factor in its incredible rise to world superpower.


there is little indication in the literature of anything resembling the contemporary view in some circles that bringing in new people represents a threat to national culture or a drain on resources *1


Roman citizens are by definition equal regardless of ethnic origin *2


1,700 years ago, the mismanagement of a migrant crisis cost Rome its empire

Annalisa Merelli


On Aug. 3, 378, a battle was fought in Adrianople, in what was then Thrace and is now the province of Edirne, in Turkey. It was a battle that Saint Ambrose referred to as “the end of all humanity, the end of the world.”

What was arguably the most important defeat in the history of the Roman empire had roots in something else: a refugee crisis.

Two years earlier the Goths had descended toward Roman territory looking for shelter. The mismanagement of Goth refugees started a chain of events that led to the collapse of one of the biggest political and military powers humankind has ever known.

It’s a story shockingly similar to what’s happening in Europe right now—and it should serve as a cautionary tale.

Traditionally, the Roman attitude toward “barbarians,” though autocratic, had been pretty longsighted. Populations were often sent where the empire needed them the most, with little regard to where they wished to stay; however,  there was a strong push toward assimilation that eventually turned foreigners into citizens. Descendants of immigrants would routinely be seen in the high ranks of the military or the administration. The recipe that kept the empire safe from attack from other populations was simple: allow them into the empire and make them Roman.

But things eventually changed. The military officials who were in charge of provisions for the Goths—an ancient version of the support offered to migrants arriving in Greece or Italy—were corrupt and profited off of what was meant for the refugees. The starving Goths were forced to buy dog meat from the Romans.

But why should they have fought for the Romans against her enemies if Rome was prepared to offer so little in return? Rome was the most powerful state in Italy, but Roman allies could not adequately participate in the political processes which increasingly dominated their peninsula. Moreover, the Romans were not confined to Rome: colonies of Roman citizens had begun to sprout up throughout Italy, and these possessed rights which were unavailable to the non-citizens of the socii. In a world progressively dominated by the Roman state, this was unconscionable for the allies. And so they fought.

They did so not out of a desire for freedom so much as for inclusion: the right to participate in the Roman state, with all the freedoms and obligations that this entailed.
Marcellinus has no doubt: “their treacherous covetousness was the cause of all our [the Romans’] disasters.”

The trust between the abused Goths and the Romans was broken several times before Adrianople, and the Goths went from wanting to become Roman to wanting to destroy Rome.

There are two ways to deal with refugees: one is to promote dialogue, and inclusion; the other is to be unwelcoming and uncaring. The second has led to disaster before—and in one way or another, is sure to do so again.



















What the Romans can teach us on immigration and integration

All for one
By the time of the events described above, for example, Roman citizenship had been extended to large parts of the Mediterranean population and could be acquired by people anywhere in the Roman empire, usually by serving in the army or in regional government. This bestowed the same nominal legal rights on the inhabitants of Egypt and Britain as were enjoyed by the citizens of the city of Rome.

Under the spirit and letter of Roman law, citizenship was generally less a matter of ethnicity and more one of political unity.

Of course, Roman literary sources are hardly devoid of bigotry and cultural chauvinism. But there is little indication in the literature of anything resembling the contemporary view in some circles that bringing in new people represents a threat to national culture or a drain on resources 


Published on August 22, 2017
Yes, the Romans Were Diverse—but Not in the Way We Understand It
written by Ben Bassett

“Neither sea nor intervening continent are bars to citizenship, nor are Asia and Europe divided in their treatment here. In your empire all paths are open to all.” – Aelius Aristides, ‘Roman Oration’. trans. Oliver.

Clearly, the word ‘diversity’ needs to be deployed in a cautionary manner when discussing ancient societies, and Rome should not be confused for a modern post-Enlightenment state.

The Romans, as we will see, were aware of something approximating the modern notion of ‘ethnicity’ but by Aristides’ time such divisions had been largely subsumed by an embracing concept of Roman citizenship. It is this that Aristides is most acutely intent on celebrating in his speech

The emperor who followed after Trajan’s death in AD 117, Hadrian, would go on to consolidate the empire’s borders, establishing clear boundaries between the Roman world and the world of the non-civilized ‘barbarians’. This policy also had the effect of consolidating Roman identity as a form of political allegiance to the Roman state. Within the Roman Empire, the Roman citizen had access to the legal dispensations of the Roman state, guaranteed and ultimately personified by the emperor himself. It is this quality which Aristides lauds. Roman citizens are by definition equal regardless of ethnic origin.

Of course, the Roman Empire was a pre-modern world as I have mentioned, and disease, slavery, banditry and other afflictions were common. Likewise, Aristides is speaking from a position of privilege: the vast bulk of the peasant population would never have moved outside of their home village or town. Nonetheless, Aristides’ vision is of a world of disparate ethnicities united under the banner of just government.

This is the Roman model of ‘diversity’: conquest and subjugation, followed by full initiation into the Roman state.

Notwithstanding some exceptions, the Roman world in the second and third centuries was remarkably like that of the European Union in the twenty-first: disparate identities were united under a single political umbrella, and this was cause for celebration among elites who benefited from the support of the central government.

They inscribed their names on these buildings in Latin, and sometimes also in a local language, and thereby advertised their civic virtue. Self-serving perhaps, but also a virtuous circle: cities were not simply locations for elites to bask in indulgence, cut off from the people in their palaces or mansions. Elites were expected to use their wealth in service to their community. They could ‘code-switch’ between a more local identity, perhaps embodied in the language of everyday speech, and a civic identity expressed in the architecture of their towns and perhaps in their choice of luxury items, clothes and other material features of life 


2018年07月31日 00時12分53秒 | Weblog

"My wife is Chinese..That's a terrible mistake to make"

2018年07月30日 19時57分31秒 | Weblog


Feral Britain

2018年07月30日 18時40分15秒 | Weblog

Feral Britain: Police launch probe after teenage yobs 'covered a disabled woman in flour and eggs before posing for this shocking photo and bragging about it on social media'
A disturbing photo appears to show four teens posing with a 'disabled' woman
Woman is shown slumped over on a bench and is covered in flour and eggs
The image was posted along with appeals to name and shame the teenagers
The horrifying incident occurred in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, on Friday evening


One elderly resident, who did not want to be named, said she avoided the park because the young people who met there to take drugs were intimidating. She added: ‘I avoid that at certain times because they gather there at 5pm and do drugs and drink alcohol.


やっぱ、イギリスではNo-go zone ってあるんだ?


1(especially of an animal) in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication.

‘a feral cat’
More example sentencesSynonyms
1.1 Resembling or characteristic of a wild animal.
‘his teeth were bared in a feral snarl’
More example sentencesSynonyms
1.2 (of a young person) behaving in a wildly undisciplined and antisocial way.
‘gangs of feral youths’




2018年07月30日 17時16分26秒 | Weblog

島田 洋一

7月28日 23:47 ·

藤岡 信勝


■1 杉田議員は何を書いていたのか


平成 28 年 5 月 24 日
自 由 民 主 党

