Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2012年10月31日 08時41分02秒 | Weblog

米兵の性暴力 急増

米国防総省報告 11年度3000件超す





2012.10.28 18:00



まんべくんツイッター休止へ 長万部町「コメントない」




電気値上げ、年収カット条件 経産省「大企業並みに」



東電女性殺害、検察が無罪主張 11月7日に無罪判決へ










2012.10.28 12:32


Swedish Facebook fury over 'sexist' shop ad
Published: 29 Oct 12 11:52 CET | Double click on a word to get a translation


ネットと愛国 在特会の「闇」を追いかけて [著]安田浩一


Updated October 27, 2012, 9:32 a.m. ET
Rise of the Tiger Nation
Asian-Americans are now the country's best-educated, highest-earning and fastest-growing racial group. They share with American Jews both the distinction and the occasional burden of immigrant success.


Marines release new plan to prevent sexual assault
Stars and Stripes
Published: June 25, 2012

PDF: Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Campaign Plan 2012
Policy change strips unit commanders of deciding how to handle reported rapes
Documentary unveils rape in US military with testimonials
DOD: Number of sex assault reports holds steady in 2011
War declared on sex assaults

WASHINGTON ― The Marine Corps on Monday released a plan aimed at preventing sexual assault and holding offenders and commanders accountable, noting that “despite our efforts, we have been ineffective at addressing and eliminating sexual assault.”

The plan, signed by Commandant Gen. James Amos, addresses many of the issues that victims and victim advocates frequently highlight ― including an undue focus on victims’ personal life and command climates that foster sexual harassment and discourage reporting. It outlines a three-part campaign plan with a goal of “true zero tolerance, effective sustainment, empowered reporting, effective deterrence, engaged leadership and evolved culture.”

Anu Bhagwati, a former Marine officer and current executive director of Service Women’s Action Network, said the plan shows that the Marine Corps “has finally caught up to where the rest of the DOD leadership is, which isn’t saying that much.”

Bhagwati worries that language in the plan and training that focuses on alcohol and “high-risk situations” will only encourage more victim-blaming. To really end sexual assault and harassment, she said, commanders must take a fierce approach and “crush” offenders instead of ignoring reports and promoting alleged attackers.

“There’s just no accountability,” she said.

There were 333 reports of sexual assault in the Marine Corps in fiscal 2011, with a total of 346 victims, according to the plan. Reports can include more than one victim, more than one offender or more than one crime, so the number of reports is not usually the same as the number of victims.

Research shows that between 2 and 8 percent of sexual assaults reports are false reports, according to the report. Still, sexual assault reports in the Marine Corps “are often immediately dismissed as false and focus on the victim’s behavior and reputation rather than the conduct of the offender,” the plan states.

Ariana Klay, a former Marine officer who said she was sexually harassed and raped in 2010 while serving at Marine Barracks Washington, said she’s happy to see “an acknowledgement of some of the circumstances that allow assaults to happen,” but she’s not sure the plan will affect drastic change.


“My gut feeling is that it is just more lip service on the issue,” Klay said. “The Marines know when a senior [officer] is doing something because of political pressure or whether they really care about the issue.”

Klay and three other Marines are involved in a lawsuit against the current and former secretaries of defense, secretaries of the Navy and commandants of the Marine Corps. The suit alleges Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, Amos and their predecessors “have a high tolerance for sexual predators in their ranks, and ‘zero tolerance’ for those who report rape, sexual assault and harassment.”

Klay is also one of several women featured in “The Invisible War,” a documentary released last week about sexual assault in the military.

Amos last month sent a white letter to all Marines calling sexual assault “an ugly mark on our proud reputation.”

“This crime is not only completely incompatible with our core values of honor, courage and commitment, it is an affront to the basic American principles we so bravely defend,” Amos said in the letter. “I intend to shine a bright light on the crime of sexual assault. It is no longer acceptable to say ‘we will do better.’”

In addition to training for all Marines, the plan includes developing a pre-enlistment waiver history that will be accessible to a Marine’s commander and gender-integrating the drill instructor and school instructor teams “to ‘role model’ female Marine leaders.”

DOD: Number of sex assault reports holds steady in 2011
Stars and Stripes
Published: April 13, 2012
WASHINGTON ― The number of sexual assault reports involving servicemembers remained relatively unchanged in fiscal 2011, according to an annual Department of Defense report on sexual assaults released Friday afternoon.

The 3,192 reported incidents were just 34 more than the previous year, a 1 percent increase. But so many sexual assaults go unreported that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta estimated earlier this year that the total number is closer to 19,000.

The DOD offers two reporting options for sexual assault victims: restricted and unrestricted. Restricted reports allow victims to seek medical treatment and other services but remain confidential, which means the crimes are not investigated and few details are available.


Unrestricted reports, which allow investigation and prosecution, offer more information. Thirty one percent of those unrestricted reports alleged rape, 30 percent alleged aggravated sexual assault and 25 percent alleged wrongful sexual contact. The remaining 14 percent alleged other crimes, from nonconsensual sodomy to attempts to commit offenses.

More than half of the unrestricted reports involved servicemembers being assaulted by other servicemembers.

Of all the reports, restricted and unrestricted, 261 occurred in combat areas.

Panetta has announced several new measures to combat the crimes, and the DOD report outlined policy changes intended to prevent sexual assaults, increase the percentage of victims who come forward, improve the response and improve system accountability.

“As this report makes clear, we have more work to do to confront this problem,” Panetta said in a written statement. “There are no easy answers, but that makes it all the more essential for us to devote our energy and our attention to trying to confront this challenging crime.”

One of the criticisms the DOD faces is in prosecuting sexual assaults. Because some cases are still pending, it’s difficult to break down the numbers within a year. But in fiscal 2011, 2,449 sexual assault investigations were completed, according to the report. Of those, 349 were determined to be “unfounded,” and 486 were outside the DOD’s legal authority.

Courts-martial charges were preferred in just 489 cases.

Reports in individual service branches varied. The Army saw less than a one percent increase in reports, while the Navy was down 29 reports from 2010. The Marine Corps had 36 more reports in fiscal 2011 than 2010, while the Air Force saw 44 more reports.




2012年10月27日 14時21分31秒 | Weblog

米兵の性暴力 急増

米国防総省報告 11年度3000件超す





橋下氏「全然違う、つたない!」 国会議員団まとめの維新公約原案に反論







週刊朝日編集長を更迭 朝日新聞出版、橋下氏記事めぐり



2012年10月25日 00時14分06秒 | Weblog


Radiation-fearing Tokyoites' weapon of choice? The umbrella via @Telegraph http://j.mp/SihoMZ ひさびさにすごいのが来た

Radiation-fearing Tokyoites' weapon of choice? The umbrella
Fear of fall-out from last year's nuclear accident means Tokyo residents hate getting caught in the rain – but they've got no problem eating Fukushima fruit, says British expat Alastair Wanklyn.


こんな記事だすようじゃ、telegraph も終わっている。











WEDNESDAY, OCT 24, 2012 03:06 AM +0900
A debate to be ashamed of
On drones, Israel and Iran, Obama and Romney revealed shockingly similar policies -- both of them hawkish

For many liberals, President Obama’s aggressive deployment of drones to kill suspected terrorists in northwestern Pakistan is a stain on the current administration that cannot be washed away, a profound betrayal of civilized values. A campaign of murder from the skies in a country that is supposedly our ally ― how is this remotely conscionable?

But liberals are also accustomed to Obama getting a free pass on the topic from the mainstream media and political elite. So just hearing the word “drones” spoken was shocking ― here it was, finally, a chance to address this ongoing national shame before an audience of millions and millions of Americans.

And then came Romney’s response, which basically boiled down to drones are awesome!



2012年10月24日 23:12 その他





2012年10月24日 03時40分40秒 | Weblog

2012-10-18 橋下市長定例記者会見 「週刊朝日」差別記事と対決




Superman quits Daily Planet day job to go online

Clark will stand up in front of staff in a "Jerry Maguire-type moment" which will see him resign from the Daily Planet and mourn "how journalism has given way to entertainment"



Yeah, this is a thing I have mentioned in the past. There is this mindset, fed by years of orientalist, fetishised reporting reporting in the foreign media in which Japan is rendered in a particularly fixed way. The same tropes are wheeled out regularly, you can almost set your calendar by the quirky stories about Japan that feature in all the mainstream media.
Again, as I have said elsewhere, this lazy reporting is often performed using second and third hand, non-Japanese sources by “reporters/journalists” who can’t speak, read or write Japanese.
The Debitos and Locos of this world buy into these ideas as a type of essentialised and true experience of Japan. Compounded by their linguistic shortcomings and quite often their personalities (hey, we all have flaws) they somehow manage to remain at a distance from actual reality in Japan. They are trapped in an endless self-gratifying, self-justifying intellectual (now that’s dressing up mutton as lamb) feedback loop whereby alternative voices simply cannot be heard.
Basically, they remain in a state of culture shock. Loco himself has been in Japan for too long to continue relying on exchanges between himself and private students and taxi drivers as representative of Japan. He simply paints himself as a gaijin. A quirky outsider looking in with very little new or interesting to say.


SENKAKU: Are Japan’s political leaders insane?

by Bill Emmott

The International Court of Justice and UNCLOS exist to act as arbitrators in case of dispute, and by and large Japan has previously been considered a good, peace-loving international citizen in its conduct before such bodies and such law.

Instead, Brand Japan has now been badly damaged. It looks imperialist, arrogant, self-centered and, as stated before, a bit shifty.

 国際世論の評価に関しては、今回に限らず、そもそも、英語圏の無知蒙昧記者たちによる日本に関する固定観念的な記事のおかげで、imperialist, arrogant, self-centered 的な日本という宣伝がなされていた。


離島奪還訓練を断念 日中関係と地元反発に配慮


米政府もビビる奪還訓練 首相は「ホワイトハウスに…」   
2012.10.21 12:00








日本が大人の振る舞いを 尖閣問題で英王立防衛研究所長
2012.10.23 19:20


富裕層:日本360万人で世界2位 スイスの金融大手発表
毎日新聞 2012年10月22日 


中国、沖縄沖の船員救助に謝意なし 一部メディアは関心







受賞者個別懇談会 「日本は美しい」と絵画部門の蔡國強さん
2012.10.22 19:11




Sharmeka Moffitt, Louisiana Woman, Set On Fire And Confronted With 'KKK' Slur In Race-Related Attack (VIDEO)



2012年10月20日 15時44分05秒 | Weblog


アカウントをお持ちの場合は ログイン



警官に「平民」発言 英閣僚級辞任 - MSN産経ニュース http://sankei.jp.msn.com/world/news/121020/erp12102008550002-n1.htm … これ、 "fucking plebs" と呼んだんだから、平民という翻訳ではまるでその差別の中身がわからない。相当にひどい言い方だろう。
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録


1. pleb
908 up, 420 down
Actually defined as a member of a despised social class, a commoner, a member of the plebs of ancient Rome. Also low-born, undisinguished, vulgar, and my personal favourite: vulgar-looking.


Andrew Mitchell 'plebs' row: do ordinary people get arrested for swearing at police?
Peter Walker: The chief whip has apologised for his actions and admitted he swore. Would someone less powerful have been arrested?

the law. Someone swearing at the police (or, indeed, just swearing loudly and repeatedly at anyone) can be arrested under section 5 of the 1986 Public Order Act for causing harassment, alarm or distress through
"threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour". They can also be arrested under the common law offence of breach of the peace.

The Ministry of Justice keeps records of convictions under both these measures – they're promising to email over the latest statistics - but these are not broken down into what action caused the offence, meaning there is no statistical record of how many people are convicted specifically for swearing at police. I could, they suggested, put in a Freedom of Information request, but that would involve some poor minion combing through each offence individually, and would probably be turned down on grounds of cost......
. One blog notes that an 18-year-old in Manchester was jailed for four months for "ranting and swearing" at police during the riots in the city in August last year, a conviction noted by a Greater Manchester police tweet. A 38-year-old man was jailed for 10 weeks for swearing at police, the same force tweeted on the same day.







kohei kaneko

【上海日本人暴行事件について①】 暴行被害にあったのは、上海で小売店を運営する日系企業の社員だった。事件当日、日本語流暢な中国人が酒も入って大きな声で日本語で話していた→他の中国人客が「中国人がデカイ声で日本語喋ってんなよ」と注意→中国人スタッフ反論→中国人同士で喧嘩→(続)

【上海日本人暴行事件について②】 →相手の中国人が刃物を取り出す→日本人社員が慌てて仲裁→日本人の一人がナイフの刃先をもって静止→ちょっと怪我→喧嘩終了→上海でトラブル起こすと領事館へ報告義務あり→日本人らは正直に経緯を報告→メディアが過剰報道→本人たちビックリ→(続)http://twitter.com/kane201/status/259226139988467712

kohei kaneko
【上海日本人暴行事件について③】 当事者たちの弁 「いやぁなんかオオゴトになっちゃって逆に僕らが驚いてますよ」とのこと。本人らから直接ヒアリングしてないけど同じ会社の人が言ってた。結局、日本のメディアも十分怖いよねという話ですかねhttp://twitter.com/kane201/status/259226357601546241



ダルビッシュ報道にみる「権力」批判への及び腰 牧野洋



Terminal cancer patient, 13, becomes honorary CoverGirl
Talia Castellano, famous for her viral makeup videos, lives out her dreams on 'Ellen'


日本、核非合法化署名を拒否 国連委の16カ国声明案



2012/10/18 22:29 【共同通信】



2012年10月19日 04時12分55秒 | Weblog

ガーディアンも靖国問題。横には慰安婦問題のバナーも。Japanese MPs' visit to war shrine angers China and South Korea http://gu.com/p/3b7qh/tw via @guardian



Japanese MPs' visit to war shrine angers China and South Korea
Visit to Yasukuni shrine ignores sentiment of people who were victims of Japan's aggression, say critics
Share 7


Justin McCurry in Tokyo
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 18 October 2012 12.17 BST

A poll conducted by the Asahi Shimbun earlier this month found that 39% of voters would vote for Abe in an election, compared with 34% for Noda.

「首相に適任」安倍氏39%、野田氏34% 世論調査


vote には、

c : an expression of opinion or preference that resembles a vote

という意味があるのかもしれんが、ガーディアンの記事では、in the election としているところをみると、選挙において、有権者が野田や安倍に投票するであろう割合という含意になってしまっているわけだ。




His hawkish predecessor, Junichiro Koizumi, made six pilgrimages as leader



橋下氏、朝日と大ゲンカ! 「週刊朝日」出自報道に激怒

週刊朝日編集長が謝罪コメント 橋下氏連載「次号で『おわび』掲載」
2012.10.18 21:45


橋下嫌いの左翼の人が、「はしした」 と蔑んで彼を呼称していたのには度肝を抜かれた。あまりにも意識が低すぎる。


日本は、「先制攻撃のできる平和国家」「民主主義の武器庫(Arsenal of Democracy)」「世界一優しいが、怒らせると世界一怖い軍事強国」を目指すべきだというのが、本ブログの一貫したテーマの一つである。

BOLTON: Peace Prize honoring favorites over accomplishments
Nobel committee’s ideological slant continues


Third, the Nobel Committee was wrong about the internal working of the EU itself. The current financial crisis among Eurozone members and the intense nationalistic reactions, not just in Greece and Spain, but the counter-reactions in Germany and elsewhere, demonstrate that the EU’s vaunted challenge to nationalism is far from successful. Even the recent collapse of the potential merger between Britain’s EADS and the Franco-German-led EADS shows the continuing intensity of nation-state politics more than over a half-century since the EU’s founding. Moreover, persistent and rising opposition to the EU’s “democratic deficit,” its remoteness from its citizens, lack of transparency and the utter disarray of its institutions all underline past failures and future problems. Now, there will even be an unseemly struggle over which of several leaders or organizations will represent the EU to receive the Peace Prize in Oslo. This is embarrassing to the EU and a trivialization of the award itself.








2012年10月17日 21時18分00秒 | Weblog
10月17日 13時44分



Solving the Okinawa Problem
How many Marines do we still need in Japan?



PC遠隔操作「同居人かばい自供」 幼稚園脅迫で逮捕 福岡の男性

2012年10月17日 朝刊

 捜査関係者によると学生は当初関与を否認したが、その後は県警や検察の調べに「楽しそうな小学生を見て困らせてやろうと思った」と、泣きながら容疑を認めた。この小学校を選んだ理由も、「『横浜市 小学校』とインターネットで検索して一番上に出てきたから選んだ」と供述していた。県警も学生から再度事情を聴き、捜査の経緯を調べる方針。


上海で日本人が暴行受け負傷 飲食店で、容疑者を拘束

2012年10月15日 21時30分


Clinton on Libya: 'I Take Responsibility'



Rising Energy Prices
Germans Grow Wary of Switch to Renewables





2012年10月11日 22時22分50秒 | Weblog

China and Australia’s Coming Economic ‘Divorce’ By James Parker
October 7, 2012


中国、日本人団員だけ入国拒否 台湾の交響楽団


時事通信 10月11日(木)21時4分配信



Forget Those Little Islands: Real Chinese Nationalists Claim Okinawa
Kelly Olsen, AFP | Oct. 10, 2012, 7:05 AM |

via mozu


America Cannot ‘Lead From Behind’ in Asia
October 09, 2012

Having sought at first to stiffen their spines, Washington now aims to put some distance between itself and its allies in Asia, reminding them that it takes no stand on the ultimate resolution of their maritime disputes with China.

Panetta declared that the United States wanted to see China “expand its role in the Pacific.”


Thinking About the Unthinkable: War in the Senkakus By James R. Holmes
October 7, 2012

Geography may not be destiny, but it molds destiny. The archipelago lies within easy reach of PLA air, naval, and missile forces concentrated opposite nearby Taiwan. Advantage: China. On the allied side, Okinawa is home to U.S. Marine and Air Force bases as well as the JSDF’s Naha Air Base. It is situated a couple of hundred miles away, roughly the same distance as the mainland coast. That’s no small thing. But the Senkakus are remote from major bases in the Japanese home islands. The U.S. naval station at Yokosuka, for example, lies over 1,000 miles distant.

Even though Japan holds the contested ground, then, geography and the balance of forces would favor China should a conflict transpire today. The PLA will hold that edge unless Japan takes dramatic measures to fortify its southern ramparts. If the JSDF cannot win the air and sea battle around the Senkakus, it will lose the islands to any concerted PLA offensive. If nothing else, Chinese forces that controlled nearby waters and airspace could simply cordon off the archipelago and wait out the JSDF. Any Japanese defenders emplaced there would wither over time, bereft of food, water, and other critical supplies.

What to do? If commanding the air and sea is the key, then Tokyo must devise forces and plans for assuring JSDF access to the islands while denying PLA forces access. That could mean positioning mobile anti-ship missiles on Yonaguni Island, at the southern tip of the Ryukyus and within missile range of the Senkakus. (Such a move would be certain to play well with the locals.) It could mean expanding the submarine fleet and adjusting submarine deployment patterns southward. Patrolling the waters near the islets would comprise a potent deterrent. It could mean fielding new classes of small missile craft to wage guerrilla war at sea against Chinese surface ships―much as the PLA Navy envisions doing against U.S.-Japanese naval forces.

It certainly means Tokyo must act. Agonizing endlessly over measures like stationing token ground forces in the Ryukyus―as the nation has been doing for years now―does little to shore up Japan’s strategic position along its southern periphery. Fielding excellent military forces is a start. But if Japan’s leadership wants to win, it must put the JSDF in position to do so. Faster, please.







2012年10月08日 02時31分41秒 | Weblog
Soineya, Japanese 'Cuddle Club,' Lets Patrons Sleep With Strangers
The Huffington Post | By Andres Jauregui
Posted: 10/02/2012 12:56 pm EDT Updated: 10/03/2012 2:48 pm EDT






In the Eyes of the Beholden by Jonathan Blitzer - IHT http://j.mp/PHIFnO スペインの人々の海外報道への不満の高まりについて。自国政府への不安を外部に投影しているのではないかと。どうかな。




 たいていは日本語もろくにできない記者が面白半分で書いていて、NYTなどは、英語ができる日本人記者と日本語ができるアメリカ人記者のようだが、NYTもCNNもFoxもDailyMail も裏とりもろくにせず、センセーショナリズムに走るところは所詮同じことなどだから、スペインについても似たようなもん、と推測すべきであった。







カダフィ大佐殺害:仏国防省の関与説浮上 http://j.mp/SD17mj

Gaddafi Was Killed On Former French President Sarkozy’s Orders: Report

The daily quoted Libyan sources as saying that the motive was to stop Gaddafi from being interrogated about his “highly suspicious” links with Sarkozy. Report also says former British PM Tony Blair was also extremely close to Gaddafi.
LONDON – Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was killed by a French secret serviceman on orders of then president Nicolas Sarkozy, a media report said.
The secret serviceman is said to have infiltrated a violent mob mutilating the captured Libyan leader last year and shot him in the head, the Daily Mail reported.
The daily quoted Libyan sources as saying that the motive was to stop Gaddafi from being interrogated about his “highly suspicious” links with Sarkozy.
Former British prime minister Tony Blair was also extremely close to Gaddafi, visited him regularly and helped facilitate business deals worth millions of pounds.
Sarkozy, who once welcomed Gaddafi as a “brother leader” during a state visit to Paris, was said to have received millions from the Libyan to fund his election campaign in 2007, the daily said.
Mahmoud Jibril, who served as interim prime minister following Gaddafi’s ouster, told Egyptian TV: “It was a foreign agent who mixed with the revolutionary brigades to kill Gaddafi.”
Diplomatic sources in Tripoli told Italian newspaper Corriere della Serra that a foreign assassin was likely to have been French.
“Since the beginning of Nato support for the revolution, strongly backed by the government of Nicolas Sarkozy, Gaddafi openly threatened to reveal details of his relationship with the former president of France, including the millions of dollars paid to finance his candidacy (in 2007),” said the newspaper.
A Tripoli source said: “Sarkozy had every reason to try to silence the Colonel (Gaddafi) and as quickly as possible.”
Rami El Obeidi, former head of foreign relations for the Libyan transitional council, said he knew Gaddafi had been tracked through his satellite telecommunications system as he talked to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, the Daily Mail said.





BBC News - Mau Mau uprising: Kenyans win UK torture ruling http://j.mp/WvjLg7


Brutally Beaten: Russia demands justice for student attacked in Canada prison

Russian student beaten in Calgary Remand Centre battles brain injuries

Family of Denis Telyakov says recovery uncertain


More than a month after suffering a beating inside the Calgary Remand Centre, a Russian man who came to the city to learn English remains heavily sedated in a local hospital.

The sister of Denis Telyakov said he is suffering from brain injuries and his prospects for recovery are far from certain.

“It could affect his mental life in the future,” said Elena Romanova, who came from Moscow to be at her brother’s bedside.

The attack on Telyakov, 24, is the second serious assault on a remand centre inmate in recent weeks.

On Monday, assailants entered the cell of Kristopher Cook, who is accused of faking cancer and fraudulently raising money to pay for treatment.

Cook, 28, remains in hospital and missed a scheduled appearance in provincial court on Friday.

Telyakov came to Calgary in June to learn English at a local ESL school.

But at some point, Telyakov ran into trouble: police arrested him on Aug. 18 and charged him with uttering threats.

Romanova acknowledged another male student at the English school had called police, but she said the complainant misconstrued an innocuous comment by her brother.

“It was a misunderstanding,” she said.

Family members in Russia were trying to arrange for bail when someone assaulted Telyakov inside a holding cell inside the remand centre on the evening of Aug. 20.

Authorities haven’t officially released many details about the incident, other than saying Telyakov was sharing the cell with two 20-year-old men at the time.

Police continue to investigate the assault. No charges have been laid.

So far, Romanova doesn’t know what provoked the beating.

The attackers jumped and stomped on Telyakov’s head, leading to the brain injuries that initially put him in a coma for several days.

Telyakov is still largely unaware of his surroundings, but he is starting to respond to voices and can squeeze Romanova’s hand if she asks.

“It’s better than it was a month ago,” she said.

Still, Romanova said her brother is far from the same person who used to be capable of demanding manual labour on a farm in Russia.

“He was a healthy and strong man,” she said.

Alberta Justice and Solicitor General, which runs the remand centre, is also investigating the incident.



2012年10月05日 21時21分27秒 | Weblog
October 4, 2012, 2:32 PM
The Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands: A Japanese Scholar Responds
I recently posted a commentary by Han-Yi Shaw, a scholar from Taiwan, arguing that Japan in effect stole the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands from China in 1895 as the spoils of war. I invited Japanese scholars to make the opposing case, and I am happy to post a response from Takayuki Nishi, an Assistant Professor at the Global Regional Center of Shizuoka Prefectural University. As always, I welcome your comments and feedback. – Nicholas Kristof

The People’s Republic of China’s claim that the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands
are an “inherent territory” of China contradicts its own demands before 1970.

Before 1970, the People’s Republic of China did not merely acquiesce to Japanese sovereignty over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. China demanded self-determination for the U.S.-administered Ryukyu Islands, with an option of return to Japanese administration, while specifically including the “Senkaku Islands”. Thus, China agreed with the United States and Japan that, in the event of the Ryukyu Islands’ return to Japanese administration, the United States should also return the Senkaku Islands to Japan.

The common law doctrine of estoppel prevents a party from gaining by making an allegation or denial that contradicts what the party has previously stated as a fact.

According to Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, if Japan and China ever agree to refer China’s claim to the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands to the Court, the Court shall either apply the following four standards, or if the parties agree thereto, ignore them and decide the case ex aequo et bono (i.e., according to what is right and good, rather than according to the law):

a. international conventions, whether general or particular, establishing rules expressly recognized by the contesting states;
b. international custom, as evidence of a general practice accepted as law;
c. the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations;
d. subject to the provisions of Article 59, judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations, as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law.

The Court has applied the general principle of estoppel in a number of cases, including disputes over islands.

Thus, the most important evidence for judging China’s claim legally is China’s demand before 1970 for self-determination of the U.S.-administered Ryukyu Islands, specifically including the “Senkaku Islands,” with an option of return to Japanese administration.

For instance, the People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, published an article titled “The Struggle of the People of the Ryukyu Islands against U.S. Occupation” (Liuqiu Qundao renmin fandui Meiguo zhanling douzheng) on January 8, 1953. It was published in the “Documents” (ziliao) section, which is usually edited carefully to give the party line. The whole article is posted in simplified characters here. An image of the first half of the article is here.

The first sentence defines the Ryukyu Islands:

The Ryukyu Islands lie scattered in the sea to the northeast of our country’s Taiwan and southwest of Japan’s Kyushu Island, and includes seven groups of islands, namely Senkaku Islands [Jiange Zhudao], Sakishima Islands, Daito Islands, Okinawa Islands, Oshima Islands, Tokara Islands, and Osumi Islands, each with large and small islands; more than fifty islands have names and more than four hundred are unnamed and small; their land area totals 4670 square kilometers.

Self-determination for the Ryukyu Islands, with return to Japanese administration as an option, is demanded in the final sentence (and elsewhere):

The Ryukyu people’s struggle against transformation of Ryukyu by the United States into a military base, against enslavement by the United States, and for freedom, liberation, and peace is not isolated; it is inseparable from the Japanese people’s struggle for independence, democracy, and peace; it is inseparable from the struggle of Asian and Pacific peoples and the peoples of all countries of the world to defend peace; therefore, despite the ongoing barbaric repression of the Ryukyu
people by the U.S. occupiers, final victory belongs inevitably to the Ryukyu people.

In short, China demanded the U.S.-administered “Senkaku Islands” outcomes other than transfer to China, even while fiercely fighting U.S. armed forces in Korea, which were supported from Okinawa and mainland Japan. This Chinese demand cannot be explained away as a result of ignorance about the islands’ situation.

I do not evaluate here Mr. Han-yi Shaw’s selection and interpretation of documents from the nineteenth century and before, because they are irrelevant to the estoppel over the most recently recognized border.

However, for the sake of argument, if Mr. Shaw’s interpretation were entirely correct, than the People’s Republic of China (and less explicitly, the Republic of China on Taiwan) has legally disowned the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands by mistake, through sheer lack of interest in the islands before 1970.

Takayuki Nishi is a Project Assistant Professor at the Global Center for Asian and Regional Research at University of Shizuoka, in Shizuoka, Japan.

September 20, 2010, 2:05 PM 372 Comments
More on the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands
I blogged recently about the dust-up in Asia between China and Japan over the uninhabited islands known as the Senkakus in Japan and the Diaoyu islands in China. Both claim them, as does Taiwan for good measure. I argued that China appeared to have a slightly better claim to them, although they might also plausibly be terra nullis, not belonging to any nation. Here’s the latest on the tiff.

Japan, which doesn’t even acknowledge that there is a territorial dispute, protested my blog post and wrote me a letter outlining some of its arguments. I’m not persuaded ― it seems silly to say that China didn’t protest the seizure of a few barren rocks, when it was so weak that it had lost the entire province of Taiwan ― but Japan does have valid points to make. I wish it would seek referral of the issue to the International Court of Justice, setting a precedent for legal judgments rather than brute force to settle conflicting claims.

I’ve been following the ups and downs on the islands since the 1980’s and wrote about them with my wife in our 2000 book about Asia, “Thunder from the East.” Alas, I’ve never found a way to land on them, and I do worry that the U.S. could be drawn into the dispute. As I noted in my previous item, the U.S. in theory is required to defend Japan’s claim to the islands, based on the wording of the U.S./Japan Security Treaty. In practice, we wouldn’t, but our failure to do so would cause reverberations all over Asia. In any case, here are excerpts from the Japanese letter of protest, apparently written at the request of the Japanese Foreign Minister (who knows who reads this blog?). Since I suggested that the islands were more likely China’s, I want to give them a chance to respond:

1) Since 1885, surveys of the Senkaku Islands had thoroughly been made by the Government of Japan through the agencies of Okinawa Prefecture and by way of other methods. Through these surveys, it was confirmed that the Senkaku Islands had been uninhabited and showed no trace of having been under the control of China. Based on this confirmation, the Government of Japan made a Cabinet Decision on 14 January 1895 to erect a marker on the Islands to formally incorporate the Senkaku Islands into the territory of Japan.

2) Since then, the Senkaku Islands have continuously remained as an integral part of the Nansei Shoto Islands, which are the territory of Japan. These islands were neither part of Taiwan nor part of the Pescadores Islands which were ceded to Japan from the Qing Dynasty of China in accordance with Article II of the Treaty of Shimonoseki which came into effect in May of 1895.

3) Accordingly, the Senkaku Islands are not included in the territory which Japan renounced under Article II of the San Francisco Peace Treaty. The Senkaku Islands have been placed under the administration of the United States of America as part of the Nansei Shoto Islands, in accordance with Article III of the said treaty, and are included in the area, the administrative rights over which were reverted to Japan in accordance with the Agreement Between Japan and the United States of America Concerning the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands signed on 17 June 1971. The facts outlined herein clearly indicate the status of the Senkaku Islands being part of the territory of Japan.

4) The fact that China expressed no objection to the status of the Islands being under the administration of the United States under Article III of the San Francisco Peace Treaty clearly indicates that China did not consider the Senkaku Islands as part of Taiwan. It was not until the latter half of 1970, when the question of the development of petroleum resources on the continental shelf of the East China Sea came to the surface, that the Government of China and Taiwan authorities began to raise questions regarding the Senkaku Islands.

5) Your column focuses on historical manuscripts such as “Chinese navigational records” and “a 1783 Japanese map” to make the point that China has a better claim to the Senkaku Islands. However, please note that none of the points raised by the Government of China as “historic, geographic or geological” evidence provide valid grounds, in light of international law, to support China’s arguments regarding the Senkaku Islands.
Your thoughts?


2012年10月05日 16時05分26秒 | Weblog

前略 おふくろさま





“But that is nonsense since it gives islands to Japan. How can we get a more neutral position?” via Shisaku http://j.mp/QZj0rT
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録

Comment. As you can imagine, the Japanese Government has a comparable list of apparently offsetting arguments and maintains simply that the Senkakus remain Japanese. State's position is that in occupying the Ryukyus and the Senkakus in 1945, and in proposing to return them to Japan in 1972, the U.S. passes no judgement as to conflicting claims over any portion of them, which should be settled directly by the parties concerned.3

3 Kissinger's handwritten comment in the margin reads: “But that is nonsense since it gives islands to Japan. How can we get a more neutral position?”


012/10/1 14:18
村上春樹氏、領土問題でエッセー発表 Yoree Koh   



While the anti-nuclear movement, another controversial political topic, has been bolstered by prominent voices such as Nobel laureate Kenzaburo Oe the territorial rows have been left largely untouched. Inherently linked to national pride, no one has broached the thorny issues. Mr. Murakami’s essay and its publication in a national daily ― conspicuously commanding most of the front page and another inside the newspaper ― is a significant step in moving the debate from the lecterns of right wing nationalists to a broader audience.


Nationalism in Japan
Beware the populists
Aided by a pandering press, a handful of nationalists can have a dangerous impact beyond Japan’s shores
Oct 6th 2012 | TOKYO |


Nationalism in Japan: Beware the populists | The Economist http://j.mp/SAa0wI キングストン氏は本当に日本のメディアをチェックしているのかな


The rise of popular nationalism in Japan is ably abetted by the media. Similar pandering is no surprise in China, yet Japan supposedly has a free and inquiring press. With the Senkakus, says Jeff Kingston of Temple University in Tokyo, the media have been cheerleaders: “They see the voice of reason as the voice of treason.”









コストを試算! 日米同盟解体 ―国を守るのに、いくらかかるのか― [単行本]









Interview with Economist Joseph Stiglitz
'The American Dream Has Become a Myth'

SPIEGEL: No matter what the costs? No private household can live beyond its means permanently. Why should governments be exempted from that rule?

Stiglitz: Because countries are different from households. If a citizen cuts back his spending, it is without any consequences for the country. Unemployment does not increase. But if the government cuts back its spending, it has a major effect. An expansion of spending can increase production by creating jobs that will be filled by people who would otherwise be unemployed.

SPIEGEL: You assume that a government knows best where to create jobs. Don't you overestimate that ability?

Stiglitz: We need roads, bridges and airports. That's obvious. The returns from public investments in technology on average have been very high -- think about the Internet, the Human Genome Project and the telegraph.

SPIEGEL: There are also many examples of public money that was wasted. The US space program cost a fortune, and the results were questionable.

Stiglitz: But even those expenditures are still less than the money wasted by America's private financial sector, and the billions spent to bail out companies from the financial sector. One corporation alone, AIG, got more than $150 billion -- more than was spent on welfare for needy families from 1990 to 2006.


2012年10月02日 08時50分16秒 | Weblog
All clear! Okinawa police remove anti-Osprey protesters, dismantle barricades (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Get short URL email story to a friend print version
Published: 01 October, 2012, 05:30


2012-10-01 09:51:26



米兵自殺者が過去最悪 7月38人、





Alleged Teen Bullies Arrested for 'Kill Katie Klub' in California
Katie Uffens dropped out of high school after a group of kids told her about alleged club.


Inside the Mind of Worry

Based on the evidence, these and most other concerns about vaccines are unfounded. A comprehensive report last year from the Institute of Medicine is just one of many studies to report that vaccines do not cause autism, diabetes, asthma or other major afflictions listed by the anti-vaccination movement.

Based on the evidence, these and most other concerns about vaccines are unfounded. A comprehensive report last year from the Institute of Medicine is just one of many studies to report that vaccines do not cause autism, diabetes, asthma or other major afflictions listed by the anti-vaccination movement.

we feel first and think second. The part of the brain where the instinctive “fight or flight” signal is first triggered ― the amygdala ― is situated such that it receives incoming stimuli before the parts of the brain that think things over. Then, in our ongoing response to potential peril, the way the brain is built and operates assures that we are likely to feel more and think less.



町山智浩 ‏@TomoMachi
本当にトレンドなの? RT @LIveJAPAN2013: これが日本の最新トレンド? おでこに生理食塩水を注入する人体改造“ベーグル・ヘッド”: おでこに点滴針を刺して生理食塩水を注入し、膨らんだ部分の中央をへこませて http://bit.ly/POJCwL
詳細 返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録



@TomoMachi 日本に在住している方が報道の批判をしてますね Bagel head trend is a big distortion http://j.mp/SV1TqD

Bagel head trend is a big distortion
September 29th, 2012 by Rebecca Milner


DAY Without Laughter is a DAY Wasted

