
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1291.Fed Cup...

2011-04-07 12:15:02 | Topics

Hmm., after the big earthquake, the situation just gets worse day by day... The nuclear accident we have never experienced before makes us confuses by the wrong informations and unclear safety standards, so, we can't believe anything... The radioactive contamination causes trouble for other counties too.., I'm so sad and so sorry to hear that... Oh., looking back, this time last year was around Fed Cup...

This year, Kim won't play at Fed Cup because of the injuries. Hmm., and Henin already retired again(tears)... Many things were changed in one year. Henin's retirement and the big earthquake happened... OK then, instead of bad news this year, in the next new year, a good news like Henin's comeback again would happen?.., Never?(^^;)...
