独断偏見妄言録 China's Threat


新しい原子炉用燃料 (米)

2020年09月25日 07時02分45秒 | 科学技術
The U.S. Government Made a Powerful New Kind of Nuclear Fuel

It's part uranium, part thorium, and it may just save America's nuclear program.
Sep 24, 2020

* A new, U.S.-made nuclear fuel could improve outcomes in existing nuclear plants 既存の原発で使用可能.
* Thorium is a popular talking point as a way to "clean up" nuclear energy.
* One advocate says having a U.S. nuclear product also improves our diplomatic position.

Advanced Nuclear Energy for Enriched Life, or ANEEL
It's a proprietary mix of thorium and low-enriched uranium

[T]horium has a higher melting point and lower operating temperature which makes it inherently safer than straight U and more resistant to core meltdowns.

“The ANEEL fuel has a very high fuel burn-up rate[, which] means the fuel stays in the reactor longer and gets more energy out of the same amount of fuel. [It’s] prohibitively difficult to make into a weapon. [And] ANEEL fuel will reduce the waste by over 80% and end up with much less plutonium. Less spent fuel means less refueling, less cost, less fuel handling and less volume to dispose.”


自然冷却でより安全に運用可能な「小型モジュール式原子炉」がついに (米) 規制当局から承認される

2020年8月28日、アメリカの民間原子力企業・NuScale Powerが開発する小型の原子炉が、アメリカ合衆国原子力規制委員会(NRC)の承認を受けました。この小型原子炉が現場に投入されれば、従来のものより拡張性と安全性の高い原子力発電所が設計可能になるとのことです。

Cities Snub Plan to Save Nuclear Power With Mini Reactors
A project to revive nuclear power by demonstrating the viability of small, factory-built reactors has a problem: At least two cities that agreed to participate have pulled out and others may join them before a Sept. 30 deadline.


Trump administration approves $1.35 billion for small-scale nuclear reactor project
The U.S. Department of Energy on Friday approved $1.35 billion over 10 years for the building of the first U.S. small-scale nuclear power project, a boost to a technology struggling with cost overruns and delays, but which depends on congressional appropriations.


This Molten Salt Reactor Is the Next Big Thing in Nuclear
It's fast, cheap, safe, and eats up waste. What's not to like?
Oct 19, 2020
Popular Mechanics
* An industry veteran is touting a new molten salt reactor as the next big nuclear thing.
* Thermal molten salt has some growing pains, but Elysium says it has circumvented these.
* Elysium's first plant would be a 10 MWe demonstration plant to supply a small town.


Tiny Nuclear Reactors Yield a Huge Amount of Clean Hydrogen
December 15, 2020

*NuScale has released new data on its small modular reactor's ability to split hydrogen from water.
*High-temperature electrolysis of hydrogen requires process heat.
*NuScale's reactor was competitive with solar electrolysis at the right scale.

