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スーパーコンピュータ「富岳」 : 世界一達成

2020年06月23日 16時54分47秒 | 科学技術
Japanese Supercomputer Is Crowned World’s Speediest
In the race for the most powerful computers, Fugaku, a Japanese supercomputer, recently beat American and Chinese machines.
June 22, 2020
NewYork Times
China and the United States are locked in a contest to develop the world’s most powerful computers. Now a massive machine in Japan has topped them both.
A long-awaited supercomputer called Fugaku, installed in the city of Kobe by the government-sponsored Riken institute, took first place in a twice-yearly speed ranking that was released on Monday. The Japanese machine carried out 2.8 times more calculations a second than an IBM system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, which Fugaku bumped to second place in the so-called Top500 list.

スパコン「富岳」世界4冠 理化学研究所が会見

Preferred Networksがスパコン省電力ランキング「Green500」で世界1位 「富岳」と合わせて日本勢がトップ独占
Yahoo Japan
 AI開発を手掛けるPreferred Networks(PFN、東京都千代田区)は6月23日、神戸大学や理化学研究所と開発した深層学習用スーパーコンピュータ「MN-3」が、スパコンの省電力性能ランキング「Green500」で世界1位を獲得したと発表した。(中略)


Japanese Supercomputer Beats U.S., China to Take World Speed Crown
June 22, 2020
* Built on Arm technology, it’ll assist Japanese policymaking
* Fugaku is almost three times faster than nearest competitor

A supercomputer developed by Fujitsu Ltd. and Japan’s Riken research institute was ranked the world’s fastest in an independent survey, beating out U.S. and Chinese rivals.

Built using technology from SoftBank Group Corp.’s Arm Ltd., the Fugaku cluster has more than 150,000 processors and roughly 2.8 times the performance of the second-fastest supercomputer, according to TOP500, a research organization that compiles the rankings twice a year. It marks the first time that a Japanese supercomputer has led the ranking since Fujitsu’s K computer took the crown in 2011, the company said. It also boosts Arm’s claims that it can compete with the likes of Intel Corp. in high-performance computing.

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