Tenkuu Cafe - a view from above



Terra Australis Incognita “未知の南の土地”  を飛ぶ - (7)

2013-09-28 | 海外

1787年5月13日、フィリップ率いる第1船団 (ファースト・フリート) 11隻は、1500名弱の人員(うち流刑囚約780名)を乗せてイギリス・ポーツマスを出航し、翌1788年1月18日にボタニー湾に到着した。その後、より入植に適した土地を求めて湾内を航海し、1月26日にシドニー入り江(Sydney Cove)に上陸。

この地のイギリスによる領有を宣言し、入植を開始した。これを記念して、1月26日は「オーストラリアの日 (Australia Day) 」と呼ばれる祝日となっている。



On 18 August 1786 the decision was made to send a colonisation party of convicts, military, and civilian personnel to Botany Bay. There were 780 convicts on board six transport ships. They were accompanied by officials, members of the crew, marines, the families thereof and their own children who together totaled 645. In all, eleven ships were sent in what became known as the First Fleet. Other than the convict transports, there were two naval escorts and three storeships. The fleet assembled in Portsmouth and set sail on 13 May 1787.

The fleet arrived at Botany Bay on 20 January 1788. It soon became clear that it would not be suitable for the establishment of a colony, and the group relocated to Port Jackson. There they established the first permanent European colony on the Australian continent, New South Wales, on 26 January.

The area has since developed into Sydney. This date is still celebrated as Australia Day.