Tenkuu Cafe - a view from above



春隣、列島を横断する - (3)

2011-03-19 | 関東







Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan.

With its perfect conic shape, standing independently from other line of mountains, it deserves to be called the most beautiful mountain in Japan.

To one's surprise, the beautiful conic shape was formed after repeated eruptions, and it is indeed an active volcano.

The Asama belief in worshipping Mt. Fuji from afar to appease the wrath of its eruptions arose at the beginning of the Heian period. By at the end of the Heian, these beliefs included climbing Mt. Fuji for ascetic practices.

Mt. Fuji continues its erosion and rebuilding, while people admire the beauty of the mountain today. We should not forget, however, that the shape of the beautiful Mt. Fuji is just a phase of the continually changing flux of nature.

Volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunami are natural disasters that destroy lives and property and leave us human at the mercy of nature.