○ The Fukushima Crisis 526; Terrorism threat to Jpn.テロの脅威。

2013-04-24 15:15:05 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

04/24/2013 Sankei news

Terrorism threat on the heels of Japan! Security precaution is pieces in the Jpn's ex-government…
2013.04.24 Koei Kaga.

U.S. Boston continuation blast terrorism went to the solution on the outbreak fifth day. It was the absolute secrecy file of approximately 300,000 terrorists and intelligence ability such as the communication intercept that FBI (the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation) kept in addition to the picture of the security camera that cornered the terrorist who was extreme in brutality. One Japan is three years three months of the Democratic Party government and finance, understaffing, and the ability of public peace, the secret service decreases remarkably. Koei Kaga of the journalist approached in the present conditions. "I never permit terrorism for people of the innocence" . Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who exerted all possible measures so that terrorism did not occur in Japan received a terrorist incident in Boston by question-time debate of 17th and declared it in this way. In fact, after case outbreak, Prime Minister Abe issues an urgent order in the organization concerned. A National Police Agency official says.
When "the prime minister "strengthened the guard, the caution systems such as a station and facilities, the Shinto shrine Buddhist temple which the nuclear power generation facilities of each domestic place, government-affiliated facilities, the unspecified number of people crowded ," I gave it an order". In fact, the terrorism threat approaches Japan

However, the present conditions of the preparation for guard of Japan are near desperately what thing it is.

FBI is not only the ability that the security camera is high in a terrorist having been cornered in five days. It is the latest information that I (Kaga) got by coverage from the person concerned with of the old friend U.S. Department of Defense, the people concerned with external affairs police as follows. "Denied the Massachusetts state government with Boston, but CIA (the Central Intelligence Agency) and FBI obtained the touch "to seem to have anything by the Boston Marathon" from an E-mail and a cell-phone, communication intercept to the Internet and some special information for several months";" could confirm even a picture, but the people concerned such as CIA or FBI were lost in a crowd of the spot neighborhood beforehand". Was before and after an explosion, and they took an action different from a commoner clearly; "the decisive factor of the criminal identification is "United States citizen, approximately 300,000 files" which FBI made". FBI authorized this, and, with the file of "domestic terrorist and potentiality wannabees" which I set, there was the name of two suspects. Religion, the ethnic antagonism that the picture of the surveillance camera accorded with the data, the cause of terrorism including the expansion of the poverty have a state state, but the United States surpasses Japan with intelligence and crisis control, every aspect including the absolute secrecy investigation. Can you protect the nation if similar terrorism occurs by "the Tokyo marathon" that approximately 30,000 people participate in? The opening National Police Agency official grieves, too.

"For example, the number of "North Korean agent and positive cooperators" whom the public peace authorities always mark is more than 400, but even it cannot cope with resources, understaffing enough". The ability for intelligence is lacking, too.

The information of other terrorism and espionage approximately depends on the United States. In addition, three years three months of the Democratic Party government was fatal. During this time, leave the Japanese public peace, secret service to pieces, and the network which I built for many years is never permitted the big crime of the broken Democratic Party government. Japan is not unrelated at all to terrorism. The cases that gave a shock in consecutive company blast cases and Asama mountain cottage cases, the world including the Aum Shinrikyo case occur in a row. The movement of the Korean tissue residing in Japan became active recently to cooperate with a missile provocation of North Korea.

The law enforcement authority is cautious of outbreak of "nuclear power generation terrorism".

I want you to start the reconstruction of public peace, the secret service immediately that how about Prime Minister Abe or keeps life and the life of the Japanese citizen. Terrorism is because it is a "crisis thing in now there".

Koei Kaga.journalist. It was born in 1957. A weekly sentence is independent in spring via Shinchosha. Winning magazine journalism award which the first editor chooses in 95. He plays an active part on the stage of a weekly, a monthly widely. In November, the year before last, He announced "a will, the whole sentence exhibition of Yutaka Ozaki" in monthly "Bungeishunju Ltd." and became the big topic.

04/24/2013 産経ニュース

日本に迫るテロの脅威! 警備体制は前政権でズタズタ…
2013.04.24 加賀孝英.

 米ボストン連続爆破テロは、発生5日目で解決に向かった。凶悪極まるテロリストを追いつめたのは、防犯カメラの映像に加え、FBI(米連邦捜査局)が保管しているテロリストら約30万人の極秘ファイルと、通信傍受などの情報収集能力だった。一方の日本は、民主党政権の3年3カ月と財政・人員不足で、公安・情報機関の能力は著しく低下している。ジャーナリストの加賀孝英氏が現状に迫った。 「無辜(むこ)の人々に対するテロは断じて許さない。日本国内でテロが発生しないよう万全を尽くす」


 FBIが、テロリストを5日で追い詰められたのは、防犯カメラの高い能力だけではない。以下、旧知の米国防総省関係者、外事警察関係者らから、私(加賀)が取材で得た最新情報だ。 「ボストンがあるマサチューセッツ州政府は否定しているが、CIA(中央情報局)とFBIは数カ月前から、電子メールや携帯電話、インターネットへの通信傍受や一部の特殊情報から、『ボストン・マラソンで何かが起こりそうだ』という感触を得ていた」


他のテロやスパイ活動の情報は、ほぼ米国頼みだ。加えて、民主党政権の3年3カ月が致命的だった。この間に日本の公安・情報機関はズタズタにされ、長年築いてきたネットワークが破断された」民主党政権の大罪は絶対に許されない。 日本は決してテロと無縁ではない。連続企業爆破事件やあさま山荘事件、オウム真理教事件など、世界に衝撃を与えた事件が続発している。最近では、北朝鮮のミサイル挑発と連携するように、在日朝鮮人組織の動きが活発化した。



 ■加賀孝英(かが・こうえい) ジャーナリスト。1957年生まれ。週刊文春、新潮社を経て独立。95年、第1回編集者が選ぶ雑誌ジャーナリズム大賞受賞。週刊誌、月刊誌を舞台に幅広く活躍。一昨年11月、月刊「文藝春秋」で「尾崎豊の遺書・全文公開」を発表し、大きな話題となった。

