◯The Fukushima Crisis792;Evry day Bleedig.市長Idogawaの鼻は、特に朝、毎日出血。

2014-05-15 07:33:28 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/15/2014. ENENews. Asahi. Japan Times. Mainichi.
Former Mayor of Futaba (Fukushima) Katsutaka Idogawa, in ‘Oishinbo,delicious lover.

Former official posts pics of bloody tissues after daily nosebleed: “You can no longer live in Fukushima”… many suffer due to radiation – Fukushima U. Prof.: Impossible to make it so people can live here – Top Govt Spokesman: Nosebleeds & nuclear disaster NOT related

Environment, Global News, Health, Politics, SocietyAdd comments

Mayor Idogawa’s nose bleeds every day, especially in the mornings (Mainichi, May 10, 2014)

- Former official posts pics of bloody tissues after daily nosebleed: “You can no longer live in Fukushima”… many suffer due to radiation ― Fukushima U. Prof.: Impossible to make it so people can live here ― Top Govt Spokesman: Nosebleeds & nuclear disaster NOT related (PHOTOS) (ENENews, May 13, 2014):

Fukushima University Professor Takeru Arakida in new issue of manga ‘Oishinbo’: “You simply can’t decontaminate a wide area in Fukushima and make it a place where people can live”

Asahi, May 13, 2014: [The] professor who appears under his real name in the May 12 installment says it is impossible to decontaminate the entire prefecture and make it livable

Statement from President of Fukushima University: “We would like to remind faculty members to act and speak after thoroughly understanding their position.”

Japan Times, May 13, 2014: a character based on a real-life former mayor refers to Fukushima Prefecture in its latest issue as unlivable [Katsutaka Idogawa]: “You can no longer live in Fukushima.”

Former Mayor of Futaba (Fukushima) Katsutaka Idogawa, in ‘Oishinbo’: “Many people suffer from nosebleeds and fatigue because they have been exposed to radiation [...] People should not live in Fukushima today.”

Tweet from 32-year-old “Junichi” retweeted over 10,000 times: “I hope that this serves as an opportunity to have more people know about the reality [...] rather than cover up”

Yoshihide Suga, Top Gov’t Spokesman (Chief Cabinet Secretary): “The appraisal of experts [is] that there is no causal relationship between radiation exposure among residents and nosebleeds.” ― “We cannot think of any causal links.” ― Government will continue to disseminate accurate information

Ruiko Muto, head of group seeking criminal responsibility for Fukushima disaster: “I heard that some people suffered from nosebleeds. [...] I feel uncomfortable with the concerted effort to protest the depiction of the nosebleed segment.”

All 5 photos posted by the former mayor are here

Tags: Environment, Fukushima, Global News, Government, Health, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Politics, Radiation, Society

05/15/2014. ENENews. Asahi. Japan Times. Mainichi
Former Mayor of Futaba (Fukushima) Katsutaka Idogawa, in ‘Oishinbo,delicious lover.

流血の組織の元公職の写真毎日鼻血後: "あなたは、もはや生きて福島のできる" ...多くは、放射線に起因する苦しみ - 福島U.教授:人々はここに住むことができるようにそれを作ることは不可能 - トップ政府のスポークスマン:鼻血&核災​​害関連していない



- 毎日鼻血後血まみれの組織の元公職の写真: "あなたは、もはや生きて福島のことができます」...多くの人が放射線による苦しみ-福島U.教授:人々はここに住むことができるようにそれを作ることは不可能-トップ政府のスポークスマン:鼻血&原子力災害は関係ありません(写真)(ENENews、2014年5月13日):



福島大学の学長からの声明:「我々は徹底的に自分の位置を理解した行動と話すように教員を念の為申し上げます。 "

ジャパンタイムズ、2014年5月13日:現実の前市長に基づいて文字が住めない[Katsutaka Idogawa]として、その最新号に福島県を指し、「あなたは、もはや生きて福島のことができます」

前市長双葉(福島)Katsutaka Idogawaの中で、「美味しんぼ」:「彼らは放射線にさらされているため、多くの人が鼻血や疲労に苦しむ[...]人々は、今日、福島に住んではいけません。 "

万回以上もツイート32歳の「純一」からツイートした: "私は隠すのではなく、[...]これは、より多くの人々が現実を知っている機会として役立つことを願っています」

良英須賀、トップGOV'Tスポークスマン(官房長官)、「専門家の鑑定には住民や鼻血の間で放射線被曝との間には因果関係がないことである[] 。" - " 私たちはどんな因果リンクを考えることはできません。 " - 政府正確な情報を発信していきます

ルイ子武藤、福島の災害のための刑事責任を求めてグループの先頭:「私は何人かの人々は鼻血に悩まさと聞きました。[...]私は鼻血セグメントの描写に抗議する協調努力と不快に感じる。 "



