○ "Grandma's Legens"カゼには薬より「おばあちゃんの言い伝え」が一番な理由

2016-12-24 12:10:05 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学

2016-12-23 08:01:02 Risk measure. com.


The reason that "grandmother's legend" is most more than medicine for cold

Risk measure. com.
December 21, 2016

This season air dries, and it's easy to get active in a virus when. When air dries, Tsutomu who defends a mucous membrane of the throat and a nose falls and becomes easy to be infected with a virus. Is everyone careful of physical condition management?
The season chill in the morning and evening makes a winter arrival feel when. Nakazawa who felt "the throat did a mussel moth,..." from a morning (a 45 year old male, pseudonym and omission of titles from names) decided to leave with operation from the afternoon as the a subordinate and leave early because a body also left the heat languidly when lunch was taken at a company. (Of an article of No. "risk measure. com" magazine 2015 year November 25 carrying, saikei,)

"Did you catch a cold,..." while I was having a clinic around here in the going home way, was being a reception and was waiting order of the medical examination by a waiting room, I took notice of one book put right in front of the suddenness. It seems to be the book a doctor wrote.

It's written on a cover with "myths which concerns a cold", and I'm beginning to take in my hand and turn over a page slowly. "By the way what is myths?" when Nakazawa checked it by smart phone, it was said to be "myth, fiction, ill-founded social common belief and plural form of myth". The following thing was written on the book.

"Please prescribe an antibiotic."

I take such order from a patient, but unfortunately, the antibiotic is invalid for cold.

An antibiotic is the medicine at which so-called germs (bacteria) are beat. A cold, bacteria (germs), because it's the sickness which happens by a virus, the antibiotic is just ineffective.

As well as not working, bad. There are germs with which I coexist originally (It's called indigenous bacteria.) in the human interior of the body, and important work is being done. An antibiotic, this, all indigenous bacteria is also beat, so physical condition is destroyed too much as a side effect.

Bacteria by which an antibiotic won't work in the future by using an antibiotic easily incompletely (resistant bacteria) is produced. An antibiotic isn't prescribed to a cold.






"Even if I take an over-the-counter cold medicine, it doesn't become good, and I want... to take out medicine which often works."

I want you to take out medicine really effective against a cold at a hospital, have not you said? (A※ picture is an image.)


Unfortunately... understood well doesn't exist in such medicine for the feeling. You'll expect something special of the medicine for which a doctor prescribes us, but unfortunately there are no changes in the effect.

The meaning of the "total" of the over-the-counter overall medicine for cold means that more than one medicine to the symptom of the cold is included in medicine for antifebrile, medicine for a painkiller, medicine for a cough medicine, the medicine which often takes out and has phlegm and medicine to allergy, but the difference with the medicine prescribed at a hospital will be about the fact that I have medicine to the symptom separately.

If I try to take medicine in all symptoms of a cold, I have to take 5 for once-medicine for 6 kinds, and it's difficult realistically and I can't recommend you. When I say more, I don't get over my cold by medicine. It's a just different story to take medicine and suppress the symptom and to get over the cold. A cold is something to cure by oneself.

"I think you'll examine at a hospital so as not to come to have a severe cold, and,..."
"I think it's better to take medicine rather early so that heat isn't generated, and,..."
"Can I have the medicine which prevents a cold,..."

Early detection and an early treatment are an important thing in all sickness. But the medicine which makes sure that I won't deteriorate and the medicine which prevents a cold don't exist in start of catching a cold.

When there is a treatment method of the purpose which isn't aggravated, that's nutritiousness (meal) and daily physical condition management including sleep (sleep) etc.. In other words, if I feel "Physical condition is strange. May it be a cold?", I go home early, and it's said that they rest a body.

Since it itself takes for an adverse effect and a body to go to a hospital to a cold, it may be harmful. I'll return and rest a body early!

"Because... tomorrow when SUKKIRI recovered won't be also rested to work if I give an intravenous drip injection at a hospital at a cold before, isn't there an intravenous drip which works with SUPA (injection)?"

Do you even say "intravenous drip belief", after someone once probably visited a hospital at a cold and received an intravenous drip and an injection somewhere, a story of the personal experience as "... which came to feel good simple..." has been impressed with intensely as the successful experience to which I say "When I administer an intravenous drip injection at a cold, I recover by blow!" all too soon. Even if you say "He who becomes fine by blow asks!", such dangerous medicine doesn't exist.

The next page >> What kind of time is it that a doctor does intravenous drip treatment?




Then, we, what kind of time is it that a doctor does intravenous drip treatment?

It's very physiological for man and efficient to eat from the mouth and drink, so it's a principle to say "When the mouth can be used, use the mouth." Can nourishment and water be taken by an intravenous drip? Unfortunately this is an insignificant one.

Man is taking nourishment and water from the mouth by having a meal (This is called oral absorption.) When you can't take orally, I need an intravenous drip, but it's only the situation that that was also limited.

Even if a meal can't be taken at all, I'm fine with a human body surprisingly (There is an example of fasting and a fast.) But when water can't be taken, a human body will be dehydration, and I fall in the dangerous state. A doctor asks a patient us certainly. "Is a meal had?" "Is the water drinkable?"

When water can be even taken even if it can't be taken, the meal is OK, but if water can't also be taken, this needs intravenous drip treatment.

"Because I won't rest to work tomorrow, can I have medicine for antifebrile,..."

Heat isn't to fall= to get over sickness. Because they're serious illness and a slight fever because I have a high fever, it isn't also right to say a slight illness.

An example is given. Though a sports player is injured, the impressive tale by which what ones are ancient times (?) is... which injected with a painkiller, participated in a game and rescued a pinch of a team?

Even if I take medicine and lower heat similarly, and it becomes temporary easily, I'm not over original sickness as "cold". When I take medicine, and forces oneself even though it became easy, a cold will be aggravated, and is the prolonged cause. A sleep period certain degree of is needed to get over the cold. Please give up and be absent from work.



The next page >> A cold gets by its physical strength and is the sickness cured by oneself.



After all do I have to lower heat?

It's a reaction of a normal body to catch a cold and run a fever. When thinking "I'm fighting against a virus of a cold in the body by raising the body temperature.", it would be easy to understand. The cold becomes difficult to get over by lowering heat by force, and it's prolonged. Unless daily life is hindered remarkably, (example: A meal can't also be taken by a cause of the heat exhausted by a high fever, the... etc. which can't sleep) it isn't necessary to lower heat by force.



In the long run for, grandmother's legend

"If I catch a cold, return early, eat something good and sleep early,..." experience called what isn't there?

A cold is an infection by a virus and even if they'll be left alone, is the sickness cured naturally (I say self limited disease.) and the sickness which gets by the physical strength and cures by itself.

When supposing that this is to fight against a virus of a cold, the energy is needed to fight. So you have to take a meal tightly.

Physical strength is necessary for the purpose against which I fight, so preservation (Physical strength is consumed by other ones.) rests a body tightly, and does physical strength.

I thought so, of an old grandmother as "eat something good and sleep early,...", it's told, yes, even if it'll be the horn age, it's right, said, it'll be. "If specific medicine for a cold is made, it's Nobel prize MON!" it's called, but what will this grandmother's legend be Nobel prize thing?

Even though it was read as... to here, it was called by a nurse "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. To Mr. Nakazawa and a consulting room, please." He lowers his head deep and Nakazawa who stood up makes a "oh, excuse me. It's special, but... sees how things are at home just as it is up to now,..." clinic later and has arrived at way home.

(Corporation guidance medicine. com managing director)



 2016-12-23 08:01:02 Risk measure. com.p

















病院で風邪によく効く薬を出して欲しいって、言ったことありませんか? (※画像はイメージです)




























 カゼはウイルスによる感染症であり、放っておいても自然に治る病気(self limited diseaseと言います)、自分の体力で乗り越えて自分で治す病気なのです。











