○ The Fulushima Crisis 375; "CT Scans of Children Raise Cancer Risk" CTで白血病リスク3倍.

2012-09-12 08:25:04 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

06/10/2012 English med. magazine "The Lancet" . Dr. Michiyuki Matsuzaki .afpbb.com. Tokyo Shimbun (kyodo). and
PeacePhilosophy. Prof.Mark Pearce.Newcastle univ.

" -- English med. magazine "lancet" paper: -- CT Scans of Children Raise Cancer Risk" whose brain tumor and leukemia of a child increase intentionally by contamination of about 50 millisieverts (Dr. Michiyuki Matsuzaki comment)
The paper of the English med. technical magazine "lancet" that a carcinogenic risk goes up by the CT at the time of childhood on June 7 was announced.
The comment is obtained from Dr. Michiyuki Matsuzaki of the Hokkaido Fukagawa hospital with what explained in Japanese the graph which shows that a carcinogenic risk goes up intentionally from contamination of about 50 millisieverts.
It is below Matsuzaki doctor's comment.
The increase in a significant disease risk is observed statistically [ a child's leukemia and a brain tumor ] near 50-mm gray (millisievert).
Coming out to a slight degree and becoming significant also with the dose not more than it, of course, is predicted.
This paper was written in order to trace from the first what cancer a child's CT inspection is generating and to reconsider the problem of the merit in sick diagnosis and therapeutic aspect, and the demerit of radioactive exposure, but There is we meaning of an about in the proof which shows that the opinion said below 100-mm Shibel is "safe" is an error further having been added.
at the beginning of a paper, authors are good for the health, not to mention it, which do not have a risk in "low dose contamination -- until -- there are some researchers who claim.
It is described as Some investigators claim that there are norisks, or even beneficial effects, associated with low-dose radiation", It is also one of the paper of this to show clearly whether such an opinion is right.
The position is expressed.
If the head CT is performed once to a less than 10-year-old child, a brain dose serves as 30mSv, a bone marrow dose serves as 10mSv weakness, and it is said to the summary that it is presumed that one brain tumor and one leukemia break out from 10,000 which underwent this CT inspection in the future.
And if the health impairment caused by the radioactive exposure of this level if generating of the other cancer or non-cancer diseases (cardiopathy etc.) is taken into calculation will become still larger, the portion of the design has described it.
It is in several 10-millisievert contamination by CT, and a risk of 1?2 persons telling 10,000 people that they get cancer will be socially permissible if the merit to sick diagnostic treatment is considered.
However, the risk of the contamination burdened by the target on the other hand by the nuclear power plant disaster should be zero primarily.
Moreover, it is a risk of a single figure and double figures exceeding the safety standards (100,000 people's whole life risk is made into one or less person) of asbestos or drinking water.
Therefore, if contamination of about 50 millisieverts is not set to 1/1,100 of 10 more minutes, the existing safety control system and compatibility of this country can be taken.

[Reference report]
By the CT at the time of childhood, a carcinogenic risk rise, In Britain 180,000 people Follow-up-survey http: 15:31 on June [ //www.afpbb.com/article/life-culture/health/2882432/90697942012 year ] 07 Place of dispatch : Paris / France [June 7 AFP] CT The investigation paper which a risk of the child who won popularity over many times showing the symptoms of blood cancer, a brain tumor, and marrow cancer behind presupposes may be increased a maximum of 3 times was published at the English medicine technical magazine "lancet (The Lancet)" on the 7th.
The carcinogenic risk with absolute combined teams of Canada, Britain, and the U.S. which investigated stops the irradiance level of the radiation by CT at worst, and if possible, it supposes that it is necessary to use a substitute inspection method, it being small.
It is said that the research team was able to show a direct proof of leading to the increase in a carcinogenic risk after the dose of radiation of the CT received at the time of childhood growing, for the first time by this investigation.
Mark Pearce of the main writer of a paper, and English Newcastle university health and a social research institute (Institute of Health and Society), "the most important one, It is said that it is using CT only when it may be completely justified from a clinical standpoint."
According to the research team, the use in the past ten years, especially the U.S. of CT is increasing rapidly.
But it is said that many especially potential carcinogenic risks to the child who is easy to be subject to the influence of radiation that the ionizing radiation of CT causes are seen.
The research team investigated by selecting those who have the experience which received CT in from a childhood term before [ from the medical records from 1985 of Britain to 2002 ] adolescence (less than 22 years old).
The number which showed the symptoms of leukemia (cancer of blood or marrow) in 2008 after 1985 among 180,000 candidate weakness was 74 persons, and the number of brain tumors was 135.
According to calculation of the research team, the person who has irradiated with the radiation of a total of 30-mm gray (mGy) had a 3 times higher risk of showing the symptoms of leukemia behind compared with the person of less than 5-mm gray.
The risk of the brain tumor increased 3 times by the person exposed to the radiation of a total of 50?74-mm gray.
In investigation, comparison with the carcinogenic risk which the children who have not received CT have is omitted.
Pierce "it is a subject of the highest priority to improve apparatus and to reduce the dose of radiation of CT.
It is said that both not only a radiology meeting but the manufacture maker of apparatus should tackle."
"It may also be appropriate to adopt alternative diagnostic methods which do not use ionizing radiation, such as an ultrasonic wave and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), depending on a situation."
Tokyo Shimbun (Kyodo)
It is a child's increase of cancer danger at http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2012060801001452.html CT. An international team will be at epidemiologic survey 12:20 on June 8, 2012.
[Washington cooperation] When the computed tomography (CT) inspection was undergone 2?3 times as a child, international teams, such as English Newcastle University, summarized the epidemiologic survey result that a risk of becoming a brain tumor increased 3 times, and it announced to the English medicine magazine lancet dated the 7th.
A risk of becoming leukemia by 5 to 10 times of CT(s) is also referred to as increasing 3 times.
A team "CT is excellent in quick and exact diagnosis, and short-term profits exceed long-term danger in many cases.
It is insisted that however, 1 time of a dose of radioactivity is made as low as possible, and you should choose there when there is another diagnostic method."
A team investigates about 180,000 less than 22-year-old people who underwent CT inspection in 1985?2002 in Britain.
Contributor Peace Philosopher time: 4:13 AMEmail This
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Label: The Chernobyl Accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, a Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants Fukushima nuclear power plant problem, In English English contribution, and In Japanese Japanese contribution
Anonymous said...
The meaning of an English title is unknown.
"Cander Risk" is a typo. Is it "CanserRisk" surely?
6:46 PM
It corrected to Peace Philosopher said...Cancer.
Indication gratitude is carried out.
6:52 PM
Resume Bible said ...
It was a very attractive report!!
Moreover, it comes for play!!
Thank you.
12:47 PM
Marui U.K. said ...
10,000 people think that they are the probability which may exist if 1?2 persons' onsets of cancer are a medical center in which patients with an advanced disease gather easily regardless of CT, and a medical institution of urban areas.
It waits for verification in many medical institutions also from a viewpoint of reproducibility.
12:45 PM
Marui U.K. said ...
10,000 people think that they are the probability which may exist if 1?2 persons' onsets of cancer are a medical center in which patients with an advanced disease gather easily regardless of CT, and a medical institution of urban areas.
It waits for verification in many medical institutions also from a viewpoint of reproducibility.
12:48 PM
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06/10/2012 英医学誌『The Lancetランセット』.松崎道幸医師. afpbb.com. 東京新聞(共同). and.PeacePhilosophy. Prof.Mark Pearce.Newcastle univ..

"英医学誌『ランセット』論文:50ミリシーベルト程度の被ばくで小児の脳腫瘍や白血病が有意に増える(松崎道幸医師コメント)CT Scans of Children Raise Cancer Risk"



小児の白血病、脳腫瘍とも、50ミリグレイ(ミリシーベルト)付近で統計学的に有意な疾病リスクの増加が観察されます。もちろんそれ以下の線量でも、もう少しで有意になることが予測されます。この論文は、もともと、子供のCT検査がどれくらいのガンを発生させているのかを突き止め、病気の診断・治療面でのメリットと、放射線被ばくのデメリットの問題を再考するために書かれたのですが、私たちにとっての意義は、「100ミリシーベル以下は安全」と言う主張が誤りであることを示す証拠がさらに追加されたことにあります。論文の冒頭で、著者等は「低線量被ばくにはリスクはない、それどころか健康に良いとまで主張する研究者もいる。Some investigators claim that there are no risks, or even beneficial effects, associated with low-dose radiation」と述べて、そのような主張が正しいかどうかを明らかにすることも、この論文の一つであ



2012年06月07日 15:31 発信地:パリ/フランス
【6月7日 AFP】CTスキャンを多数回にわたって受けた子どもは、後に血液がん、脳腫瘍、骨髄がんを発症するリスクが最大3倍になる可能性があるとする調査論文が、7日の英医学専門誌「ランセット(The Lancet)」に掲載された。



論文の主執筆者、英ニューカッスル大学(Newcastle University)健康・社会研究所(Institute of Health and Society)のマーク・ピアース(Mark Pearce)氏は、「最も重要なのは、臨床的見地から完全に正当化されうる場合にのみCTを使うことだ」と述べている。









CTで子どものがん危険増 国際チームが疫学調査
2012年6月8日 12時20分

投稿者 Peace Philosopher 時刻: 4:13 AM
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ラベル: Chernobyl Accident チェルノブイリ原発事故, Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants 福島原発問題, In English 英語投稿, In Japanese 日本語投稿
Anonymous said...
英文タイトルの意味が不明です。“Cander Risk”とはタイプミスで、正しくは“Canser Risk”ではありませんか?
6:46 PM
Peace Philosopher said...
Cancer に訂正しました。ご指摘感謝します。
6:52 PM
履歴書バイブル said...
12:47 PM
丸井英 said...
12:45 PM
丸井英 said...
12:48 PM
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note; by Hatena.
computed tomography [U.K.] .. CT.
Equipment which develops on a computer the cross-sectional picture which hit X-rays to the human body from various angles, and was horizontally cut into round slices.
It was developed in Britain and imported for the first time by Japan in 1975.
By the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare investigation in 2002, the possession number of the hospitals of the Japan whole country is 7920 sets.
The effect of lung cancer early detection attracts attention, and the clinical test [ validity / the conventional chest X-rays inspection and / for 50,000 people (smokers) ] is done in the U.S.
In the case of a chest, exposure dose by CT inspection is carried out even if it corresponds by 400 times the usual X ray equipment, but a low dose of radiation also has a high-precision product these days.
The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) shows the requirements for an inspection, such as "avoiding a repeated inspection, if there is no necessity."
In the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accompanying the offing earthquake of the Tohoku district Pacific Ocean which occurred in March, 2011, exposure dose will be reported as compared with CT in many cases, and it will be anew observed about contamination of CT.

note; by Hatena.
computed tomography[英]. .CT.









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