2015-10-12 08:09:42 wired
2015.9.24 THU
Are "light sabers" of Star Wars made?
I asked a specialist of light and Yoshio Hayasaki.
This section which pursues "the degree of realization of the science-fiction movie-like gimmick" with the each issue and J-WAVE "HELLO WORLD" by WIRED magazine. This time and at last (?) "Light sabers" but I appear. It's Prof. Yoshio Hayasaki's laboratory in Utsunomiya University which makes the point light engineering a major that it was visited to know the possible bad. I also fail to hear a program of 22:00-broadcasting on Thursday, September 24, and cries! (It's Utsunomiya University optics education center Yoshio Hayasaki
laboratory "WIRED" sold it on September 10 and that
visited this time with navigator DJ TARO in "WIRED" VOL.18BY
KAORIILLUSTRATION BY YU NAGABATEXT BY TOMONARI COTANI "HELLO WORLD". Can "light sabers" of Star Wars be achieved technically? A heart made them jump, and a door of the laboratory was hit. This magazine serialization "a science-fiction movie of DJ TARO is achieved,
laboratory", the 3rd time: Gesture interface of "iron man" can be
achieved. KA? The 2nd time which asked a UX researcher: Is the day when you get on HOVABODO also near? The 1st time regarded
as artist Yoichi Ochiai of media: Can man make "star"? Private space development team
"HAKUTO" representative and Hayasaki who has asked Takeshi Hakamada history (in the following, H) When receiving a
voice cliff this time, it "is unpleasant" that I thought first, it was a fact. I didn't know what was unpleasant for a while, light sabers are also very popular by Chur and are a famous science fiction gadget bag, but when I think carefully, it's a weapon, isn't it? I say whether it's possible to make the tool by which a person is probably killed. Uneasiness was being held in a point whether it might be judged. HELLO WORLD (in the following,
HW) Does whether you say the sense of ethics as the scientist look like the leaving location? I see.... H is this
serialization and HOVABODO taken up in the past and gesture interface are the technology which makes the person happy, aren't they? So whether the time of the technology which makes the person unfortunate of all things why has turned around, (warai). I thought to be honest, this could even make a comment at first. When an answer is done now that however it was taken over, ", the electric power, with a place. Oh, light sabers can be achieved by crashing in,", and, it'll be. Because even the current state is the reason to which iron curves when using a laser. Of 1 beam ejected from femtosecond laser pulse, Prof. Hayasaki who poses for 1000 in front of the equipment which branches. "I like a movie as "twister". Scientists try to scatter a sensor in the tornado and measure the movement to measure a huge tornado, in short I try to do that dramatically small version using a laser."
YOSHIO HAYASAKI| Yoshio Hayasaki
It was born in 1965. Utsunomiya University optics education research center professor. Discovery and a new optical system of the new phenomenon which connects with the next generation industry have been developed through study territory such as information photonics, light measurement and laser machining. The person himself reason origin "taking iron". An inquiring mind to Hikari from boyhood is connected today.
HW A laser advances straight interminably, so whether it's possible to hold at the fixed length like a sword, though I'm an amateur, I think, how about the point?
H Is it some's way, not opposite to the stem a mirror is arranged and to hope that you make them reflective? For example a stick develops from the center of the stem, and a mirror develops ahead of it and.
HW If it's a laser of forcing output, is it possible to put a blade together click like a sword fight?
H Even high output is subtle "click", isn't it? But when a laser is concentrated, a shock wave goes out. When a bomb is exploded by an action movie well, there is a phenomenon which blows off in the rear, but they're able to make that with a laser. You may be able to cause a small explosion successively by poking in the energy and invent repulsive force by that.
HW It's the reason you make explosive with BON before the moment which touches a blade, right? But if it's that, isn't one who has a sword dangerous, either?
H Certain (warai). Sound can make the directivity last, so it may be possible to control. It's possible by the back's exciting air by a photon (light) to make the electron a high energy state and move a thing by the shock wave which comes out after it.
HW It looks like force to move an object by a shock wave, doesn't it? By the way, the "information photonics" which is Mr. Hayasaki's study territory is hearing that holography is key technology. When does realization of holography of the REIA princess R2-D2 reflected by "Star Wars Episode 4" seem to be?
H And the volume display which is being studied with Mr. Yoichi Ochiai of University of Tsukuba is close technology. Well, these field and Asia don't press. There is Sakae Hira Olympics in Korea in particular, so there seems to be a big budget in a study of 3 dimension technology. Wonderful 3 dimension will be to be able to see. After that is, there is Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020, so it's expected that the technology in which I'm not defeated by Korea comes out.
HW What kind of research work do you make the other ones?
I have the technology which shares a beam of a of H with 1000 and catches the location of three dimensions of the technology which does laser machining in an instant and the particle of the diameter 20nm scale by several nm of precision. There is almost nothing but the fact for which light is used with the restrictions. If I can think of a fascinating idea, it's possible to get it and begin an only way.
Do you get an idea from HW SF work?
When H "Doraemon" is read again from the beginning, some, I think a research subject is found. The back, "star and TOREKKU". That a theme as "This and now will be done, here." is unexpected when a video is being seen, I have that!
2015-10-12 08:09:42 wired
2015.9.24 THU
スター・ウォーズの「ライトセイバー」はできますか? 光の専門家・早崎芳夫に訊いてみた
WIRED誌で毎号、J-WAVE「HELLO WORLD」とともに「SF映画的ギミックの実現度」を追求するこのコーナー。今回は、遂に(?)「ライトセイバー」が登場。その可不可を知るべく訪れたのは、先端光工学を専門とする宇都宮大学の早崎芳夫教授の研究室。9月24日(木)22:00~放送の番組もお聴き逃しなく!(9月10日発売、『WIRED』VOL.18BY KAORI
「HELLO WORLD」のナビゲーターDJ TAROと『WIRED』が今回訪ねたのは、宇都宮大学オプティクス教育センター早崎芳夫研究室。技術的にスター・ウォーズの「ライトセイバー」が実現できるのか? 心躍らせて研究室のドアを叩いた。
早崎(以下H) 今回お声がけをいただいたとき、最初に思ったのは「気持ち悪いな」ってことでした。しばらくなにが気持ち悪いのかわからなかったのですが、ライトセイバーってすごくクールで人気もあって有名なSFガジェットだけど、よくよく考えると武器ですよね。どうやら、人を殺める道具をつくることができるか否かという判断を、していいものかどうかという点に違和感を抱いていたようなんです。
HELLO WORLD(以下HW) 科学者としての倫理観というか、立ち位置みたいなものでしょうか。なるほど…。
H この連載で過去に取り上げられてきたホヴァーボードやジェスチャーインターフェイスは、人を幸せにするテクノロジーですよね。だから、なんでよりによって人を不幸にするテクノロジーの回がまわってきたのかと(笑)。これは正直、コメントすらしちゃいけないのかなと、当初は思いました。とはいえ、引き受けた以上お答えをするならば、「電力をとことん突っ込むことで、ライトセイバーは実現できる」となります。だってレーザーを使えば、現状でも鉄が切れるわけですから。
HW レーザーって果てしなくまっすぐ進むので、刀のように一定の長さに留めておくことができるのかなと、素人ながらに思ってしまうのですが、その点はいかがでしょう?
H 柄の反対側になにかしらの方法でミラーを配置し、反射させるといいのではないでしょうか。例えば柄の中心から棒が伸び、その先でミラーが展開するとか。
HW 強い出力のレーザーだと、チャンバラのようにカチンと刃を合わせることができるのですか?
H 高出力でも、「カチン」は微妙ですね。でも、レーザーを集光すると衝撃波が出るんです。よくアクション映画で、爆弾が爆発すると後ろに吹っ飛ぶ現象がありますが、あれをレーザーでつくることは可能です。エネルギーを突っ込むことで小さな爆発を連続的に起こし、それによって反発力を生み出せるかもしれません。
HW 刃に接触する一瞬前に、ボンッと爆発させるわけですね。でもそれだと、剣を持っている自分自身も危なくないですか?
H 確かに(笑)。ただ、音は指向性をもたせられるので、コントロールすることができるかもしれません。あとは、フォトン(光)によって空気を励起(れいき)することで電子を高エネルギー状態にし、その後に出てくる衝撃波でものを動かす、ということは可能です。
HW 衝撃波で物体を動かすなんて、まるでフォースみたいですね! ちなみに早崎先生の研究領域である「情報フォトニクス」は、ホログラフィがキーテクノロジーだとお聞きしています。『スター・ウォーズ エピソード4』でR2-D2が映し出したレイア姫のホログラフィの実現は、いつごろになりそうでしょうか?
H 筑波大学の落合陽一さんと一緒に研究しているヴォリュームディスプレイは、それに近しいテクノロジーです。実はこの分野、アジアが強いんです。特に韓国では平昌オリンピックがあるので、立体映像技術の研究に大きな予算がついているようです。きっとすばらしい立体映像が見られることでしょう。その後の2020年には東京オリンピックがあるので、韓国に負けないテクノロジーが出てくることを期待しています。
HW そのほかにはどのような研究をされているのでしょうか?
H 1本のビームを1,000本に分けて、瞬時にレーザー加工をする技術や、直径20nmスケールの粒子の3次元位置を、数nmの精度でつかまえる技術をもっています。ただ、光を使うということ以外は、制約はほとんどありません。面白いアイデアを思いついたらえいっと始めることができるんです。
HW SF作品からアイデアを得ることはありますか?
H 『ドラえもん』を最初から読み返せば、なにかしら研究テーマが見つかると思っています。あとは『スター・トレック』。ヴィデオを観ていると、「これ、いまならできるじゃん」というテーマが意外とあるんですよ!
<iframe title="YouTube video player" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mHrXxJwhtGQ" frameborder="0" width="580" height="360"></iframe>
9月24日(木)22:00~放送。HELLO WORLD(81.3FM J-WAVE)
さまざまなトピックスを多角的かつ魅力たっぷりに紹介するプログラム「HELLO WORLD」(月~金曜日の22:00~23:30)。国内外のIT情報やガジェットへの造詣が深い、DJ TAROのナビゲートによる9月24日(木)放送の同番組では、『WIRED』編集部がスタジオに登場。YouTubeライヴもぜひチェックを。
Booooo! Just say the first thing that comes to mind. It will usually be clever and witty, or you will crash and burn horribly. Either way, everyone will be talking about it!
Haha your way definitely sounds more fun. For everyone else, at least.
For me, having a “template” would be more about calming the nerves. I have a hard enough time not being awkward in normal, everyday conversation so an impromptu speech sounds like a nightmare.
2015-10-12 22:06:15 lifehacker.com
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Kristin Wong
Photo by Shutterstock.