山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


Saturday comes again.

2010-03-27 16:11:11 | 旅行
A week has passed since we came to Melbourne this time.
The students are starting to feel confident.

Today I helped N.S, who is a high school graduate attending Niimi College Study tour.
He wants to play tennis in Melbourne.
I helped him play tennis here, arranging a private coaching lesson, interpreting for the lesson.
It was the first time for me to interpret a tennis lesson.
I have videotaped a part of the lesson so that I can show it to my brother who is a professional tennis coach in Kanagawa.

Next I saw off the students who went to see the penguin parade.
I have seen the penguin parade several times, so I sat this our this year.

Instead I went to Melbourne International Flower and Garden Festival.
Many people were there.
I saw some Japanese ikebana exhibits and Japanese water gardens.

I will help the students come home when they come back to the city after the penguin parade late this evening.

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