

ドイツ: ダメなものはダメ!

2016-07-07 22:44:26 | 日記
2016年7月7日(Thu.) 七夕ですね。二人は逢えたのでしょうか・・・。 さて、ドイツでは性犯罪に関する法律の適用拡大が下院を通ったようです。 (ニュースソース: DW-DE 7月7日発 )

'No means no:' Germany broadens definition of rape under new law
Germany's lower house has passed legislation that effectively broadens the definition of rape. The move no longer requires victims physically resist sexual assault in order to pursue rape charges against their assailant.

German lawmakers on Thursday unanimously passed legislation entitled "improving the protection of sexual self-determination" that makes it easier for victims of sexual assault to file criminal complaints.

The law closes "blatant loopholes" in Germany's rape laws by widening the definition of rape to include sexual activity that goes against the "discernible will" of the victim, said German Justice Minister Heiko Maas on Thursday.

If "a defenseless state is used to commit sexual attacks, the culprits can be punished for that accordingly in the future," he said before the vote.

"When perpetrators cannot be punished, it is a second bitter humiliation for the victims," he added.

Previous legislation stipulated that rape could only be punishable if the victim showed physical signs of resisting the assailant.

"It is crucial that we finally embed the principle of 'no means no' in criminal law and make every non-consensual sexual act a punishable offense," said Social Democratic Party lawmaker Eva Högl ahead of the parliamentary vote.

In March, German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet approved the measure following hundreds of reports of sexual violence committed by men of apparent foreign backgrounds on New Year's Eve in Cologne.

Under the new legislation, individuals involved in a group carrying out acts of sexual violence are liable to face criminal charges, even if they did not commit the act themselves.

According to Germany's DPA news agency, some 8,000 rapes are reported annually. However, only 8 percent of court trials concerning rape result in a convictions, said Germany's justice minister.

(抜粋)新しい法律では、Rape(強姦)に対する適用(定義)を拡大できるようにしています。 ドイツ下院にて、木曜日(本日)、それを満場一致で可決しました。




何れにしても、人格や尊厳などを軽視するような行いをする連中は、許せるものではありません。 自己中心的とも言えるのでしょうね。 ウーム、類似の人が政治家にもいるんじゃないでしょうか・・・。

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