2017年2月8日(Wed.) まだまだUSのトランプに関わるニュースが多いように感じています。 そして、トランプの言う”メディアは十分なテロの事実を報道していない”とするコメントに対し、THE LOCAL はデンマークにおける該当すると称される3件の事件についての見解を述べています。 ( ニュースソース: THE LOCAL dk 2月7日発 )
Here are reports on the Danish 'terror' attacks Trump says weren't reported
A police officer lays flowers outside the Krudttønden cultural cafe in Østerbro following the February 2015 terror attack. File photo: Claus Bjorn Larsen/AFP/Scanpix
In an escalation of his self-declared “running war with the media”, US President Donald Trump and his administration have accused the Western media of conspiring to avoid coverage of terrorist attacks.
“Radical Islamic terrorists are determined to strike our homeland, as they did on 9/11, as they did from Boston to Orlando to San Bernardino. And all across Europe, you’ve seen what happened in Paris and Nice. All over Europe, it’s happening. And it’s gotten to the point that it’s not even being reported and in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn't want to report it. They have their reasons, and you understand that,” Trump said while addressing members of the military in Florida on Monday.
(抜粋)イスラム・テロリスト達はわが国に攻撃することを決めている、9.11やボストンなどの事例のように。 そしてヨーロッパ全土も、パリやニースで何が起こったか見たとおりです。 ヨーロッパ全土で、発生しているのです。 そして、それらは正直には伝えられていません。彼らには彼らの理由があるのです。 この話は月曜日にフロリダでの軍隊に対して行われたものです。
Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer later walked back his boss’s claims a bit by saying that Trump administration thinks certain attacks haven’t “gotten the coverage [they] deserved”. In an attempt to back this claim, the White House released a list of 78 terrorist attacks that Trump felt didn’t get proper coverage.
<リスト>: Here's the list the White House sent of attacks they feel "did not receive adequate attention from Western media sources."
These included the widely-reported attacks in Paris on the Charlie Hebdo office and the Bataclan concert venue, the Nice truck attack and the Berlin Christmas market attack. The list also included the following three incidents in Denmark, all of which were reported by The Local and others.
(抜粋)このリストには広く知られたパリのシャルリエブドの件や、ニース、そして、ベルリンのクリスマス・マーケットの事件も含まれています。 そして、このリストには以下に述べる3つのデンマークにおける事件も挙げられていますが、The Local やその他で報じられたものばかりです。
The February 2015 attack on a cultural centre and synagogue. In the February 14-15 attack, Omar El-Hussein, a 22-year-old Danish citizen of Palestinian origin, fired at least 30 shots at a free speech event featuring Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks, killing 55-year-old filmmaker Finn Nørgaard. El-Hussein then killed volunteer security guard Dan Uzan outside of Copenhagen’s Great Synagogue before being shot and killed by police. A quick search shows that The Local has published 89 articles about the attack and its aftermath.
The September 2015 stabbing of a police officer at a Danish asylum centre. A stateless Palestinian who was due to be expelled from Denmark was arrested for trying to kill a Danish police officer in a stabbing attack at Center Sandholm, Denmark's largest institution for asylum seekers. The officer survived and it later emerged that the 25-year-old perpetrator “may be radicalized and have sympathy for the Islamic State” and that he had previously sprayed Sweden’s justice and migration minister, Morgan Johansson, with a fire extinguisher during a visit to a housing project for refugees.
(注: 以上の2件は、翻訳を略します。 いずれもテロ事件として詳細に報じられていることを主張しています。)
The August 2016 police shooting at Christiania. In the late hours of August 31st, two police officers and a civilian were shot in what police said was a drug bust gone awry at Pusher Street, the notorious open-air cannabis market in the Copenhagen enclave of Christiania.
One officer was critically injured but broadcaster DR reported two weeks ago that he was expected to be released from the hospital soon. The other two injuries were not serious.
The suspected gunman, 25-year-old Mesa Hodzic, was later shot and killed by police.
While Islamists tried to claim that Hodzic was a “soldier of the Islamic State” and Copenhagen Police said he had links to the radical Islamist group Millatu Ibrahim, police said there was no evidence that extremism inspired the shooting.
(抜粋)(注: 3件目はテロではなかったと主張・・・) CPHのクリスチャニア地区で発生した事件は、8月31日の深夜のことでした。 二人の警官と一人の市民が銃撃されましたが、これは大麻マーケットで知られた場所でのことです。 犯人は25歳で警官によって射殺されました。 ISはこの犯人は戦士であると主張しましたが、警察によると、過激思想に触発されての犯行である証拠はなかったと述べています。
Copenhagen Police confirmed to The Local on Tuesday that they still had no evidence to suggest it was a terror attack, while Magnus Ranstorp, an internationally renowned terrorism expert and researcher at Sweden's National Defence University, said that it's quite normal for Islamists to claim Western terror attacks after the fact.
"They want to appear to be omnipresent, to be eveywhere," he told The Local.
(抜粋)警察への取材によると、火曜日(注: 今週)現在、テロ攻撃であった証拠は見つかっていません。 スウェーデンの専門家によると、彼ら(トランプ政権)は、テロは偏在するもの、どこでも起きると言うことをアピールしたいのではないかと語っています。
Police said that Hozdic, who came to Denmark from Bosnia and Herzegovina aged four, was an established player in the Christiania drug trade, which is largely controlled by organized gangs. Police raids are common on Pusher Street, as are clashes between officers and dealers, but this was the first fatal incident involving police.
The shooting led to Christiania residents tearing down the permanent cannabis stalls at Pusher Street in an attempt to stop sales in the alternative enclave, which was founded by squatting hippies in the 1970s and has a long history of openly selling cannabis. While police say that the lucrative cannabis market took a serious hit after the removal of the stalls, marijuana and hash are still sold openly on Pusher Street.
A quick search shows that The Local has published well over 80 articles about the incident and the impact it had on Christiania and its cannabis trade.
The White House list may have been hastily prepared as it misspelled 'Denmark' as 'Denmakr', 'San Bernardino' as 'San Bernadino' and 'attacker' as “attaker”.
サッと調べただけでも The Local は80件もの記事をこのクリスチャニアでの事件に関して報道してきています。
そして、ホワイトハウスの急いで準備したこの”リスト”にはスペリングミスがあって、'Denmark' as 'Denmakr'、 'San Bernardino' as 'San Bernadino' 、 'attacker' as “attaker” このように間違えているのです。
テロはどこにでも起こりうることは誰でも承知のこと。 その解決のためには、武力が必要になる部分もありますが、その根本原因である”格差助長・増大”や”貧困”、また、極端な原理主義的な思想もその一つと思われるので、そうしたことを解消していく方法を模索して行くべきではないでしょうか。
そして、そもそも、不動産王とも言われる富豪に、格差是正の考えは期待できるのでしょうか。 自分たちさえ良ければと考えそうなヤカラに、世界の舵取りは無理でしょう。 また、アベが再度訪米するようですが、タイプは違えども、経済(金儲け)を最優先する考えを有する輩としては、同じ穴の狢(むじな)ではないかと思えてしまいます。
*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。
Here are reports on the Danish 'terror' attacks Trump says weren't reported
A police officer lays flowers outside the Krudttønden cultural cafe in Østerbro following the February 2015 terror attack. File photo: Claus Bjorn Larsen/AFP/Scanpix
In an escalation of his self-declared “running war with the media”, US President Donald Trump and his administration have accused the Western media of conspiring to avoid coverage of terrorist attacks.
“Radical Islamic terrorists are determined to strike our homeland, as they did on 9/11, as they did from Boston to Orlando to San Bernardino. And all across Europe, you’ve seen what happened in Paris and Nice. All over Europe, it’s happening. And it’s gotten to the point that it’s not even being reported and in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn't want to report it. They have their reasons, and you understand that,” Trump said while addressing members of the military in Florida on Monday.
(抜粋)イスラム・テロリスト達はわが国に攻撃することを決めている、9.11やボストンなどの事例のように。 そしてヨーロッパ全土も、パリやニースで何が起こったか見たとおりです。 ヨーロッパ全土で、発生しているのです。 そして、それらは正直には伝えられていません。彼らには彼らの理由があるのです。 この話は月曜日にフロリダでの軍隊に対して行われたものです。
Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer later walked back his boss’s claims a bit by saying that Trump administration thinks certain attacks haven’t “gotten the coverage [they] deserved”. In an attempt to back this claim, the White House released a list of 78 terrorist attacks that Trump felt didn’t get proper coverage.
<リスト>: Here's the list the White House sent of attacks they feel "did not receive adequate attention from Western media sources."
These included the widely-reported attacks in Paris on the Charlie Hebdo office and the Bataclan concert venue, the Nice truck attack and the Berlin Christmas market attack. The list also included the following three incidents in Denmark, all of which were reported by The Local and others.
(抜粋)このリストには広く知られたパリのシャルリエブドの件や、ニース、そして、ベルリンのクリスマス・マーケットの事件も含まれています。 そして、このリストには以下に述べる3つのデンマークにおける事件も挙げられていますが、The Local やその他で報じられたものばかりです。
The February 2015 attack on a cultural centre and synagogue. In the February 14-15 attack, Omar El-Hussein, a 22-year-old Danish citizen of Palestinian origin, fired at least 30 shots at a free speech event featuring Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks, killing 55-year-old filmmaker Finn Nørgaard. El-Hussein then killed volunteer security guard Dan Uzan outside of Copenhagen’s Great Synagogue before being shot and killed by police. A quick search shows that The Local has published 89 articles about the attack and its aftermath.
The September 2015 stabbing of a police officer at a Danish asylum centre. A stateless Palestinian who was due to be expelled from Denmark was arrested for trying to kill a Danish police officer in a stabbing attack at Center Sandholm, Denmark's largest institution for asylum seekers. The officer survived and it later emerged that the 25-year-old perpetrator “may be radicalized and have sympathy for the Islamic State” and that he had previously sprayed Sweden’s justice and migration minister, Morgan Johansson, with a fire extinguisher during a visit to a housing project for refugees.
(注: 以上の2件は、翻訳を略します。 いずれもテロ事件として詳細に報じられていることを主張しています。)
The August 2016 police shooting at Christiania. In the late hours of August 31st, two police officers and a civilian were shot in what police said was a drug bust gone awry at Pusher Street, the notorious open-air cannabis market in the Copenhagen enclave of Christiania.
One officer was critically injured but broadcaster DR reported two weeks ago that he was expected to be released from the hospital soon. The other two injuries were not serious.
The suspected gunman, 25-year-old Mesa Hodzic, was later shot and killed by police.
While Islamists tried to claim that Hodzic was a “soldier of the Islamic State” and Copenhagen Police said he had links to the radical Islamist group Millatu Ibrahim, police said there was no evidence that extremism inspired the shooting.
(抜粋)(注: 3件目はテロではなかったと主張・・・) CPHのクリスチャニア地区で発生した事件は、8月31日の深夜のことでした。 二人の警官と一人の市民が銃撃されましたが、これは大麻マーケットで知られた場所でのことです。 犯人は25歳で警官によって射殺されました。 ISはこの犯人は戦士であると主張しましたが、警察によると、過激思想に触発されての犯行である証拠はなかったと述べています。
Copenhagen Police confirmed to The Local on Tuesday that they still had no evidence to suggest it was a terror attack, while Magnus Ranstorp, an internationally renowned terrorism expert and researcher at Sweden's National Defence University, said that it's quite normal for Islamists to claim Western terror attacks after the fact.
"They want to appear to be omnipresent, to be eveywhere," he told The Local.
(抜粋)警察への取材によると、火曜日(注: 今週)現在、テロ攻撃であった証拠は見つかっていません。 スウェーデンの専門家によると、彼ら(トランプ政権)は、テロは偏在するもの、どこでも起きると言うことをアピールしたいのではないかと語っています。
Police said that Hozdic, who came to Denmark from Bosnia and Herzegovina aged four, was an established player in the Christiania drug trade, which is largely controlled by organized gangs. Police raids are common on Pusher Street, as are clashes between officers and dealers, but this was the first fatal incident involving police.
The shooting led to Christiania residents tearing down the permanent cannabis stalls at Pusher Street in an attempt to stop sales in the alternative enclave, which was founded by squatting hippies in the 1970s and has a long history of openly selling cannabis. While police say that the lucrative cannabis market took a serious hit after the removal of the stalls, marijuana and hash are still sold openly on Pusher Street.
A quick search shows that The Local has published well over 80 articles about the incident and the impact it had on Christiania and its cannabis trade.
The White House list may have been hastily prepared as it misspelled 'Denmark' as 'Denmakr', 'San Bernardino' as 'San Bernadino' and 'attacker' as “attaker”.
サッと調べただけでも The Local は80件もの記事をこのクリスチャニアでの事件に関して報道してきています。
そして、ホワイトハウスの急いで準備したこの”リスト”にはスペリングミスがあって、'Denmark' as 'Denmakr'、 'San Bernardino' as 'San Bernadino' 、 'attacker' as “attaker” このように間違えているのです。
テロはどこにでも起こりうることは誰でも承知のこと。 その解決のためには、武力が必要になる部分もありますが、その根本原因である”格差助長・増大”や”貧困”、また、極端な原理主義的な思想もその一つと思われるので、そうしたことを解消していく方法を模索して行くべきではないでしょうか。
そして、そもそも、不動産王とも言われる富豪に、格差是正の考えは期待できるのでしょうか。 自分たちさえ良ければと考えそうなヤカラに、世界の舵取りは無理でしょう。 また、アベが再度訪米するようですが、タイプは違えども、経済(金儲け)を最優先する考えを有する輩としては、同じ穴の狢(むじな)ではないかと思えてしまいます。
*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。