倉富和子の女のひもとき in USA


引っ張られるストレッチで金運を掴もう(笑)It's a pulled stretch, I'll grasp luck with money.

2016-06-01 16:48:46 | Weblog



k.U (会社員)20代女性












【吉 夢】

【凶 夢】


【金 運】

It's a pulled stretch, I'll grasp luck with money.
k.U (office worker)
I received the description of my impressions to which I say "A body was very

firmrecently here, and even if a tray stretch and a meridian stretch were

done, howmuch was it just painful, I was really refreshed

with changing a stretch in a sash cliff today. You could participate 10 times

and tellnow this stretch to a person early, and I'd like to hand

healthy delight and Jomon kokorodou down to many people. Thank you very

much today.".

A sash account stretch is pulled, and is a pulled stretch.

How to take it of a balance is after it's decided.

Even though it's comfortable, it's only there.

 If a delay of a meridian is felt, by a tray stretch and a meridian exercise, the

whole bodyPlease make O bend.

Wb which seems fascinating was found, so please be consulted.

It's pulled/it's pulled.
[Lucky dream]
A pulled dream pulls it, and means that there are some movements in an economical face. Luck with money is blessed with the human relations in case of a lucky dream, and gets person's various bringing, and is the suggestion which rises. I pull a left arm and in case of a pulled dream, become stronger in the meaning of the good luck. Because the width of the luck with money rise becomes big only that I behaved by myself, it'll be excited. Further a pulled dream pulls mysterious existence, not man, and can expect the sudden income of a lottery.

[Ominous dream]
It may be the warning which receives money-like damage by some changes. The change would be something intense so that I pull it and am strong in the pulled power. Pulling fearfulness existence like a devil, and when being pulled oppositely, there is a possibility that subconsciousness is complaining that the thing you're doing now may summon money-like damage.

[Love luck]
A pulled dream pulls it, and is luck with money and a dream with a substitute, but luck with money and love luck are often connected. Love luck may probably regard as the dream which rises basically. The meaning by which the pulled one of a dream is a good luck pulls a left arm, and becomes stronger than a right arm. But, the dream pulled oppositely pulls something fearfulness like a devil, and suggests a possibility that the male who concerns now makes a fortune descend.

[Luck with money]
Even the item of the lucky dream and the ominous dream was describing luck with money, but a pulled dream on the whole pulls it, and involves the human relations, and money is also the signature which becomes easy to move. The various uses are born, and money goes out, but I'd often come in oppositely. When providing for useful how to use, connections will be abundantly, and luck with money will also rise.

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Unknown (大学二年生)
2016-06-04 12:22:41

