one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


双子のケーキ jumeaux

2008-03-20 14:00:06 | cake(ケーキ)

The left cake is "Blueberry chease tarte", and the right "Tarte blueberry".
If you watch them from above, you can't distinguish them which is which.
I like the left one, a piece of tarte blueberry. As for the price, the left is higher than the right for the use of cheese.

(@カンタベリーハウス Canterbury House、小田急デパート12F Odakyu Department store 12F, Shinjuku station, Shinjuku ward)
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人間の双子 jumelles

2008-03-20 13:58:39 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The personalities of the twin girls have become diffrent, though the faces and the styles look very same.

(@椎名橋北、西池袋4丁目、Nishiiekebukuro, Toshima ward)
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風車 moulins a vent

2008-03-20 13:57:49 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Pinwheels is turning with the soft spring wind. This is a glass store.
The sweeps of compact disk are very interesting. It turns well.
The tower-bottle is a broken sake wine bottle of old fashion.

(@長崎1丁目、Nagasaki, Toshima ward)
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銀座リコーカメラサービスセンター photographie de R8

2008-03-20 13:56:44 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

On the CCD of my Pocket Robot(Caplio GX-100), there has been a dust for a week.
I get a off to bring it to the Ginza Ricoh Camera Service Center. After leaving it for the dusting, I try to take a picture with the new degital camera, R8.
It has very little distortion. That's shocking. But I don't hate distortion of the lens. The picture is very clear. I don't think it beautiful but good.
And it's a big surprise that with the monitor of the R8 I can watch the pictures taken with GX-100. I want it.
If you want to dust your camera in a day, you should go to the service center until 2:00 p.m. The dusting needs two hours. So after the two o'clock, you shouldn't get it until the 9:30 a.m. in the next morning , or a few days later you would be delivered at your house. This time owing to my working schedule, I will get it on the next Thursday.

(@the Ginza Ricoh Camera Service Center, 銀座6丁目、Ginza, Chuo ward)
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なでられ猫 temptation de flatter

2008-03-20 13:55:35 | cats(猫)

Everybody can't stop rubbing its head or throat.

(@サンロード商店街、長崎1丁目、Nagasaki, Toshima ward)
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駅改札内花屋 boutique de fleuriste

2008-03-20 13:54:30 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In the Shinagawa station, there is a flower shop.
I watch the shop for a while.
Five women and men buy the pack of flowers.

(@品川駅、Shingawa station, Shingawa ward)
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線路工事の道具 instruments pour chemin de fer

2008-03-20 13:52:05 | site(現場スナップ)

These tools are used for the railroad construction. The shape of scop is very interesting, isn't it?

(@品川駅、Shingawa station, Shingawa ward)
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半天そば petit format de tempura

2008-03-20 13:51:07 | Foods(食)

At a noodle stand in the Kanda Station, they serve a baul of Double Halves Noodle(半天そば han-ten-soba). There are many customers who want to have two kinds of tenpura on their noodle. But the two pieces of tenpura in the bawl are too heavy for the ordinery people. So they make half size tenpuras. The seven of the ten order the Halves Noodle. That's a good business!

(@神田駅、Kanda station, Chiyoda ward)
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黒酢バー comtoire de vinaigre

2008-03-20 13:47:12 | Foods(食)

In many Japanese Railroad Company's stations, there are Black Vineger Bars.
I try to taste a glass of soy-milk with vineger and honey. The taste is sweet and good. I say to the girls it is good. They smiles and say their words are true.

(@新橋駅烏森口、Shinbashi station, Minato ward)
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寿司弁当食う観光客 etrangers

2008-03-20 13:45:31 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

A foreign couple enjoy the sushi lunch box in front of the Shinbashi station.
The lunch in the cold strong wind should become a good memory when they will reach to their sixty years old.

(@新橋2丁目、 Shinbashi, Minato ward)
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