

Thus, English became essential as a means of communication between those countries and Japan.

2016-05-20 17:19:35 | 日記














(1)During the Edo era, a period of approximately 300 years, Japan was closed country.

(2)Without contract or interact with other countries, a unique political and cultural society was formed.

(3)Eventually the opening of the countrie's borders meant the end of isoration and the beginning of a new age for Japan.

(4)Japan, traditionally having adopted only Eastern culture, was reborn as a new country which looked to the West.Gradually it started to import goods from countries such as Holland England and eventualIy from America.

(5)The new government of the Meiji era sent high ranking officials and scholars mainly to England and America in order to take in the new political system, economics, and culture.

(6)Thus, English became essential as a means of communication between those countries and Japan.
♪Thus~…舌噛んでザス 意;このように ※means…方法、手段

(7)Today the purose of English education at schools said to be acquiring English as a means of communication.

(8)One may wonder if there are any problems in English education at schools, and if there are, what kind of probems are they?

(9)He lived in America and got to know people living there. His experiences helped him acquire the English language.

(10)By utilizing his experiences of English acquisition and teaching,he has found meaning at his new working place.
♪acquisition…アクェズィシュン By utilizing…バイユールライズィン
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