

Houses in America usually don't use the lights to cover a wholeroom . This lifestyle must have...

2016-01-27 08:23:14 | 日記




(2)キャロルカ獨台を取りだし、 ローソクに灯をともす。ほかの明りはすべて消えておりました。夕食の準備ができました。









(1)I'll make salad, and Father'll milk the cow and put the cans to the maple trees for syrup.

(2)Carrol took out the candlesticks and lit them, while all the other lights were off.
Dinner was ready to eat.

(3)It's romantic to have dinner by candlelight, which'd make here more like the scene of a TV Western, wouldn't it?

(4)Houses in America usually don't use the lights to cover a wholeroom. This lifestyle must have been passed down from our ancestors in Europe, I suppose.
※be passed down from ~…~受け継がれる

(5)Specifically, our ancestors were Vikings and they used to fight around the seas during the daytime, so they needed enough rest at night. That's what I think.

(6)I feel strange because in Japanse use candles only when the electric power is out.

(7)You'll be alright, you'll get used to it soon. Don't you think this ambiance puts you in a good mood to talk about what's happened during the day?
※put person ~…人を~の状態にさせる

(8)We're supposed to drop in at the newspaer company.
※be supposed to do(◆しばしば[spoust]と発音)…人が〉…することになっている, …するよう期待[要求]されている

(9)They want to have an interview with you because you are the first Japanese exchange student, they said.

(10)After getting up early in the morning, Mr.Hanson fed the animals collecfed the maple syrup and got to ready for school with Mr.Araki.
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