日乗 diary - ニホンノインド化 Japan becomes like India

2020年08月21日 | 日記




Japan has a crazy HOT summer

Over 40 degrees(Celsius)

it's the same as Indi









It was a hot day today, we had 35 C(degrees), it will be the same as tomorrow. But this coming Sunday, a bit cooler, it will be 30 C. It's much better.

I've got one momerable news on the newspaper. It told me about India had 40 C, many people died because of the temperature. I was so surprised, humans can die by HOT?? I knew that cold makes humans die, but HOT??

I also remembered the picture with this article, there was a field where just one small tree was standing, it made little shade on the ground, one cow was lying under the tree in the shade but only a half of cow's body. The cow was OK with this little one?

Nowadays, we have got around/over 35 C, a few days ago, a city had over 40 C. Oh my god. I've never imagined that we have 40 C in summer? It's really crazy stupid temperature!!

We have to do something/anything we can do for letting down such high temperatures. Let's do something!


*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.



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