日乗 diary - 亀の甲より年の劫 Aged people are wiser than young people

2020年08月31日 | 日記




I tell you

Aged people are wiser 

Than young people




代わりに出て来たのが、四十代くらいの笑顔の素敵な女性だった。「なんでしょう?」という感じにゆったりした口調で対応してくれた。この人もヘタクソな英語に戸惑ったようだったが理解しようとしてくれて、最終的に私の知りたかったことを教えてもらえたように覚えている。"Thank you"だけを一生懸命伝えて、その場を後にした△





When I travelled in UK, I went to a tourist informaion to ask about something, I'm not sure that, it might have been, how to get to a place.

Firstly, a young girl who was in her 20s, talked to me but I didn't speak English. She didn't understand what I said, she soon went to the back office. Secondly, a lady who was in her 40s, came out and responded me instead of the young girl. She tried to understand about me, finally I got the information that I wanted to.

I thanked her many times then got out of the Tourist Information. Nowdays, we can have our smartfone, it's very useful, such as Dictionaly, translate, maps and Internet. We wouldn't need to ask people about anything, but it would be good? It seems, we get less opportunities to have communications each other, even if we had some embarrassment.

I think the woman might be a good example to follow her atittude to anybody.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.







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