オサンポ walk - 生クリーム雲 those clouds look like the whipped cream

2018年08月23日 | 日記

There are some clouds in summer
They look like the whipped cream
In the afternoon


I was thinking nothing during walking, actually, it's not, I was thinking at least, something in my head and looking around the sceneries without my eyes'focus. I somehow focused on the clouds far away from me, there was only white area in the blue sky. "The whipped cream" the word popped up in my head, just because I love it. After that, when I saw the photo of it at home, the other word "stratosphere“ came into my head. The word would sound like more intelligent than whipped cream. It depends on the sense to words though.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「野蛮なアリスさん」ファン・ジョンウン (斎藤真理子訳) 「Yaban na Alice san」

2018年08月22日 | 日記

It's the first book
For me
To read a Korean novel

ほとんど新聞から、本など書籍の情報をゲットしています。こちらは確か、作家に来てもらっての、何かイベントとかの記事でだったような気がします。それに触れて、そう言えば韓国の本とかって読んだことないかも? と思い、図書館で借りたのでした。

I usually know something about books on the newspaper(s). I read an article that told me about the event...kind of event, it invited the authors, then talked about the books with the readers, something like that. I realised that I wouldn't have read any books written in Korean. I borrowed one book at the library.
I'm not sure if the book is translated into English. The Author is 황정은(Hwang Jungeun/Hwang is family name) , she is Korean.(Yaban means... can be said, savage. San means Ms.)
During reading, I felt "pain". It's painful. But I understand that I(we) should know this kind of "pain". The pain in the story, when it is finished, the pain also will be finished. (Something like...kind of pain, would be remained in my/our mind) In our lives, if all the pains had the endings, it would be good......

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - カメカメ ムシムシ ハー ギタイ stink bug good at copying

2018年08月21日 | 日記

Two of stink bugs
Tried to copy the pattern of
The balloon vine

何だっけこの植物? 風船何とか…と名前を考えながらジロジロ見ていたら、なにか動いている…ちょろちょろしている…? おっ(ちょいぎょっ)カメムシ(?)だ? よく見たらおやおや、羽根(背中?)の模様が、一部が枯れたフウセンカズラの葉にそっくり、ですね? これを擬態と言う。んでしょうか。初めて見ました。という気がしています。小さい中にも、未知なるものが満ちていますね。

I was considering what name this plant was, it would be...balloon something....? I was staring at the plant, found two stink bugs(aren't they?) on the leaves(I was a bit surprised with them though). About their wings(backs) really looked like the leaves that had dried-up on their some parts. It calls it mimicry? I'm not sure. I think...I've never seen this kind of the bug before. Even in a small world, there are full of you've-never-seen.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋177 lost glove177

2018年08月20日 | 日記

Go shopping
During focus intently on
Dropped a pair of summer glove


I found it at a shopping centre. Someone kindly picked it up, when they found it on the floor. When did/will the owner of it notice the fact that they dropped/lose their gloves...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : 君は百合? Are you lily?

2018年08月19日 | 日記

There is a lily
It has four buds
In the summer's evening

ユリ、ですよね。結構ユリって、雑草魂、あります? 山里にある林や森のキワとかでなく、こういう民家の、コンクリ壁のスキマで出会ったのは多分…初めてだと思います。

It's lily, isn't it? I wouldn't have expected there was a lily that is living in the gap between the concrete wall and the road, lily might be seen at around the edges of wood or forest, usually. I've never seen this kind of lily that is living in a gap.
A few week ago, I saw one lily standing next to the hydrangea in the residential area. Those lilies, where did they come from? How did they get in here? I was wondering if the lily next to the hydrangea, someone might have planted.
Anyway, wherever they came here, we can enjoy myself to see their flowers. That's good!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 君は緑のイガグリ You're chestnuts in green burrs

2018年08月18日 | 日記

After Hot summer
Autumn is coming

追記です: イガグリ、漢字で書くと「毬栗」なんですね。知らなかったし読めません。何という不勉強…。

It's been a bit under temperatures than the previous days. I took a walk a bit when I was on my way home, I found some chestnut trees that had many green burrs. They were in fresh light/green. Id like to have some. I love them.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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日乗 diary - 「スタバ」 当たりレシート(カスタマーボイスクーポン) got a freed coffee by a customer voice coupon

2018年08月17日 | 日記

It's rare
Got a freed coffee
By a lucky receipt
(customer voice coupon)

「あ! お客様、アンケートレシートが出ましたよ!!」
「お客様、滅多にでないんですよ、これ! アンケートに答えると、無料で一杯飲めるんです!」
「かなりレアです! 0.1%くらいの確率です!!!」

I'm not sure if it only happens in Japan. I got a freed coffee(drink) by a customer voice coupon. You could get it when you receive a your receipt after buying a coffee(drink) in a Starbucks. I've never known this information, never. No one who around me told me, I've never got this information. (Why...?)
Anyway, I was lucky enough. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful lucky moment! Kiitos!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : まるっとカタバミ a round oxalis

2018年08月16日 | 日記

A group of round oxalis
Are on the ground
They've got hot summer


From the standing a position, they are seen by that.

I think they are oxalis. I think that they are good at being "round" them-self. Whenever I find them, I aught at. "It is a perfect round". I'm grinning to them at around my foot. It looks...like something a dangerous person(?). Pay attentions to my behaviours. It would be better that I could try to tell someone, I'm a blogger.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「霊界日記」エマヌエル・スウェーデンボルグ(高橋和夫訳) The spiritual diary:Emanuel Swedenborg

2018年08月15日 | 日記

The spiritual diary
Was written by
Emanuel Swedenborg

この本を知ったのは、朝日新聞の記事でした。池袋のジュンク堂本店に、「柄谷行人書店」が開店中、とのことで、その本棚に並ぶ本の中にこの「霊界日記」を見つけ…「霊界? 日記?」ピリチュアルな物事に関心があるので、ピントが合ってしまい、早速図書館で借りて来ました。

How did I know this book? It was introduced by an article on Asahi Shinbun(shinbun means newpaper). Emanuel Swedenborg, He was Swedish, about 330year ago, he was born. One of Japanese famous
philosophers, Kojin Karatani who recommends this book to read. I did it. I thought that this book would have been like...Hollywood type(?), but it's not. Something information about another world, I think that they would come from the book. This summer, is really HOT, isn't it? We can read the book in a cool place...enjoy.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : クーラーの水で water come from the air conditioner

2018年08月14日 | 日記

We are living with
The water come out of
The humidity in the room


You could find a thin pipe at the left hand side, water that comes through from it. It is humidity in the room that is put out by the air conditioner. I thought that the water, it was produced by air conditioner, whey it needed to be cool down with water. It's now cleared, I understand what it was. Thank you for Sukima-soh(plant that live in narrow spaces)

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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