ホンヨミ Book-loving 「野蛮なアリスさん」ファン・ジョンウン (斎藤真理子訳) 「Yaban na Alice san」

2018年08月22日 | 日記

It's the first book
For me
To read a Korean novel

ほとんど新聞から、本など書籍の情報をゲットしています。こちらは確か、作家に来てもらっての、何かイベントとかの記事でだったような気がします。それに触れて、そう言えば韓国の本とかって読んだことないかも? と思い、図書館で借りたのでした。

I usually know something about books on the newspaper(s). I read an article that told me about the event...kind of event, it invited the authors, then talked about the books with the readers, something like that. I realised that I wouldn't have read any books written in Korean. I borrowed one book at the library.
I'm not sure if the book is translated into English. The Author is 황정은(Hwang Jungeun/Hwang is family name) , she is Korean.(Yaban means... can be said, savage. San means Ms.)
During reading, I felt "pain". It's painful. But I understand that I(we) should know this kind of "pain". The pain in the story, when it is finished, the pain also will be finished. (Something like...kind of pain, would be remained in my/our mind) In our lives, if all the pains had the endings, it would be good......

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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