オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower flowers

2014年08月21日 | 日記
目が合って 朝の

There are many flowers
My eyes meet theirs, in the morning
I'm going to work

I have seen the yellow flower in the photo (I'm not sure its name) every morning since last week. Its flowering time seems a long time, or would be another flower? Anyway, Whenever I see the flower I say "Good morning" to it. When I meet a single flower like that, I always feel that my eyes meet it. Is it just my imagination? Well, even if it wouldn't be, if I think so, would it be OK?
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki

2014年08月20日 | 日記

He woke up in the morning
Give me some food he said
Then, when he couldn't get anything
He sulked in bed

As soon as he gets up, he wants to eat some foods sometimes, he shows his appeal as following me anywhere. OK, is he so starving ? In the morning before work, you know, we've got a busy time, but I feed him a tinned food, get it on the dish. He, sometimes doesn't eat it right away, eats it in half, or, eats all spending a long time. It depends on his feeling, I can't be sure, and this morning, I felt my body was heavy, pained on my back, I had no time to feed him. I thought, my mum would give you foods later. I would leave him, then he was sleeping at the edge of Futon. It looked he sulked in bed. Might have been not. It would just have reflected my idea.
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蝉 cicada

2014年08月19日 | 日記

In the summer morning
I'm getting out of house
There are many cicadas singing

Well, the summer sunlight is making deep colour shade, I'm afraid of going out but I have to go to work, so I'm stepping out with my bravery. Many cicadas's songs are showering on my head, most of them are Hyalessa maculaticollis, Meimuna opalifera are not many. The other day, the main cicada was Meimuna opalifera. Why is it different the main cicada each day ?
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映画三昧 Film-loving - 「アンドリュー」bicentennial man

2014年08月18日 | 日記

The Robot, Andrew,
Has become human
Spending 200 years

朝の雑談から始まりました。LINE news でロビン・ウィリアムス氏死去の報に驚いていると、そばを通り掛かった他部署のM子さんも一緒に驚き、ワタシモスキナヤクシャサンダ、カレガデテイルDVDモッテル、ミルカ? と聞いてくれて、全く知らない映画だったので、お借りすることにしました。どんな内容かと訊くと、ロボットが"ニンゲン"になって、ニンゲンと愛し合う話だとのこと。"ニンゲン"になる、なった、というのは微妙なところだとは思います。が、同じニンゲン同士でも話が通じないことがあることを思えば、分かり合えるか合えないか、という観点からすれば、分かり合えるという点ではもはやアンドリューは"ニンゲン"だと言えるカモ。ましてやロビン・ウィリアムスですからね、あんな風に微笑まれちゃったら。分かった気になってしまうだよ。
ニチヨウビはオサンポも行かずに映画怒涛の三本立て。「ガメラ 大怪獣空中決戦」(1995) 、「ゴジラ」(1954) ときて、「アンドリュー」(1999)。最後はしみじみ。合掌。
It started from a small conversation with one of my colleagues about the news, Robin Williams has passed away... When I was surprised it. She told me that he was one of her favourite actors, she's got a DVD of "bicentennial
man", lent me. The story was about a Robot named Andrew, acted by Robin Williams, has become human then love each other with a beautiful woman. Did he really become "human"? It would be sensitive. But, Andrew understands the woman, the woman understands Andrew. That would be true. Even our same humans, sometime, always?, don't understand each other. Robot Andrew, is Robin, his smile, made us understand fully.
I watched three films yesterday, "Gamera: Guardian of the Universe"(1995), "Godzilla"(1954), then "bicentennial man"(1999). The last was touched. My deepest sympathy.
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オサンポ take a walk - 雨上がり fine weather after the heavy rain

2014年08月17日 | 日記

Fine weather after heavy rain
There is a cool wind
Blowing in the wind path

I cannot go outside during day in summer because it is too hot and bright for me. So I take a walk in the evening, when the sun goes down. I took those photos last evening. We had a fine weather after the heavy rain, when I went outside, there was a cool wind. I looked up at East in the sky, there were pink stripes by sunset glow, but my iPhone camera couldn't catch them. On the other side, I looked up at West, there was still daylight, a few of bats were flying, they made their own silhouette in the sky. I tried to take photos of them, but it couldn't. I've no idea where they fly from, but I see them many times, especially evening. I don't see them in the morning, day, night, only evening before set. I think that we could see them only "evening before set". Sometime each "time" can give us special things.
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日乗 diary - 創作活動とUFO a Creative activity & UFO

2014年08月16日 | 日記

I found a UFO family
At night
When I had a creative activity

何も予定の無い仕事帰りの金曜日(大抵ヨージナイですが)は、創作時間と決めています。自分のフィーリングに合う場所を求めてコッチをウロチョロアッチをウロチョロしてたりもするんですが、その時に見つけたのが、このUFOの一群。え、UFO? ホホ。種明かしをすれば、何のことはナイ、タクシープールに止まっているタクシーのテールランプです。へーなんか面白~い、UFOみたいに見えて面白~い。とかって、小さくても何か発見したり、感動したり感じたりすることも、大事かなあと思っとりますぅ。
When I have no plan on Friday night after work, I have time for a creative activity. I walk around on some places, where my feelings match with. One day, I found a UFO family! Really? Oh, no, it isn't. It was just tail lamps of taxies at the taxi pool. But it was interesting, wasn't it? I think that it would be important to my creative activity, try to find funny/interesting things then feel something, be thrilled about something.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat

2014年08月15日 | 日記

It would be full of cats
Is it so?
Everyday, in my life

昨日出会った黒茶サバ柄猫君でしょーか? と思われる黒茶君が、塀の上にシュッと左手から降りてきたところに、ちょうど出くわしました。そしてお互いに目が合うと、彼は何にゃ何にゃと、警戒心バリバリで、短い尻尾をクルクルピコピコ、辺りの不穏な電波をチェックするかのよーに、激しく動かしていました。そ、そんなに? と少し動揺しつつ、黒茶君がどうするかを見ていると、塀の向こう側にピョンと降りたので、追いかけていくとそこにいて、また何にゃ何にゃと、警戒視線。しゃ、写真ダケ撮らせて~とお願いしているうちに、うにゃっと去って行きました。次また逢えるかしらん?
I think I saw him yesterday, his pattern was black brown stripe. He came down on the wall from the left, then we're maintaining eye contact, but he was showing wariness, as his tail, moving fast, jigging right and left side. Did he need it to do so for me? I was looking at him, he dropped down over there, I followed him, he was there, he was still looking at me with his wariness. I asked him, I would like to take your photo... Then, he left. Could I see you again?
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat

2014年08月14日 | 日記

The cats that I know
Are getting to increase
It is fun

8月8日(金曜日)にブログにアップした、儚い出逢いと思っていた猫タチにまた逢えました。けど、やはり遠い、ですね。奥にある縦長の白い室外機みたいなものの上に載っている猫は8日と同じ猫に見えますが、手前にいる茶黒のサバ柄猫は、この間の猫とは違うように見えます。ってことはこのエリアに三匹いるのかしらん? 猫の写真を撮るために立っている道の方をこのまま進んで突き当たりを左に曲がると、その先に猫ごはんを提供している家があります。そこの家の猫タチなんですかね。ごはん食べているシーンは数回しか見たことがなく、今思うとこの茶黒のサバ柄猫だったよーな。その時も近くに寄ろうとすると警戒心バリバリの目でこちらを凝視するので、ごめんごめんと距離は縮めずにいました。ごはんくれるヒト以外にはココロ許さず、でいいと思うにゃ。
I think that they are the same cat with my blog updated on 8th August. It was a brief encounter with the cats, so it is again. The cat on the white rectangle box, he/she was the same, but here is the black-brown stripe cat, I think it would be the first time to see. So, are there three cats in this area? When I walk on the road which I take photos of the cats, there is a T-junction, turn left, there is a house, where cat foods provide. I think that I saw the stripe cat before sometime, he/she was also showing wariness to me like today. I accepted it, I didn't get close to the cat. I think it is a great decision for keeping that cat' safe, they can only trust the feeder.
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オサンポ take a walk - Object Grapefruit

2014年08月13日 | 日記


Someone left the fruit
Or was dropped down
It is here another day today

駅から会社までの道の途中にある、とある曲がり角の植え込みに、甘夏のよーなグレープフルーツのよーなフルーツが一つ鎮座していました。どこぞの木になっていたものなのか、買い物帰りに道に落として、それを誰かが拾ってそこへ置いておいた、というものなのか。このフルーツ、元々は自然と言いますか、屋外にある木になっていて、というところのものなのに、同じ屋外でも、見慣れない場所にそれがあると違和感を覚えてしまうぞということに、はたと気付きました。例えばこれが、家の中のソファの上にあったとして、その方が、不思議とは思わない気がします。なんでっしゃろ? これこれはこーいうトコロにあるもんだ、と頭が覚えているとか決め込んでいて、その定義または常識からはみ出ると違和感が生じてしまう、ということなのでしょーか? こーいう感覚って、ゲージュツに必要な感じですかね?
I found the fruit in the flowerbed on the corner, when I was on my way to work. I had a strange feeling, why the fruit was there? How came or someone dropped after shopping? You know the fruit, it was on the tree outside, so it was still outside, it was the same but I felt strange. It would be the flowerbed, it was not usual. Even the fruit was on the sofa, it wouldn't be strange. My brain would fix the way of thinking, it world not allow me to think about something by an another way. Dose Artist need that kind of ideas?

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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蝉 cicada

2014年08月12日 | 日記
鳴き声 浴びて

Many Meimuna opalifera (a kind of cicadas) are singing on my head
I'm going to work

今朝のこと。いつもバス停に行くために小さな公園の脇を通ります。今日はその公園の木立から、ツクツクボーシの声がたくさん降ってきました。出てきたぞ、ツクツクボーシ。ウィキペディアを見てみると、「晩夏から初秋にかけて」とあり、毎年の自分の感覚と一致します。八月の半ば頃からだよな~鳴き声を聴くよーになるのがと思ってて。しかし「晩夏」ですか。そんな気全然しませんが。ところで蝉タチは季節の流れをどうやって掴んでいるんでしょーか。暑さの長さで測るんですかね? 「暑くなり始めてから1ヶ月くらい経つんじゃね?」「そろそろじゃね?」「あんま遅くても涼しくなり過ぎてまずくね?」雨の気配も感知しているよーだし。でも考えてみれば、天候気候の変化は自分の生命に直結するものだし、その感覚機能が発達するのは当然のことですカイ。
I've got Many Meimuna opalifera's songs like taking shower this morning, when I was walking on toward the bus stop for going to work. Meimuna opalifera, it's a kind of cicada, they come out of the ground around from last summer to early autumn, some book said, it's the match of my notice. But is it already "last summer"? I don't think so, as it's still extreme hot in the world. Well, I've no idea how they know the climate and weather change. I think they know about rain, it's going to rain, they can get the information before raining like weather forecast. Think it deeply, I think that the climate and weather change is connected to their life directory. So they need that kind of ability. ---Necessity is the mother of invention.
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