オサンポ walk - ムクドリ・オン・もみの木 grey starlings on a fir tree

2017年07月31日 | 日記

In the summer morning
Many grey starling stay at
The fir tree

ムクドリももみの木も、多分ソージャナイカ? です。すみません。写真には写らなかったですが、もみの木の先端辺りで出たり入ったり、ムクドリのような小鳥たちが鳴きながら飛び交っていました。何してたんでしょう?

I'm not sure if they would be grey starling and fir tree. It's difficult for me to identify them. There are no grey starling in the photo, but they were flying and singing, came in and out of, at around the top of tree. What were they doing?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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