オサンポ walk - 七月西日 the evening sun in June

2017年07月21日 | 日記

There is an evening sun
Many cicadas but not singing
There is alone on the road

実際は何とかって名前のセミがずっとジェイジェイ…(なんて表記すれば!?) 鳴いているんですが、目立つミンミンやツクツクボウシはいないと言うことです。一瞬だけ静寂を感じたように思った…んです。この樹を見たとき。ハテ?

Actually, there were many some cicadas that were singing. (It's difficult to write their songs down...) singing there, but there were not Oncotympana maculaticollis nor Meimuna opalifera. I felt a silence only for a moment. When I saw this tree. Why...?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.

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