オサンポ walk - 蝉セミ : 幼虫 a baby cicada

2017年07月24日 | 日記
這い出てくる 蝉

A baby cicada
Coming out of the land
In midsummer's night

街灯に照らされて、二つの目ん玉が光っているように見えますね? なにかのアニメキャラに似てたりしますか?? 実はこのセミ、歩道に出ちゃっていたのでむんずと掴み、すぐそばの木の枝に載せたんです。よーく見たらダメだと思うのですが、夜陰に乗じてなら平気さ…。

He(she?) has got two eyes that received the street lamps then shining? It's similar to some cartoon characters?? Well, he was walking on the footpath (I was worried if someone stepped over), I grabbed him then put on the branch near here. Honestly, I wouldn't be good at doing that, if I directly looked at him, but if it's night, I would be ok...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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