An exuvia of cicada
On the telephone pole
With the claws
ニンゲンの目だと電信柱の肌? 表面はなんの突起もないつるっとした印象を持ちますが、セミにとっては「ある」んですね〜。この「なんの引っ掛かりもなく」見えるところに、この「爪」の先をチョンっと引っ掛けて(ホントにどうやって??) 、羽化をしている数時間、羽根が乾く間カラダを支え、役目が終わってもまだ引っ掛かっている、この「爪」が、すごいですか。きっと、この「爪」がとても重要で、命に関わってくるから(羽化中に落ちちゃったらやっぱダメなんでしょうか) なのでそれだけ機能的に出来ている、ということなんでしょうか。ね。いやー感心感心しきりしきりです。
The above photo is not clear but the under photo, you might know about its claw.
For our eyes, it's difficult to find any something like nub? on surface of telephone pole. But for cicadas, even tiny something, there is. I'm impressed about their claws, they can catch them, and also supporting their bodies during emergence. I noticed that, how important their claws are. If they drop down from the tree during the time, they would be bead? Yes, it's very important and strong. The claws have been still supporting after finishing emergence. Their claws are very functional! Wonderful!
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
An exuvia of cicada
On the telephone pole
With the claws
ニンゲンの目だと電信柱の肌? 表面はなんの突起もないつるっとした印象を持ちますが、セミにとっては「ある」んですね〜。この「なんの引っ掛かりもなく」見えるところに、この「爪」の先をチョンっと引っ掛けて(ホントにどうやって??) 、羽化をしている数時間、羽根が乾く間カラダを支え、役目が終わってもまだ引っ掛かっている、この「爪」が、すごいですか。きっと、この「爪」がとても重要で、命に関わってくるから(羽化中に落ちちゃったらやっぱダメなんでしょうか) なのでそれだけ機能的に出来ている、ということなんでしょうか。ね。いやー感心感心しきりしきりです。
The above photo is not clear but the under photo, you might know about its claw.
For our eyes, it's difficult to find any something like nub? on surface of telephone pole. But for cicadas, even tiny something, there is. I'm impressed about their claws, they can catch them, and also supporting their bodies during emergence. I noticed that, how important their claws are. If they drop down from the tree during the time, they would be bead? Yes, it's very important and strong. The claws have been still supporting after finishing emergence. Their claws are very functional! Wonderful!
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.