

ecotourims in the future

2006年12月22日 05時41分06秒 | Weblog
In the ecotourism industry, development could isolate further developing. The development for “Tourism” means more visitors and attractions and activities. However a balance between humans and nature is the most important factor for “Ecotourism”. The more people that visit there, the more impact there is on the environment, so ecotourism is not sustainable with ordinal development of tourism industries. If we define “development” just as an increase of money follow. Ecotourism need to earn more benefit from limited number of visitors, to keep fewer impacts on the environment. That means you should focus on improving quality of service for each eco-tourist, and increase the fee.

If the number of tourists or business keeps increasing, The Department of Conservation will start stricter regulations to disturb it. However, their objectives are to protect the environment and to stop immoderate exploitation, not to interrupt ecotourism. So, you should keep contacting with DOC, and follow their new requests to protect nature and hold your concession. It is difficult to catch up with new regulations after those have started, but it is easy to pass barriers one by one. Then you will need to have fewer competitors.

Interests in environment and ecotourism have been increasing in advanced countries, after their industrialization. No one knows if they would keep their interests there or not. On the other hand, the majority of countries in the world are developing nations, which have not experienced industrialization yet. We say there is also a huge potential market of the ecotourism.

