

technology and economical development 1

2006年12月22日 05時52分13秒 | Weblog
Developed countries tend to have more advanced technologies. However, nothing is sure in the future, so a developing country might discover an innovative idea and take over advanced countries. In the case of industrialized revolution, it happened in Great Britain, which was a backward country, and it took the United Kingdom to the most advanced country. People look at the negative feedback of poverty and low development rate, but economic developments do not have any relation with innovation, especially when they focus on development of educational systems and they have someone who can lead further investments. If a developing country has a passionate strategy of development, they will develop into an advanced country.

First of all, the development of economies does not have any relation with the development of technology. That is because people can concentrate funds on a strategic item to develop a technology by taking their best opportunities. For example North Korea, which is one of the least developed countries, they have advanced missile technologies compared with Sierra Leone, which has similar size of GDP, or Saudi Arabia, which has much bigger size of GDP. That is because the government focuses on investment for the development of military power. When people enjoy welfare by the government in Saudi Arabia, which has huge oil revenue, North Korean people are facing a lack of food. Otherwise while Sierra Leone people sell their rich natural resource such as diamond or gold to raise money for civil war particularly to buy guns and bullets, North Korean concentrate all revenue on development of the military technology. So, the richness of economic or natural resources does not have any relationship with innovations. It depends on the strategy of a developing country. Developing countries are still able to compete with advanced countries by taking the best in opportunities.

While, developing countries cannot compete in the sum of wealth against developed countries, developing countries are able to concentrate funds on a strategic technology, and compete on it against developed countries. In North Korea, they just focused on the development of the military industry and concentrated all the funds for that, and have developed the technology that only few countries have. Thus, it is a developing country and many people are facing a shortage of food, yet the government could create the competitive technology.

Educational systems are the most important aspect to develop in technology and industry, and create competitiveness. That is because temporal technological advantages do not support advanced countries to keep their technological strength.

At least every human takes almost the same amount of years to grow up, be educated, and organize a society. So, the length of history cannot involve in the quality of society. For instance, Japan had terrible bubble economy and its burst, so people might think that Japanese students know about a bubble economy well and have less risk of more economic failures. On the other hand, the experience has become a history already, so new generations have to study at to know. People who study ‘Japan’ in other countries would learn it better. The quality of knowledge depends on the quality of textbooks and classes that they would take, and a quality of society or economic competitiveness depends on those education systems that people have gone through and going to teach to the next generation. That is why developing countries are able to catch up upward countries easily with improving their educational system.

Especially, imitating educational systems costs governments less than the innovation of technological development does, and preparing infrastructures for knowledge workers also require less costs than which for other industries, such as dams, irrigation or factories.

Already, developing countries have advantages in that they can copy a technology, which developed countries have innovated, with less effort. Although developed countries first constructed telephone lines, then towers for mobile phones, then moved on to the Internet lines and towers for the Internet waves, developing countries only need to construct towers for the Internet waves. They can skip the route of an ordinal development.

However, they have more advantages when they can copy knowledge works, more than copying an advanced method of first or second industry. In particular, international finance and computer programming are based on intelligence of workers and information technologies that cost less than preparing infrastructures such as ports, airports or means of transport. These kinds of jobs also do not require any geological advantages such as being close to a market or natural resource that are important for other industries. Moreover, knowledge works are more productive and tend to earn more profit per capita.

People say that if a country has serious problem of poverty, they might not have the possibility of preparing funds for improving their educational system and technology. However, in North Korea, they are focusing on educational systems, even though many people are suffering from famine and they keep the advantage of war technology and a high ability of negotiation in international society.

In another method, they are able to borrow money from international investors. Uniquely, developing countries, which are willing to expand their export for development, can expect their local currencies to get stronger with increase of exporting. In this case, international investors expect high return on currency trading but do not mind low interest rate on national security. That means developing countries have to worry about rewards for investors less and do not have to take the risk of fluctuant currency exchanging.

A developing country, which is moving toward expanding their exports, can publish bills in a local currency, and they have less difficulty of gathering funds and paying back.

