

super power?

2008年04月27日 11時43分37秒 | Weblog
China has the veto power at the Security Council in UN, so it is already a kind of powerful country in the world. Since it had many domestic problems, China had not been playing a visible role as the permanent member. Recently, along with its economic development, China will start playing a responsible role in global society as one of influential actors, such as EU, US and Japan. With economic development of other part of the world, US will reduce its super power over other states, but none of EU, Japan or China will be 'the next super power'. The Super Power refers to considerable strong influences and dominances over other countries. China is unable to catch up and takeover the US's party, in military, economic and social aspects, China will not be the super power.
First of all, China cannot compete against US in military hard power parts. For example, the US alone has enough numbers of nuclear weapons to eliminate human beings from the earth, but China is not going to have this kind of military dominance over other countries. At least, EU and US will not allow China to build this kind of super power. Historically, US have technological advantages of armament, so China must invest more in development of technologies. However, Chinese military budget is about only $50 billion compared to US military budget of about $400 billion per year. China is unable to reduce its technological gap to US troops. Statistically, China has twice as many soldiers as US army for a less budget. While US is providing advanced trainings for each soldiers, China is able to provide very minimum trainings. Chinese army cannot compete against US troops.
In particular, as the super power, US can deploys navy submarine troops around the Taiwan Strain in Chinese front sea, but China will not be able to deploy its navy in the Gulf of Mexican in the US background in near future.
In economic term, Chinese GDP growth is remarkable, but its GDP of about $2.5 trillion is still a fifth of US's GDP of about $13 trillion. 10% growth of Chinese GDP is only $250 billion, on the other hand, 2% growth for US means $260 billion. As long as US keep its economic growth even in a small scale, China cannot reduce the difference. Moreover, because of its huge population, China cannot distribute its wealth for international affairs, even if its whole economic size comes over US economy. China has four times more people than US does, they would spend four times more funds to sustain education systems, social welfares and so on. As a developing nation, its people do not require social securities, but they will start demanding it, once China is recognised as a developed nation. It costs a lot for China to behave as the super power as well as satisfying its domestic people.
Also, Chinese economy is depending on international trading more comparing to US. For example, a half of Chinese GDP is export related, and Chinese domestic market is not big enough to consume those products. Then, US self-sufficiency ratio in agriculture is about 200%. That means they have enough food to survive without trading. On the other hand, Chinese agricultural self-sufficiency ratio is about 100%, and it is declining year by year, as their Asian tastes are changing to Western tastes. Chian cannot act as a dominant power because they depend on trades too much. They cannot even survive not only economically but also physically without sustaining positive relations with its trade partners.
Furthermore, US are birthplaces of the world famous Disney-Land, Coca-Cola, MacDonald, pop-music and so on. Those create US cultural influences over other countries. However, I can find many jeans 'made in China' but I do not see jeans 'designed as a Chinese brand' in the world. Also, both jeans and Mao-jacket were for unskilled labours, but only jeans has become popular fashion and the Mao-jacket is disappearing. China will not be a cultural super power in near future.

