cheeze_art's blog

The life as the diehard

The old friend who lives in Bavaria

2007-04-27 11:53:33 | 幼馴染み(To my huckleberry friend)

It saw an e-mail from you last night.

Is Bayern in the highest foot of mountain "Zugspitzregion " in Germany and will it be situated on the uplands generally?
Then, the beer understands Munchen nearby to me only with the notedness.
Does do it do the will of be the influence of the global warming as expected of saying that it exceeds a time of now, 30 °C of outside temperature in such an area?

When examining in the Internet, there was a person of Bavaria ( Bayern ), saying the peculiar " people ".
" The equator of the white sausage " (Weiswurst-Aquator) South seems to become the feeling which crossed a border when going to Bavaria though it is Germany which is the same with " the white sausage cultural sphere " which northern Germany doesn't know there being

In Japan, north and south, is the manner and custom habitude dialect different and will it be the one as the loss which has such an illusion?

The Northern hemisphere reaches a summer time now.
By the way, it undergoes influence by the global warming and our daily life will be to change how now?

It is thank you to all of your family.
Sincerely yours

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